



  • [PR]


  • Gotham S5EP12 The Beginning...

    Selina:So, this is Bruce's new Gotham.
    I like the old one.
    How wonderful to see you again.
    It's been far, far too long.
    Selina:Where is he?
    Alfred:Well, I'm afraid travels abroad haven't increased
    Master Bruce's respect for punctuality, Miss Kyle.
    Selina:I came here to tell him to stop spying on me.
    Alfred:I don't understand.
    Selina:I was out the other night and I felt someone watching me.
    I know it was Bruce.
    Alfred:Oh, I see, right, well, that makes perfect sense.
    So you come here tonight dressed to the nines to tell him that you want nothing more to do with him.
    Is that the kind of gist of it?
    Selina:He left, Alfred.
    Everything we went through, and one day he's just gone.
    He doesn't get to come back after ten years and act like nothing's happened.
    Alfred:On this, we absolutely agree.
    I do, however, feel it might be something that you want to tell him yourself.
    Selina:He needs to stay away.

    Fox:Alfred, when Bruce came to me the day he got back and told me what he was planning, I didn't hesitate.
    I believe in what he's doing, but he's going to need some help.
    Has he thought about telling Gordon?
    Alfred:Lucius, my old friend, whoever Bruce decides to take on this journey with him,
    it's his decision.
    Our role... is to serve.

    Alfred:Good evening, gentlemen.
    Master Bruce sends his profound apologies.
    He's otherwise engaged.
    Jim:He's been busy a lot since he came back.
    Alfred:Yes, indeed.
    And I hear that you're retiring.
    Jim:I may stick around a while yet.

    Alfred:Yet in the darkness, there will be light.
    That's what you promised Master Bruce all those years ago in the alley.
    You saved him.
    Gave him hope.

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  • Gotham S5EP11 They Did What?
    Alfred:Oh, there you are, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:Rest, Alfred.
    Alfred:All this time, I tried to protect you.
    There you are, a soldier.
    A soldier for good.
    Bruce:You've spent your life protecting me.
    Now it's time for me to do the same.
    It's time for me to protect Gotham.

    Even if there's nothing left to defend.

    Bruce:You know how to reach me if you need anything?
    Well, you know me, Master Bruce, I'll be very self-sufficient.
    Busy, actually. You know, we start the reconstruction of Wayne Enterprises and Wayne Manor tomorrow.
    You will remember everything I taught you, won't you?
    Bruce:Of course.
    Alfred:Good, that's... that's good.
    I never tried to replace your parents, you know?
    I couldn't, I never would.
    But I want you to know, Master Bruce, that you are the only son that I will ever have, and I could not be more proud.

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  • Gotham S5EP10 I Am Bane
    Selina:Found it.
    Alfred:Ah, well done, Miss Kyle.
    All right, let's have a look.
    Uh, here we are.
    Selina:Oh, so this guy's the architect who designed Wayne Manor?
    Alfred:Yes, right.
    With the reunification, a new Wayne Manor must follow.
    Selina:And it'll be just like the old one?
    Alfred:Oh, nothing is just like it was.
    Selina:So why are we looking at the old plans?
    Alfred:Perhaps I'm not ready to let go of the past.
    Selina:Well, if it makes you feel better, I wish I could blow up my past.
    Alfred:Well, maybe you will.
    One day, when you build something new, the past will always be part of it.
    As for me, now Master Bruce is grown, building a new manor might be my last great service to him.
    A home.
    Selina:And then what?
    You retire?
    I will stand guard, as I've always done.

    Alfred:What the bloody hell happened?
    Bullok:Seems that Jim's old army buddy wasn't quite as dead as we'd hoped.
    I got squads covering the north side.
    They're sweeping from Coventry down to Miller Harbor, but they could be anywhere.
    Alfred:Well, give us an area to search
    - and we'll get it covered.
    Bullock:- Uh...
    Take Reatton, work your way to South City Park.
    Selina:Looks like you're not done protecting Bruce yet, Alfred.

    Bruce:This is Bruce Wayne.
    Does anyone at the GCPD read me?
    This is Bruce Wayne. Can anyone read me?
    Alfred:Bruce, it's Alfred.
    Where the devil are you? Over.
    Bruce:Some abandoned mansion in North Side Park.
    Alfred:On my way.
    I'll get out myself.
    I need you to get to the clinic.
    Alfred:The clinic?
    Bruce:It's Ra's al Ghul's daughter, Alfred.
    She wants revenge. She mutated Eduardo Dorrance
    and sent him after Barbara.
    Selina:Oh, gosh.
    Bruce:I'll be fine.
    I need you to get to Barbara and the baby.

