



  • [PR]


  • Gotham S4EP18 That's Entertainment

    Bruce:You gonna tell me why we needed to come to the garage, Alfred?
    Alfred:Happy birthday, Master Wayne.
    Bruce:You remembered.
    Alfred:Of course I remembered.
    I bloody love your birthdays.
    Your seventh was an absolute blinder.
    Yeah, I remember you had about 50 kids come up here, but you were off outside, on your own.
    You were obsessed by this one gift that your dad gave you...
    This bright red wagon.
    You were in the garden all day, collecting all these rocks.
    When I asked you what you were gonna do with these rocks, you said, "I'm gonna build a home for my wagon.
    A secret place that only I know about."

    Bruce:What's this?
    Alfred:Well, it's the reason why I brought you out to the garage, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:Alfred, I don't know what to say.
    Alfred:V-8, five liter, 460 horsepower engine.
    Painted matte black, anti-reflective.
    Very difficult to see at night.
    Oh, and, of course, this.
    100% bulletproof.
    Best be prepared, eh?
    Oh, mate.



    Alfred:Happy birthday. A dear, Master B.
    Happy birthday. To you.
    I'll get some plates.
    Selina:You know, for a billionaire, your security system is...lame.
    Alfred:Miss Kyle.
    Bruce:Thank you, Alfred.
    Bruce:Thank you.
    Selina:For what?
    Bruce:Visiting me on my birthday.
    I actually didn't know it was your birthday.
    I just happened to be strolling in the neighborhood.
    Bruce:Either way...
    it's good to see you.
    Selina:I knew it was an act.
    Selina:The brat...
    and the drinking, the-the friends.
    It was an act.
    Bruce:I think you're more sure about that than me.
    Alfred: Master Bruce, we have visitors.
    Jim:Bruce, we need your help.
    Bruce:What happened?
    Jerome:Don't you know it's rude to keep a guy waiting?
    Bring me my hostages, James.
    My trigger finger is getting itchy.
    Jim:The hostages he wants are his brother...
    and you.
    Alfred:What, you have a laugh?
    No bloody way.
    Jim:I don't like it any more than you do.
    But, Bruce, you have to trust me.
    Lucius and I have a plan.
    Jerome: You know what?
    I don't think you're taking me seriously enough.
    all right.
    Let's see.
    Eeny meeny miny moe, one of these people have got to...
    Oh, it's that guy.
    Oh, well.
    Alfred:Did you see what just happened?
    That man's a raving bloody lunatic.
    He can't be trusted.
    Selina:For once I agree with Alfred.
    Jim:Bruce, listen to me.
    With your help, we can prevent more deaths.
    Bruce:What's the plan?
    Jim:Jerome is using a shortwave radio trigger with a dead man's switch...
    If we can cut the signal, he won't be able to activate the explosives.
    Fox:This emits a powerful signal that disables all radio waves close to it.
    Once within a few feet of Jerome's device, his trigger will be useless.
    Jim:That will give us the time for the snipers to get a clean shot.

    Bruce:If I wear this, that gives you time to take them out?
    Alfred:Are you sure it's gonna work?
    Fox:I'm positive.
    99% positive.
    Bruce: What are we waiting for?
    Those people need our help.
    Jim:Good man.

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  • Gotham S4EP17 Mandatory Brunch Meeting

    Jim:Who is Xander Wilde?
    Bruce:I don't know.
    Jim:Did Jerome say anything at his uncle's diner?
    Anything that can tell us why he's going after him.
    Bruce:If I knew that, Captain, I would tell you.
    Jim:Would you?
    How can I trust anything you say?
    I told you not to come here and you did anyway.
    Damn it, you could have been killed.
    Alfred:Yeah, all right, Captain.
    I think you've made your point.
    Jim:And you?
    Did you know he was going after Jerome?
    Alfred:Indeed, I did, yes.
    Jim:If he gets involved in this case again, I'll press charges.
    We clear?
    Alfred:Come on, son.



