



  • [PR]


  • Gotham S4EP12 Pieces of a Broken Mirror

    Man:Hey, Tiffany.
    Who's the stiff at the counter?
    Tiffany:New customer.
    Nice guy, polite.
    Leave him alone, okay?
    Man:Hey, new guy.
    Do I know you?
    Alfred:No, mate.
    Most definitely not.
    Man:Not from around here, huh?
    Alfred:And what gave you that idea?
    Here you are, miss.
    Thank you very much.
    Keep the change.
    Man:That stiff's shoes are worth more than my car.



    Little lord fuddy-duddy.
    Alfred:It's Fauntleroy.
    Alfred:Little Lord Fauntleroy by Frances Hodgson Burnett.
    A tad saccharin for my tastes but...
    Man:Shut up.
    Wallet, watch, jewelry.
    Alfred:Absolutely not.
    I mean, you're a big man, but you're out of shape.
    And what?
    You're three beers in already?
    Jim:That's enough!
    Get out of here.
    Not who I was expecting to see here.
    Jim:Is Bruce with you?
    Jim:What are you doing here?
    it's not too bad down here, really.
    I mean, you can rent a lovely space, for what?
    Next to nothing, if you root around and you're patient.
    Jim:You live here?
    It's a long story.

    セリーナの"king of snotty England"に続き面白い形容"Little lord fuddy-duddy"



    Jim:There's your mom.
    Go ahead.
    Jim:That's the last one.
    Building's clear.
    Firefighter:Thank you.
    Alfred:Oxygen, please.
    Officer:Over here, over here.
    Jim:Listen up.
    We need to set up a perimeter.
    Then start interviewing witnesses.
    Let's go.
    Alfred:Well, they seem on it.
    Appears like you've turned around the GCPD, Captain Gordon.
    Quite a mess.
    Thought you might need help.
    Jim:Thank you.
    We need to find the source of the blast.
    Alfred, I do want to talk to you, but I have to deal with this first.
    Alfred:Well, you have my number.
    Call me.
    Jim:All right.
    Let's go.



    Man:There he is.
    Tiffany:That was so brave, sir.
    Alfred:It's Alfred, please.
    Tiffany:It's the good stuff.
    Our manager hides it in his drawer.
    Alfred:Thank you.
    Tiffany:On the house.
    Man:What you did out there...
    ...running into a burning building...
    well, I wouldn't have done it.
    Alfred:No hard feelings, eh?
    Alfred:Good man.
    What happened there?
    Tiffany:Uh, I fell.
    No big deal.



    Tiffany:You're funny, Alfred.
    I honestly haven't laughed this much in a very long time.
    Alfred:I'm glad I'm able to amuse you, Miss Gale.
    Tiffany:Your accent...
    I love it.
    Where are you from?
    Alfred:A charming place called Whitechapel in the East End of London.
    Tiffany:Go back often?
    Sadly, no.
    Tiffany:Well, perhaps you should.
    Why did you leave?
    Alfred:Well, I was in the millitary.
    I was very proud to serve my country.
    Not so proud of some of the things we have to do, though.
    And when I left, I found myself, um...
    You know, it was a tough transition.
    Then I met this man.
    He changed my life...
    brought me to America, gave me a job.
    Tiffany:And where is that man now?
    Alfred:He's dead.
    And I miss him.
    I miss him very much.
    Is that your boyfriend?
    Rooney:Hey, you didn't call me back.
    I was heading to the diner to pick you up.
    Tiffany:Uh, that wasn't necessary.
    Alfred was kind enough to walk me home.
    Rooney:Thank you, sir.
    I hate to think of Tiff alone on these streets after dark.
    Alfred:Drop the act, sunshine.
    I've seen her face!
    That was your idea, was it?
    Wear her hair down, cover the bruising?
    Rooney:Oh, my, what a little tattletale she's been.
    What am I to do with her?
    Tiffany:Stop it!
    Don't make things worse.
    I can handle it!
    Alfred:Listen to me.
    Listen to me.
    You stay away from him.
    He's dangerous.
    Let me walk you home.
    Tiffany:I'll be fine.
    Rooney:Oh, Tiffany, what did I tell you about talking to strange men?
    It's time to go.
    We have so much to discuss.
    Alfred:You be careful.



    Harper:Beaten to death.
    Local girl.
    Garbage collectors found her about an hour ago.
    She lived with her boyfriend, who was at work all night.
    He told us that him and Pennyworth got into it earlier.
    Says that he was trying to keep him separate from his girlfriend.
    Says that he made advances towards the victim.
    According to him, Pennyworth got rough.
    That doesn't sound like him.
    Harper:Come on.
    You and I both have seen Alfred lose his temper.
    There's more.
    This was found next to the body.
    It's an SAS signet ring.
    Impressions of it on the victim's face.
    Jim:My God.
    Give us a minute.
    Is this yours?
    Alfred:Yes, but I-I...
    Jim:You hit this girl?
    How can you even ask that?
    It was the boyfriend.
    I mean, he beat her before, now he's gone and bloody killed her.
    Jim:He says you were fighting with him.
    Alfred:Because he beat her!
    I swear, he's a liar.
    Jim:All right, calm down.
    You're in enough trouble as it is.
    The last thing you need to do is lose your temper.
    Who was this girl to you?
    Alfred:She was a friend.
    Just a friend.
    Jim:What, you just met her?
    Alfred:Well, I know you find this hard to believe, Gordon, but we connected.
    She was a beautiful, kind soul.
    Her murderer's name is Rooney, right?
    Gil Rooney.
    Jim:He has an alibi.
    Alfred:I swear to God, I am...
    I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch.
    Jim:Calm down.
    Take a breath.
    Go with Harper to the precinct, make a statement, and I'll find you later, yeah?
    Alfred:And you're gonna arrest Rooney as well, yeah?
    Jim:He will make a statement, yes.


    Rooney:You shouldn't be here, you're a wanted man.
    Better stay cool, Limey.
    I've got friends here.
    Alfred:That was for Tiffany.
    And that was for me.
    Rooney:Help me!
    This man killed my girlfriend.
    He's a maniac.
    Ah, you're making this too easy.
    I'll tell the cops this was self-defense.
    Bullock:Sorry it took me so long.
    I was in the john.



    Bullock:I liked you better when you were making tea.
    Alfred:Harvey, what the bloody hell are you doing here?
    Bullock:I work here.
    Don't say it like that, this place has history.
    I love bartending; it involves two of my favorite things, drinking and ignoring people.
    Who are these jokers?
    Alfred:He's a bloody murderer.
    Bullock:Then call a cop. I'm a bartender.
    He's the murderer.
    I have an alibi.
    Bullock:Oh, yeah?
    Let me guess. one of these guys is your alibi?
    What do you say now, pal?
    I'm not an alibi.
    Bullock:I'll call it in.



    Bullock:Of all the beer halls in the city, huh?
    Who was it that that jerk killed?
    Alfred:A lady.
    A very beautiful, kind, nice lady.
    Bullock:Then I drink to her.

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