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  • Gotham S5EP9 The Trial of Jim Gordon
    Time to boogie.
    Hey! I'm only here for Gordon.
    So all of you stay down.
    'Cause I see anyone... and, you know... bang.
    Alfred:Oi, oi!
    Now, I heard you were looking for Jim Gordon.

    Alfred:Here you are, Miss Thompkins. Careful, it's... it'll be hot.
    Forgive me, but I... heard on the grapevine that you and Captain Gordon had a rather heated exchange this morning.
    Lee:Oh, God.
    Was it that bad?
    Alfred:Apparently, it was like a session of the Italian parliament.
    You have misgivings about the arrival of this child, don't you?
    Lee:What am I getting myself into, Alfred?
    How am I supposed to raise a child alongside a psychopath like Barbara Kean?
    I mean, how the hell is this gonna work?
    But... but that's not all of it.
    If Jim and I are gonna do this, then we have to do it together.
    You know how he is.
    I don't know what's going on inside that man's head sometimes.
    Alfred:I think you'll find that he needs you a lot more than he's letting on.
    Lee:Well, I need to hear it from him.
    Alfred:I never thought that this was how my life was going to be.
    I have no interest in being a father myself.
    I always presumed that I was unfit to be one.
    And then I found myself... one night staring down an alley at this little boy quite literally shaking with fear.
    I don't know, it's funny, isn't it, what life throws you?
    I'm keenly aware that I am not Master Bruce's flesh and blood.
    But it's the moments.
    The little things, like... like when he uses a skill that I once taught him, or we laugh at a joke that only he and I share.
    Those have been some of the most ecstatic moments of my life.
    Nothing can possibly prepare you for that joy.
    The hows and the whats... you'll figure that stuff out.
    What matters is this: you'll be an exquisite mother, and that child, he or she will be extraordinary...
    ...because of you.
    Lee:Thank you, Alfred.

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  • Gotham S5EP8 Nothing's Shocking

    Alfred:Can you please repeat your story for Mr. Wayne, madam?
    Woman:We live in the shelter on West End.
    There are so many of us crammed in there. Uh... so much uncertainty, fear.
    And with the river poisoned, it should've been awful, but... people came together, made it a home.
    Bruce:What happened?
    Woman:Couple of weeks ago, we...heard rumors about something underneath the building...
    ...where it connects to the sewer.
    Then people started going missing.
    Hank, my husband, wanted to look for them.
    Said we were a family.
    Alfred:So the two of you went searching for them.
    Woman:It was so dark.
    I didn't see what attacked us.
    I hit my head.
    And when I woke up, Hank was gone.
    Please, Mr. Wayne.
    We have a daughter.
    Bruce:We'll do everything we can.
    Should we tell Gordon?
    Alfred:He's stretched thin as it is.
    Bruce:Alfred, we don't know who or what is down there.
    Alfred:We know there's a man down there, in danger, and we know this lady sent for us.
    So go on, then. What do you think we should do?
    Bruce:Let's go find him.



    Alfred:These basements run along Gotham's sewers.
    The river is right next to it.
    Bruce:You mean the river filled with Jeremiah's toxins?
    Who knows what kind of damage these chemicals could do?
    Alfred:Yeah, you're right.
    Just don't you touch anything.
    Hold on.
    Bite marks.
    Alfred:Well, it's no human I've ever seen.
    Whatever it was...
    ...it dragged him that way.



    Alfred:What is that?

    We should head out.
    My battery's dying.
    Hank:Please. He's coming. He's coming.
    Bruce:Who's coming? What happened?

    Hank:He's going to kill me.
    I barely got away.
    Bruce:Are you Hank?

    Alfred:Your wife sent us.
    Is anyone else left alive down here?

    Hank:They're all dead.
    Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.
    Oh, God. Oh, God.
    Oh, God.
    Hank! Hold on, Hank!



    Alfred:Look at the size of it.
    Bruce:Living down here, the toxins in the river must have driven him mad.

    Get out of here! Now!
    Monster:I'm sorry!

    Alfred! Stop!
    Monster:Stop. Stop...