    Bruce:Let me get this straight.
    You tell us to stay out of your investigation, and now you want our help?
    Jim:We have reason to believe your father met with Xander Wilde.
    Alfred:Well, if he did, he certainly would have made a note of it.
    What was the name of the building again?
    Bullock:Wayne Plaza.
    Alfred:He was a meticulous notetaker, Thomas.
    He organized everything by project.
    Let's see.
    Wayne Gardens.
    Wayne Hospital.
    Here we go.
    Wayne Plaza.
    Oh, you're bang on the money there, Captain.
    Xander Wilde.
    Says he went to meet him to finalize the plans.
    No address, just the name of the street...
    Annesley Drive.
    Bullock:That's out past Buxton by the old rock quarry.
    Bruce:This man must have been very important if my father went out of his way to meet him alone.
    Jim:I'm starting to think he isn't just some recluse hiding from the world.
    He's hiding from Jerome.

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  • S4EP14 Reunion

    Alfred:Thank you.
    Bruce:Thank you for meeting me.
    My parents' foundation is having their annual dinner tonight.
    I thought we'd go.
    Alfred:Somehow, I don't think you called me all the way down here to talk about a fundraiser, did you?
    Bruce, what exactly...
    is it that you want from me?
    Figuring this out.
    I can't do it alone.
    Alfred, I need your help.
    Alfred:Listen, you can't just waltz back in here and expect me to go and clean your smalls and cook your tea, after what you've done.
    Bruce:Alfred, I'm not asking for that.
    I've changed.
    Alfred:Oh, you have, have you?
    See, it's one thing saying that you've changed and another actually changing.
    show me.
    Show me how you've changed, I might reconsider.
    Bruce:Show you how?
    that's for you to figure out, isn't it?
    Bruce:I'm asking...
    as a friend.
    Alfred:I am not...
    your friend.
    I was your butler.
    And you fired me.
    He'll pay for the tea, miss.




    Woman:And now, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage our host, Bruce Wayne.
    Bruce:Good evening.
    Welcome to the third annual dinner for the Thomas and Martha Wayne Foundation.
    This year, we disbursed $4 million in...
    Uh, we-we disbursed $4 million, and, uh...
    My parents spent their lives helping people.
    I was so proud of them, and I always wanted them to be proud of me.
    And then I saw them get murder.
    I survived because someone in my life kept me going He's been everything to me.
    A teacher.
    A protector.
    He's been a father to me.
    I hope...
    I hope he can see that.
    And give me another chance.
    Thank you.
    Alfred:Thank you.
    That meant a great deal.
    But I can't help you.
    Not until you accept who you really are.
    Bruce:I know who I am.
    I've seen what's inside me.
    Alfred:Darkness and anger.
    But what's beneath that?
    It's a heart that feels pain.
    Your heart, it's what makes you want to help other people.
    Your heart is your strength.
    Deny the darkness and you deny that.
    But accepting that is something that you must do on your own.
    Do you understand me?
    Bruce:I was stupid for reaching out.



    Bruce:I'm getting you out of here.
    Come on, let's go.
    Alfred:Listen, listen.
    People need your help.
    This is who you are.



    how'd you make it off the roof, then?
    Bruce:A fire escape on the next building.
    Alfred:Why'd you run from Gordon?
    I mean, you could've told him it was you.
    Bruce:I don't know.
    I just...
    I'm going to help people, Alfred.
    And if that means accepting every part of myself, good and bad, then I will.
    I do.
    That's what my parents would have wanted.
    Alfred:Your parents would be very proud of you.
    I'm proud of you.
    If you...
    need a ride back to Gotham, I can drive you.
    Alfred:Oh, I'm not going anywhere, sir.
    I'm home.

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  • Gotham S4EP13 A Beautiful Darkness

    Jim?:How long do you think you can hide in here?
    Out there.
    He's going to find you eventually.
    Bruce:I don't understand.
    Who's going to find me?
    Alfred?:Special Agent Pennyworth to you, you scumbag.
    Package secured.

    Requesting extraction.