    Woman:Oh, Hank, thank God you're alive.
    Bruce:The nurse thinks the man that attacked us will never recover.
    The toxins in the river have done irreparable damage to his brain.
    Alfred:I just think it's a shame we couldn't save the rest of the people who went missing,

    Master Bruce.
    Bruce:We should've went to Gordon from the start.

    We were reckless.

    Alfred:Ah, that's nonsense.
    We took decisive action.

    We saved a man's life.
    The people in this city have suffered, Master Bruce.
    They need someone that will protect them.
    Bruce:I agree.
    But there are better ways to find absolution.
    Alfred:I, um, I don't follow.
    Bruce:What happened to Wayne Manor wasn't your fault.
    I know you've been blaming yourself.
    You didn't destroy our home, Alfred.
    Alfred:But I feel like I did.
    I feel like I wasn't strong enough
    to fight Tetch or that bastard Valeska.
    I feel like because of my weakness, you lost your last tie to the past.
    You lost your home, Master Bruce.
    I must never be that weak again.
    Bruce:Part of being a family is that we can be strong for each other.
    Alfred:And when did you get so smart?
    Bruce:I had a good teacher.

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  • Gotham S5EP7 Ace Chemicals

    Bruce:Who are you?
    Martha?:Well, look who decided to join us.
    Thomas?:Hello, champ.
    Alfred: Master Bruce!
    Bruce:Alfred, how did you...
    Alfred:Look at the state of you.
    What have I told you about rolling around in the muck?
    Bruce:Alfred, what's going on?
    Who are these people?
    Thomas?: Whatever do you mean, Bruce?
    Martha?:We're your parents.
    Alfred:Right. Well, let's get you spruced up.
    After all, we have a guest.
    Jeremia:Welcome home, Bruce.
    Bruce:Jeremiah. You're alive.
    Jeremia:Well, you didn't think Selina
    could kill me so easily, did you?
    I just had to put you off my scent
    until I could finalize my... project.
    Alfred:Manners, Master Bruce.
    Let's not be rude to our guest.
    Jeremia:Especially when I come bearing gifts.
    Alfred: Oh, Mr. Jeremiah. A cake.
    How exceedingly kind of you.
    Is it Italian meringue?
    Jeremia:Now, now, Bruce, you come any closer and I blow up Wayne Manor,

    with all of us inside of it.
    I have a dozen more of these, uh,
    Italian meringues sprinkled all throughout the house.
    Bruce:What did you do to Alfred?
    And who are these people?
    Jeremia:Ah, glad you asked. Mm, come.
    Come, come.
    Mommy and Daddy dearest were just an innocent couple I kidnapped based on...

    bone structure and, um... build.
    Just a touch of plastic surgery, and voilà...
    Alfred I nabbed in the Green Zone.
    Bruce:They're hypnotized.
    Jeremia:Well, I'm afraid there was no room for improv in our script.
    Today is a... very important day, Bruce.
    Just look at the way they're dressed.
    Bruce:It's the night my parents were killed.
    Jeremia:And I'm giving you the chance to experience it all over again.
    Jeremia:Isn't it obvious?
    Bruce... this...this was the most important day of your life.
    And I didn't get to be a part of it.
    We need to rectify that.
    Alfred. It's time for dinner.
    Chop-chop. We're on a very tight schedule.
    Alfred:Of course, Mr. Jeremiah.



    Jeremia:Alfred told me such great tidbits about your childhood.
    How you used to eat here, in the kitchen, when it was just you and the family.
    My, how... homey and intimate.
    Alfred:Grilled cheese and Branston pickle sandwich, Mr. Jeremiah.
    Master Bruce's favorite.
    My influence, though Thomas did add a dash of aioli for extra flair.
    Jeremia:Oh. Come on, Bruce.
    That's a weird favorite food for a -year-old.
    Bruce:I'm playing your game.
    Now let Alfred and these people go.
    They're innocent.
    Jeremia:I'm sorry, Bruce, it's just... it's very important to me that I get every detail exactly right.
    Speaking of which... the final touch.
    What was it like... losing your parents that night?
    I lost my family, too, Bruce.
    The wound still hasn't healed.
    I... think about it often.
    Bruce:None of this is real.
    You're trying to manipulate me.
    It will never be real.
    Jeremia:But you are thinking about that night.
    That's all I need.
    I just want to be connected to you.
    I offered for you to be my best friend!
    But I've realized if we... can't be friends...then we can be connected in other ways.
    Jeremia:You'll see.
    In time.
    I'm sorry to cut tonight short... but... your parents and I have a very important date...
    Jeremia:with destiny.

    Jeremia:You might want to find your faithful butler and leave.



    Bruce: Alfred! Alfred!
    Alfred. We need to get out of here.
    Alfred:Ah, Master Bruce. I was just taking a quiet moment
    to tidy up.

    Bruce:We need to go.
    The bombs.

    Alfred:What bombs?
    Bruce:These bombs.
    Alfred:No need for roughhousing, sir.
    Bruce:There has to be a way.
    Alfred, you'd do anything to protect me, right?
    Alfred:Absolutely, sir.

    Bruce:There's a gas leak. In the kitchen.
    It's only a matter of time before this whole place goes up.
    Alfred:A gas leak? Where are your parents?
    Where's our guest?

    Bruce:I've already warned them.
    I know a way out. Come on!
    Alfred:Oh, bloody hell.
    Bruce:Don't move.
    Do you, uh...?
    Alfred:Oh, yeah, I remember everything.
    Clear as day.
    And let me tell you, if ever I see that Jervis Tetch character again I'll stick that watch
    so far up his... his nose.
    How about you?
    You all right?
    Bruce:Yeah, I'm all right.
    But the manor...
    Alfred:Don't you worry about that now, son.
    Come on. Help me up.
    Bruce:Oh, your leg's hurt.
    Alfred:Yes, but it's not broken.
    Bruce:I thought I lost you.
    Never, Master Bruce.
    Go on.
    You know where he's gonna be at.



    Selina:When I found Jeremiah, he had a bunch of crazies digging this tunnel for him.
    Oswald:Well, that certainly fills me with confidence.
    Selina:Whoa. You hear that?


    What are you doing here?
    And with that?
    Oswald:I should ask you the same thing.
    What's down that tunnel?
    Alfred:Well, it was Wayne Manor till Jeremiah blew it up.
    He sealed the only way out of Gotham.
    Selina: No. J-Jeremiah is not alive.

    I-I saw him die right here.
    Alfred:Yeah, well, you're wrong.
    We all were.
    And now he's embarked on some madcap scheme

    where he's reenacting the night Bruce's parents were killed.
    Selina:Where's Bruce?
    Alfred: He's gone after Jeremiah.
    He could use your help.
    Selina:Don't you think that because
    I did not kill Jeremiah does not mean that I won't kill you.

    Selina:You killed my friend Tabitha.
    You deserve to die.

    Just put the Knife down.
    Bruce needs you.
    Oswald:I suppose I should thank you.
    Alfred:Or you could help me to the Green Zone.
    Oswald:Of course. It's that way.

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  • Gotham S5EP6 Stitches

    There you are.
    So, go on, then.
    How'd it go with Selina?
    Oh, dear.
    Well, I am sorry, Master Bruce, but perhaps it's for the best.
    Bruce:Maybe. That's not why I called you here. You see this?
    Alfred:Yeah, I know, right? Looks like Captain Gordon's finally

    getting the help this city so desperately needs.
    Bruce:Is he?
    What the people desperately need is food and medicine.
    Not just more guns.
    What is it?
    Alfred:No, it's just this unit.

    Their motto is "Born of Blood."
    Bruce:You know them?
    Alfred:Yeah, by reputation only.
    They're a horrible bunch of bastards.
    They specialize in millitary coups, assassinations.
    They're certainly not the vanguard for humanitarian relief.
    Bruce:Excuse me.
    When's the supply shipment gonna be here?
    Bruce:These people are desperate for food, clean water, medicine.
    Man:Oh, yeah. It's on its way.
    Bruce:Where's Captain Gordon?
    Man:We lost sight of Gordon.
    But don't worry. Eduardo's out there looking for him right now.
    Unless you know where we might find him?
    Bruce:Logically, he'd come here.
    Unless there's some reason he can't.
    Man:Tell you what, kiddo.
    I'm gonna find you and your friend a quiet place in the back

    where you can wait for Gordon.
    Alfred:Ah, don't you worry about it, mate.
    We'll just catch up with him later.
    Man:I insist.
    Bruce:We need to find Jim.