    Bruce:Release me!
    Listen to me.
    I'm Bruce Wayne!
    I can pay you whatever you want.
    You need to let me go now!
    Alfred?:Sorry, I can't do that, my old love.
    You see, I have a mission.
    Bruce:What mission?
    Alfred?:For me to bring you to him.
    Bruce:What is that?
    Alfred?:Well, giddyup, son.

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  • Gotham S4EP11 Queen Takes Knight

    Dear, oh, dear.
    Oh.Good morning, Officer.
    My name is Alfred Pennyworth.
    Man:Neighbors called in a noise complaint.
    He's all yours.
    Alfred:Thank you.
    Good morning, Master Bruce.
    I do believe the party's well and truly over.
    Morning, miss.
    Good morning, miss.



    Alfred:Pleasant night, Master Bruce?
    Bruce:There's a mess in the Rolls.

    You'll need a bucket.



    Alfred:Oh, the front page is up.
    Didn't expect you to brave the light of day for a couple more hours, Master B.
    Bruce:Tommy wanted to go to the horse races.
    What's all this?
    Alfred: It's little project of mine.
    I like to call it Operation Save Bruce Wayne.
    Few months up in the Alps, you'll be tickety-boo.
    Bruce:Are you going to kidnap me?
    Alfred:No, I'm gonna appeal to your better angels.
    And if that doesn't work, I shall beg.
    Please, Master Bruce.
    If for no other reason, do it for me.
    Bruce:These past weeks, you know how much I've thought about Ra's al Ghul?
    About my parents?
    Not at all, Alfred.
    All you're offering me is pain.
    Alfred:Well, there is no life without pain.
    There's no love, there's no joy.
    Bruce:I don't know about that.
    I'm having a fair amount of joy.
    Alfred:You're bloody miserable is what you are, mate.
    I can see it.
    Bruce:Alfred, I know you care about me.
    But I'm asking you to stop what you're doing.
    I'm not who you thought I was.
    I'm not who my parents might've wanted me to be, and I'm okay with that!
    Alfred:But I'm not okay with it.
    And I don't believe it.
    Bruce:And that's your problem.
    Now I'm gonna go meet Tommy.
    Alfred:I can't let you do that, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:You gonna stop me?
    Alfred:If needs be, yes.
    Bruce:You really think you can?
    Alfred:Oh, I know I can.
    I just don't want you to make me try.
    Alfred:Don't do this, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:No, Alfred, we're doing this.
    Alfred:You're getting slow, Master Bruce.
    You haven't been training, have you, son?
    Got a bit of ring rust.
    Because you're the only one breathing hard, old man.
    Alfred:Just stop it, will you?!
    Stop it!
    Alfred:All right?
    Alfred:Oh, no.
    Master Bruce, I'm so sorry.
    I-I don't know what came over me, mate.



    Alfred:Oh, thank Christ.
    You're safe.
    Master Bruce, listen.
    I don't want to fight anymore.
    You win.
    If this is how you want to deal with what you've been going through, then so be it; I'm not gonna try and stop you.
    But just know this.
    You will remember who you are, and when you do, I will be right here.
    You won't be.
    I went to my lawyer and had him draw up emancipation papers.
    You're no longer my legal guardian.
    Alfred:I won't sign 'em.
    You don't have to.
    Now I'm going out.
    If you're still here when I get back, I'll go to the police and show them my face.
    Alfred:Master Bruce, please.
    Bruce:Alfred, you're fired.
    Now get the hell out of my house!