    Alfred:Can we speed things along, please, Mr. Fox?
    Fox:The exhaust fans have to wind down before they can change directions.
    If you throw the canisters in now, the gas will blow outside.
    Bruce, status?
    Bruce:One second.

    I'm here. The box is open.
    Fox:Two dark green wires right in front.
    Attach those to the transmitter. The message will send.
    Bruce:It's done.



    Jim:Alvarez, take Lee to my office.
    Be right there.
    Bullock:I got to be honest with you, man.
    I don't know how many more of these close calls this old heart can take.
    Bruce:We were able to transmit the audio logs,

    but until I hear back from my contacts, I won't know if they received them.
    Jim:Well, if they did, probably have a lot of questions.
    Bruce:We'll spend the night and help out.
    Alfred can go back to the apartment and grab what you can?
    Alfred:Certainly, Master Bruce.



    You're supposed to be dead, mate.
    Jeremia:Sorry to disappoint.
    Alfred:You hurt my boy... and I will bite your face off.
    Yeah. Yeah.
    Jeremia:Ah... Bruce will be along shortly.
    In the meantime...
    This place is in desperate need of some good, old-fashioned butlering.
    Alfred:How did you even find a way off the bloody island anyway?
    One if by land, two if by sea, three if by digging a tunnel under the river.
    But enough questions.
    Today is the big day.

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  • Gotham S5EP5 Hard Penalty

    Alfred:Oh, there you are, Master Bruce.
    There's been a break in the Haven bombing.
    Seems that Gordon and Bullock
    have got a rather strong lead, apparently.
    What's the matter with you?
    Bruce:I can't find Selina.
    I've looked all over the Green Zone.
    Alfred:Somehow, I think Miss Kyle is perfectly capable
    of looking after herself, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:Except that she's not herself.
    You saw what she did to Jeremiah.
    Alfred:Yes. I did.
    Listen, come here.
    Jeremiah Valeska deserved to die.
    Bruce:Jeremiah made Selina a murderer.
    Just like Ra's made me a murderer.
    Alfred:Ra's goaded you
    into stabbing him, Master Bruce.
    He used you as an instrument. You're no murderer.
    Bruce:But Selina is.
    Alfred:You're not the same.
    She did what she did with open eyes,
    and you got to learn to respect that, son.
    Bruce:You're wrong about her, Alfred.
    And I'm gonna go find her.

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  • Gotham S5EP4 Ruin

    Bruce:I was afraid you didn't get my signal.
    Lucius said the range was only a couple miles.
    Alfred:Oh, you know me, Master Bruce, I managed to muddle through.
    So go on, then. How did that happen?
    Bruce:I let my guard down.
    Alfred:You're telling me that your captors shackle you, they leave a radio transponder in your pocket and... and your weapons?
    I think you're telling porkies.
    Bruce:It was Selina.
    She's gone after Jeremiah, alone.
    Alfred:You want to follow her, do you?
    Bruce:She's not herself, Alfred.

    She's desperate for revenge.
    She's gonna get herself hurt, or killed.
    Alfred:Seems to be a little bit of a recurring theme with madam, isn't it?
    You know, one of these days you're gonna realize you can't save her from herself.
    Until that day comes...
    ... I think we should go and find her, don't you?

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  • Gotham S5EP2 Trespassers

    Bruce:How is she?
    Alfred:Not great.
    I mean, she hasn't said a peep since you've been gone.
    You all right?
    Did you find the witch?
    Bruce:It was Ivy.
    Alfred:What's that?
    Bruce:Ivy said it could help Selina.
    Alfred:What, and you trust her?

    Bruce:What choice do I have?
    Alfred:Listen, I want to help Selina as much as you,
    but Ivy is a maniacal, cold-hearted killer.
    You know that, don't you?

    Selina:Give it to me.
    Bruce:Selina, I have doubts.
    Selina:Bruce, I was willing to kill myself yesterday.
    Nothing's changed since then.
    So if Ivy wants to kill me,
    she can have at it.
    What do I do, just swallow it?
    Selina:Still here.
    I know Ivy's lost her mind.
    after her mom and dad died, she was just...
    sleeping on the streets.
    And it was a cold winter, and...
    she started to get really sick.
    So I...
    took her under my wing, I guess,
    showed her where to get food,
    where to get a roof over her head.
    And after some time,
    she started to get color in her face.
    And I just...
    kept checking in on her.
    Almost every day.
    She may look old now, but...
    she'll always be that little girl to me.
    Bruce:No, no, no, Selina.