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  • Gotham S4EP9 Let Them Eat Pie

    Bruce:Where's breakfast?
    Alfred:Breakfast was produced and consumed by yours truly at breakfast time.
    It is now fast approaching luncheon, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:Whatever, just give me a coffee.
    Alfred:Enjoying the benefits of another night out on the tiles with Tommy Elliot and his band of miscreants, are we?
    How absolutely delightful.
    I know what you're going through, you know, Master Bruce.
    I went out with my friends.
    I'm hungover.
    Doesn't take a genius to figure it out.
    Alfred:You're lost is what you are.
    I've seen that countless times...
    young men, going off to war with a clear purpose, only to return home to a normal life, unable to assimilate.
    Confused, angry.
    And they make a complete tosh of it.
    Bruce:I don't really care.
    Alfred:You killed Ra's al Ghul.
    Vengeance for your parents' death has been your driving force for so long.
    You are completely lost without it.
    Bruce:I need to call Tommy.
    Alfred:Have you forgotten what day it is today?
    Bruce:Give me my phone.
    Alfred:You have, ain't you?
    Bruce:Today is the day my father took me camping and we put a rock on top of Mount Bristol.
    We did it every year.
    Now give me my phone.
    Alfred:You are Bruce Wayne, son of Thomas Wayne.
    And the sooner you start remembering that, the better.
    So, you drink your coffee.
    You go upstairs, you put your kit on, 'cause you and I...
    ...are going for a walk.


    Alfred:Right, well, it's a lovely day for it.
    Best foot forward.



    Alfred:I've made us a delicious brown English stew with herb dumplings, Master Bruce.
    Your father used to love it when I made stew.
    Did I ever tell you how I met your old man?
    Bruce:In London.
    He was doing postgrad work there.
    He told me.
    Alfred:Yeah, but no details.
    Well, I was just out the army, two months.
    Don't remember any of it.
    All a bit of a blur, really...
    booze, drugs, brawling.
    A sucking great black cloud.
    One day, I wake up and I'm lying in this alley, and I'm covered in blood...
    don't know how.
    So I picked myself up, I took myself straight down to the police station, turned myself in, hoping that they would chuck me into the big house and throw away the key.
    And they told me to shut up, sit down and wait.
    And there was this really annoying Yank wandering about, dressed like he was ready for a game of tennis, and it was your dad.
    Anyway, he bowls up to me, asks me what I done.
    Asking me questions.
    Eventually, you know, I found myself telling him stuff that I was too frightened even to think about.
    But I guess it'd just been building.
    Anyway, that point, the desk sergeant called him over, and your dad turned around to me and he said, "Alfred, last night, I was being attacked in that alley, "And you started fighting this geezer.
    I headed on my toes, and I ran away." And I said, "Yeah, but that's not what happened, is it, Thomas?" And he says, "It is now." Your father saved my life.
    His friendship saved me.
    You see, I know what it's all like, being lonely.
    Hoping that the world will punish you.
    I can help you.
    Bruce:Alfred, I hear you.
    I just don't want to talk about this right now.
    Alfred:All right.
    Well, this looks lovely.
    Bruce:The rocks are gone.
    They must've fell out in the car.
    Alfred:Oh, the keys are in the bag, just there.



    Bruce:Hey, Alfred!
    How was your walk?
    Alfred:Everybody out now.
    Bruce:Nobody move.
    This is not your house.
    If I want my friends to stay, they're staying.
    Alfred:Like hell they are.
    Tommy:Dude, your butler is a little out of line.
    Have you been hitting the sherry, Jeeves?
    Alfred:You have no idea what extreme danger you are now in, son.
    If I was you, I would walk away.
    Tommy:Yeah, whatever.
    Meet us at the club.
    Come on.
    Driver will take us.
    ‭...you've certainly shown a new side of yourself today, - haven't you, Master Bruce?
    Bruce:Save it, Alfred.
    You tell me a story about you and my dad, and I'm supposed to get all weepy?
    You don't know what I'm going through.
    You and I are nothing alike.
    Alfred:Then talk to me.
    Let me know how I can help you.
    Bruce:You can't.
    Like you said, I did what I did.
    I killed Ra's.
    I avenged my parents' death, and guess what.
    Nothing changed.
    It made no difference.
    So then what did I do it for?
    How can you help that?
    Alfred:I can help with the way that you're feeling.
    But you need to talk to me.
    You have to face up to who you really are.
    Bruce:Stop telling me who I am.
    I know who I am.
    And if you really want to help me, you can stop trying to be my father, and you can be my butler.
    Clean this place up.

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  • Gotham S4EP7 A Day in the Narrows

    Alfred:Support are really pleased that you.
    Enjoy the finger food.
    Helping the needy.
    Very good for the soul, Master Bruce.
    I have to say I really appreciate you allowing us to do the fund-raiser here.
    The Society meant a great deal to your father.
    Bruce:As long as I don't have to leave the house.
    Alfred:Well, you're Bruce Wayne, ain't you?
    The world can come to you.
    What the hell?
    Man:Excuse me?
    Bruce:You knocked into me.
    Man:Sorry, I didn't notice.
    Bruce:Well, you should've.
    I'm really sorry.
    Alfred:I haven't wanted to push, Master Bruce.
    I mean, what happened with Ra's...
    I know that you're hurting.
    Just, please, tell me - what I can do to help.
    Bruce:You can get off my back.
    I'm sorry.
    I just...
    I can't stop thinking...
    when I k...
    I should feel bad.
    I-I just...
    Alfred:You're just angry.
    That anger is concealing what's really going on.
    Unless you face it full-on, it will consume you.
    And it will erupt.
    I know...
    what you're capable of.
    And I don't want to see you or anybody else get hurt.
    Bruce:I need some air.

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  • Gotham S4EP5 The Blade's Path

    Alfred:Master Bruce.
    No sleep?
    Once more, about that boy's death...
    Bruce:Don't say it's not my fault.
    It is my fault.
    Alex is dead because I hesitated.
    Alfred:Well, perhaps you did, but that doesn't make you his murder, does it?
    Ra's killed that innocent little boy, and he's gonna pay for it.
    Bruce:You really think locking him up in Blackgate will stop him?
    He still wants this dagger.
    Alfred:Stop going on about the bloody dagger, will you?
    Just so we can just get some breakfast.
    Bruce:I think I finally found something in Dr.Winthrop's notes.
    There's a description on the handle that Dr.Winthrop was able to decipher.
    Says the Knife is intended for the one who has bathed in the healing waters.
    Well, assuming that's not me, that must be our boy Ra's.
    Bruce:But that doesn't have to mean it's for him to use.
    Perhaps it's to be used against him.
    Alfred:I see.
    You clearly don't.
    Alfred:What you're suggesting is that Knife and that Knife alone is the only thing capable of doing him in.
    Bruce:If Ra's al Ghul believes this Knife will kill him, that could explain why he wants it so badly.
    Alfred:So he can destroy it.
    Bruce:Before someone fulfills the prophecy.
    Alfred:Master Bruce, I know that you feel bad about Alex.
    We all do.
    But at this point, you must remember your vow.
    Bruce:No killing.
    Alfred:No killing.
    Taking a life, never mind how justified, will lead you down a darker path than you could ever possibly imagine.
    I know.
    I've been down it.
    You understand me, Master Bruce?
    Bruce:I understand.
    Let's get yourself ready.
    Chop, chop.



    Alfred:I'll just be a moment, Master Bruce.
    Diplomatic immunity?
    You are joking, aren't you?
    Jim:The Nanda Parbat embassy filed papers to have him extradited.
    Could happen this week.
    Alfred:That monster killed a child.
    Jim:I know.
    I was there.
    I am telling you this as a courtesy.
    Jim:But the news will get out.
    When it does, I need you to watch Bruce.
    I'm worried about him.
    Alfred:And you blame me?
    Jim:You're his guardian, aren't you?
    You're supposed to protect him, and instead you've been placing him in harm's way.
    Alfred:Oh, I see.
    So that's what rankles, is it?
    Keeping you in the dark.
    Well, if I was you, I'd focus on your own job, Detective, which is keeping Ra's al Ghul behind bars, tucked up.
    Jim:Just keep the news away from Bruce as long as you can.
    Alfred:On that, we agree, Detective.
    The boy's been through enough.