    Bruce:Selina, stay with me.
    Doctor:Stay back. Give us room.
    Bruce:No, Selina.
    Doctor:She's burning up.
    Pulse is low. What happened?
    Bruce:Oh, God, what have I done?
    セリーナのStill here をうけてはふっと笑うアルフレッドがかわいい



    Doctor:Whatever she took put her body into shock.
    Her temperature skyrocketed.
    Her WBC count was off the charts.
    Then, two hours ago, everything stabilized.
    I have no idea why.
    She was still in a lot of pain, so we sedated her.
    She's been sleeping for a while now.
    I think it'd be best to come back in the morning.
    Alfred:Thank you, Doctor.
    Right. Master Bruce, I think we should, uh...
    we should get some shut-eye.
    Come on.

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  • Gotham S5EP1 Year Zero

    Doctor: Paralysis aside, we need to operate
    before her spine collapses upon itself.
    In truth, she should have been evacuated.
    Alfred: Yeah, well, we tried to get her out
    the night that everything went to hell.
    And then they blew the bloody bridges.
    Bruce: Can you operate here?
    Doctor:I don't think we have a choice.
    The doctor wants to operate.
    Bruce:I'm gonna be here the whole time.



    Bruce:Lights are out everywhere.
    Alfred:Well, don't you worry, Master Bruce.
    Clinic's got its own backup generator.
    You see?
    Everything's shipshape and Bristol fashion.
    Something's wrong.
    Nurse:Men in the basement.
    They're stealing all the medicine.
    Bruce:Alfred, stay with Selina.
    Alfred:Of course, but you can't go down there.
    It's gonna be pitch black. Gonna need a torch or something.
    Bruce:Lucius gave me something better.



    Jim:Chopper went down in Lo Boyz territory.
    I expect we'll have to fight our way in and out.
    I know it's a lot to ask,
    but without those supplies, we're done.
    Harper:Can we get some more ammo?

    We're running dry down here.
    Bullock:Be happy you got what you got, and get in.
    Jim: Alfred, I expected to see Bruce here,
    wanting to come along.

    Alfred:Well, you'd think, wouldn't you?
    I mean, his chopper, his pilots.
    Maybe he thought you wouldn't allow it.
    Jim:Just keep an eye on things while I'm gone.


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  • Gotham S4EP22 No Man's Land

    Alfred:You know, I don't know why I brought him here.
    I should've killed him when I had the chance.
    Jim:You did the right thing, Alfred.
    Alfred:You say that.
    You didn't see what he did to Selina.
    I better get to the hospital.
    Jim:I'll stop by when I can.



    Alfred:Oh, Bullock?
    Bullock, can you tell these punks to let us go, please?
    Bullock:Major, the men escorting Gordon were attacked.
    Your guys didn't see who.
    I'm thinking it's either Valeska's cultists or...
    Did you prepare Valeska like I asked?
    Major:Mr. Wayne, you'll be perfectly safe.
    If you can help us learn the location of the bomb...
    Bruce: Major, you brought me here against my will.
    I want to go back to the hospital and back to my friend.
    Let's get this over with.



    Alfred:All right, that's enough.
    I want my boy out, mate.
    Bruce:You said "he." Who do you mean?
    The one who opened up my eyes, who showed me that everything I was doing was not to create a Gotham of my own, but yours.
    The Gotham you need.
    Your dark island.
    And it will come to be, Bruce.
    Bruce:Tell me his name.
    Jeremiah:What did the doctor say?
    Will the little bitch ever walk again?
    What vertebrae did I sever?
    I was hoping for the lumbar.
    Bruce:Tell me his name!
    Jeremiah:But you already know his name.
    You're his heir.
    Bruce:Ra's al Ghul.
    No, it can't be.



    Tabitha: By the time I got there, Jeremiah had already escaped.

    Where the hell is Ra's al Ghul?
    Let me guess.
    Ra's helped Jeremiah kidnap Bruce, so you came to me to find Ra's.
    Alfred:Would you care to tell me where he is?
    Barbara:I don't know where he is.
    But I know where he's gonna be.
    Ra's is leaving Gotham tonight, after turning it to a pile of rubble.
    With, I assume, Jeremiah's help, so here's the deal.
    You get to kill Jeremiah, you get to rescue Bruce and I get to kill Ra's.
    Alfred:And how do you plan on doing that, then?
    Barbara:I got a little surprise for him.
    Oswald: One question.
    Who do I get to kill?
    The only way to keep Butch on the table was to promise I would come help.
    Don't we make quite the little gang?
    Let's do this.