    Bruce is gone.
    Alfred:You've got to get me into Blackgate.
    Jim:What are you talking about?
    Alfred:When we got back from the wake, he said he was gonna go straight to bed, but he must've snuck out between then and now.
    My concern is that he's taken the Knife...
    and he's gonna try and kill Ra's al Ghul.
    Jim:You're serious?
    Alfred:Yes, I'm bloody serious.
    We've got to go to Blackgate now.
    And then you can tell me the many ways I've failed the child, all right?
    Jim:Oh, I will.
    Alfred:Listen to me.
    The boy is on the verge of doing something that there's no coming back from.
    He needs our help.
    Let's go.



    Man:We got your call, but...
    I checked the logs...
    Bruce Wayne hasn't been here.
    Alfred:With all due respect, I don't think he'd come as a regular visitor.
    He's a billionaire, after all.
    Jim:I think what Mr.Pennyworth is trying to say is Bruce Wayne could have paid someone to get him in here.
    No offense.
    We just want to look around.
    Whatever you want.
    But you came all the way here for nothing.
    And we're gonna need your weapon.
    Standard procedure.
    Jim:Of course.
    Alfred:That's absolutely it.
    Unless you want to check my undercrackers.
    Man:This way.



    Jim:How long have you worked here?
    Man:Two years, thereabouts.
    jim:I was in Blackgate for a time.
    We must not have overlapped.
    As a guard?
    Jim:As a prisoner.
    Man:Oh, yeah.
    Heard about that.
    Jim:Is there a reason why you're not taking us through maximum security?
    Man:Prisoners are in the yard this time of day.
    Been some changes since you were here.
    Jim:"McCloskey." That's funny.
    I know another J.McCloskey who works here.
    Man2:My cousin.
    Gets confusing sometimes.
    Jim:All right, let's go.
    Through this door.
    Alfred:I got to say, mate, I really love what you've done with the old place.
    However, I've got a question for you.
    Alfred:Where are the real guards?
    Where is Bruce Wayne?
    Man:Ra's al Ghul has plans for the boy.
    Alfred:Where is he?!
    Man:You'll never find him.
    Alfred:Oh, you underestimate my resolve, pal.
    Jim:Well, at least we know Bruce is here.
    Alfred:Well, we've walked the floor.
    Where could he be?
    Jim:There's the yard, the tower...
    but they're too public.
    There's a sub-basement, accessible by the service elevator.
    Alfred:Which way?



    Alfred:What are you doing?
    Bruce:You said it yourself.
    It's over.
    Can't let you do that, Master Bruce.
    Alfred:Listen, we started this vigilante caper to prepare for Ra's' return, didn't we?
    But it's become so much bigger than that.
    I see that now.
    I mean, I was wrong and you were right.
    You can make a difference.
    Bruce:I'm not the hero Gotham needs.
    I made that decision the moment I killed Ra's al Ghul.
    I took the dark path.
    Alfred:Yes, you did.
    And it's gonna be a long, bumpy journey back.
    But I believe in you, Master Bruce.
    I always have, and I...
    I always will.
    Now, I understand that you don't feel worthy now.
    But when you do, this...
    ...this will be waiting for you.
    As will I, sir.

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  • Gotham S4EP4 The Demon's Head

    Niles: Mmm...
    And you bought this at auction?
    Bruce:Supposedly, it was the embalming Knife of the first century Mesopotamian king.
    And what is it that you want of me, Mr.Wayne?
    Bruce:Anything you can tell me, Dr.Winthrop.
    I want to know exactly what it is I bought.
    Alfred:Perhaps you should have considered that before you dropped $2 million on it, shouldn't you?
    Niles:Leave it with me overnight.
    Alex:I'm back.
    Man, you really need to clean that room.
    Niles:My delightful grandson.
    I have access to the very clean historical records room at Gotham Central Library, and he uses it for his homework.
    Oh, Alex, let me introduce you.
    Mr.Bruce Wayne and his guardian, Alfred Pennyworth.
    Alex: What's up?
    Where'd that come from?
    That cuneiform is definitely pre-Phoenician.
    Niles:Alex is an avid student of history, and sometimes assists me.
    Alfred:A word, Master Bruce.
    Now, it's all very well involving that old geezer, but a young man?
    Just you remember who's after that Knife.
    Bruce: What's so important about it that Ra's al Ghul wants it so badly?
    We need to know.
    I have to ask you to keep this matter between us.
    Niles:Of course.
    I mean...
    yes, Mr.Wayne.
    Bruce:I'll check back tomorrow.
    Until then.