    Bruce: Selina!
    How is she?
    Doctor:She did well in surgery, but the bullet severed her spinal cord.
    And the damage is likely permanent.
    Mr.Wayne, the hospital is shutting down.
    This is the last ambulance leaving for the boats.
    We have room for you, but we need to go.
    Bruce:I can't leave, Alfred.
    Ra's was right.
    This is what I'm meant to do.
    Alfred:The city's abandoned, Master Bruce.
    There's nothing more you can do here, mate.
    Bruce:Jeremiah's still out there.
    Alfred:He is not your responsibility.
    Gotham is not your responsibility.
    Bruce:I'm making it mine.
    Oh, sod it.
    All right, fine.
    We'll both stay.
    I need to know Selina's gonna be okay.
    Alfred:All right, I'll see that she's safe...
    and then I'll come back and I will find you.
    I promise.

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  • Gotham S4EP21 One Bad Day

    Alfred?:Oh, come on, Brucie.
    Give me a smile.
    Bruce:Alfred, listen to me.
    You can beat this.
    You can fight this.
    Alfred, you're stronger than him.
    Do not let him win!
    No! No! Alfred!
    Selina:Bruce. Bruce. Bruce. Bruce.
    Bruce:Alfred! Alfred!
    Look at me.
    Scarecrow was just pumping his fear gas in here.
    You were only seeing what he wanted you to.
    No, no, no, no, no.
    Alfred: No, Bruce, Bruce, Bruce.
    Bruce, Bruce!
    Listen to me.
    Look at me, look.
    Just look at me.
    Look, I'm fine.
    It's me.
    It's Alfred.
    Bruce:Alfred. Alfred.



    Well, I'm gonna take a very long and a very hot shower.
    And then I'm gonna make us a legendary fry-up.
    Will you be joining us, Ms.Kyle?
    Selina:I got no plans.
    You all right, mate?


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  • Gotham S4EP20 That Old Corpse

    Alfred:Hello, Wayne Manor.
    Jim:Alfred, it's Gordon.
    Where's Bruce?
    Alfred:Well, he's meeting with Jeremiah about the energy project.
    Is something amiss?
    Jim:He's meeting with Jeremiah Valeska?
    Alfred:Yes, that's right.
    Now, you can tell me why you sound so concerned.
    Jim:Jerome's followers are rampaging outside the station.
    Alfred:Oh, I see.
    Are Master Bruce and Jeremiah in any danger?
    Jim:It's hard to say.
    But right now, Jeremiah's maze may actually be the safest place for him.
    Alfred:Right, I shall head there nonetheless.
    Thank you very much.



    Alfred:Master Bruce, I've got some rather disturbing news.
    Jerome Valeska's acolytes are kicking off again.
    Thank you, Alfred.
    Alfred:I'm on my way.

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  • Gotham S4EP19 To Our Deaths and Beyond

    Barbara:Ra's just tried to kill me because of you.
    Tabitha:You could've just given him the Demon's Paw.
    It's the Demon's Head!
    And it is mine!
    You betrayed me.
    Tabitha:I was trying to save you from yourself.
    Also, the other day, you actually told your thugs to kill me.
    Barbara:It was a spanking.
    If I wanted you dead, I would've done it...
    Selina:Oh, shut up, both of you!
    Alfred:We're wasting time.
    Ra's could be on his way right now.
    Tabitha:Which wouldn't be a problem if Barbara would just give him what he wants.
    Barbara:Never gonna happen.
    Selina:Okay, so what are we gonna do, Barbara?
    We're just gonna walk around with targets on our backs?
    We're gonna kill the son of a bitch.
    The kid did it before, right?
    Alfred:Yeah, but that was different.
    We had, like, a special Knife.
    Barbara:Yeah, that one you got from auction?
    Where is it?
    Alfred:We gave it back to the Nanda Parbat embassy.
    So we'll just do a little smash and grab, and then I'll filet the zombie.
    Bruce:I have to be the one holding the Knife.
    It's part of the ritual.
    Like the blood.
    I have to kill him again.
    Alfred:Even if that's the case, Master Bruce, I can't allow you to do it, not again.
    Bruce:We might not get another chance, Alfred.
    This is the only way.
    Barbara:Says you, the mystical Knife expert.
    I've got the Demon's Head.
    I bet if I'm holding it in my hand...
    What if killing Ra's unlocks my powers?
    Alfred:Yeah, and what if you fail, and Ra's gets the Knife back?
    Bruce:We'll worry about who kills him later.
    Right now, we have to get the Knife before Ra's does.
    Tabitha: Embassies are heavily guarded, and we can't wait till night.
    We're gonna need gun, smoke grenades to cause a diversion.
    Alfred:If I may, there may be another option.
    But you got to guarantee you're not gonna stab us in the back.



    Alfred:So, in short, we'd like to thank you very much...
    both of us would like to thank you for taking such good...
    such good care of her, but now we'd like to take the Knife home, please.
    It was never yours to begin with, Mr. Pennyworth.
    It belongs to my people.
    When Mr.Bruce Wayne purchased it at auction,

    he was rescuing a looted historical treasure.
    That's why you returned it to us.
    Alfred:Yeah, but it was a loan, wasn't it, mate?
    It was never meant as a keepsie.
    Tabitha:This Knife is worth millions, and you just gave it away?
    You idiot!
    Alfred:Easy, muffin.
    Look, you look like you got a stable head on your shoulders.
    Why don't I make a little donation, and you give us the Knife.
    And we walk away.
    Man:Does Bruce Wayne even know about this?
    Whatever your agenda is, I believe that you and your chippie should leave.
    Alfred:A chippie?
    Did you just call my missus a chippie?
    What is that, like...
    A chippie?
    Is that a new term or something?
    Tabitha: What?
    What's happening?
    Alfred: I can't breathe.
    Tabitha:Oh, my God!
    I think he's having a heart attack.
    Alfred:I can't breathe!
    I can't breathe!
    Tabitha:He's having a heart attack!
    Look what you did.
    Man:Tell security it's a false alarm.
    Alfred:I can't breathe.
    Man:False alarm.
    Alfred:I can't breathe!
    I can't breathe!
    I can't breathe!
    Tabitha:Give me your jacket.
    Put your jacket under his head.
    Put your jacket.
    Alfred:It really hurts.
    It really, it really hurts.
    Tabitha:You're okay.
    Continue breathing.
    Deep breaths.
    All right, you're doing just fine.
    Alfred:Ow, it really hurts.
    Tabitha:Stay with me here.
    Alfred:Oh, I feel much better now.
    Sorry about the fuss.



    Barbara:Well done.
    Now, Knife, please.
    Bruce:Selina, it has to be me.
    Give me the Knife.
    And you better scram while you still can.
    Bruce:I'm taking the Knife.
    Barbara:Oh, you do not want to make me angry, kid.
    Tabitha:Sorry, muffin.
    I'm gonna need you to step back.
    Alfred:Don't you even go there, love.
    Selina, don't give her the Knife.
    Barbara:Screw this.
    Alfred:Your arrogance is gonna get someone killed, you know.
    Tabiyha:Or just you.
    Barbara:Thank you.
    Get in.
    Tabitha:Selina, let's go.
    Barbara:Nice doing business with you boys.



    Alfred:I suppose on the bright side, you won't have to kill him...
    Bruce:Except I'm the only one who can.
    Alfred:So said Ra's.
    I mean, no disrespect to your magical daggers and all of that, but I'd love to see what would happen if I pulled his head off his bloody shoulders.
    Bruce:I can't believe Selina gave Barbara the Knife.
    Alfred:Yeah, well...
    at least we know where she stands.
    Selina: That's what you think.
    Alfred:Oh, you've got bloody cheek turning up here.
    Sekina:I gave Barbara the Knife because if there was a chance she could use it, I wanted her to.
    That way Bruce didn't have to kill him.
    Bruce:I would've done what I had to do.
    Selina:And you would've gone straight back to being the douche bag you've been the last few months.
    So, no thank you.
    Alfred:She's got a point there, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:Thanks for the explanation.
    You can leave now.
    Bruce:You sided with them.
    Sekina:Why does it have to be about sides?
    There is somebody, some thing out there that needs to be stopped, so why can't we focus on that?
    Alfred:Another good point.
    Selina:Barbara and Tabitha are gonna get themselves killed.
    And I don't want that to happen.

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