    Alfred:Where the bloody hell is Gordon!
    Harper: Gordon.
    Where the hell is Bruce?
    Alfred:Wait, wait, wait!
    Jim:Back off!
    Alfred:Take your hands off of me.
    You don't know what you got in there!
    Jim:I'm starting to, but you are not helping.
    I need you to calm down.
    Let me finish talking to him.
    Harper: Gordon.
    Jim:Not now.
    Alfred:He's bloody vanished.
    Jim:He knows we don't have the Knife.
    We have to find Bruce.



    Jim:The Nanda Parbat consulate's giving us the runaround, and we can't get in there without a warrant.
    Bruce still hasn't called you?
    And what the bloody hell were you doing letting him tag along with some murder investigation in the first place, eh?
    You do not get to lecture me about a lack of honesty and openness.
    You and Bruce have been up to something for weeks.
    What have you two gotten yourselves into?
    Damn it, Alfred.
    I'm on your side.
    Alfred:Well, that may be, mate, but whatever Master Bruce decides to tell you is his decision, isn't it?
    Jim:You are his guardian.
    You are allowed to violate his privacy if it is gonna keep him out of danger.
    Alfred:Stick to the point.
    What are you doing to find my boy?
    Jim:What can I do?
    I have every cop in the city on alert, but as long as Ra's al Ghul thinks he has that Knife, his life is in danger.
    Alfred:Yeah, right, and what about the other boy?
    Did he tell you where he put the Knife?
    But I have to assume Bruce is taking him to get it.
    Well, there's got to be a clue or something inside here.
    Jim:You stay here.
    Jim:The access I gave you depended on trust.
    If you can't be honest with me, there's nothing I can do.
    If Mr.Pennyworth tries to leave, arrest him.
    Alfred:On what charge?
    Jim:She'll think of something.



    Jim:Ra's al Ghul is on his way to Blackgate.
    And we made contact with Alex's parents.
    It's gonna take them a couple days to get home.
    Ra's is a psychopath.
    You're not responsible for his actions.
    I want to help.
    But everything you've said so far...
    Alfred dying and coming back to life, magical waters...
    Give me something I can believe.
    Alfred:Perhaps now you understand why we held back.
    Bruce:It doesn't matter what you say, Detective.
    This is all my fault.
    Alex is dead because of me.
    I killed him.

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  • Gotham S4EP3 They Who Hide Behind Masks

    Bruce:Alfred, you read?
    Alfred:Loud and clear, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:Looks like the rumors around town are true.
    Penguin's bringing in a big shipment.
    Whatever it is, it must be valuable.
    He's got four armed men loading it onto a truck.
    I'm gonna go down for a closer look.
    Alfred:How did I know you were gonna say that, then?
    Bruce:I'm wearing bulletproof armor, remember?
    Lucius Fox's armor was bulletproof.
    My mask...
    is not.
    Bruce:Don't get shot in the face?
    Got it.
    Alfred:Do I detect a note of sarcasm, Master Bruce?
    Bruce:Hold on.
    I just picked up a thief heading toward the truck.
    Alfred:Thieves stealing from thieves is a victimless crime, Master Bruce.
    You just walk away now.
    Bruce:They're walking into a trap.
    Alfred:Master Bruce, I'm all for you protecting the innocent, but I won't have you risking your life over a thief.
    Now walk away.
    Master Bruce?
    Master Bruce?



    Bruce:You sure you know what you're doing?
    You're mad because I didn't listen to you, Alfred.
    Alfred:You're damn bloody right I am, yeah.
    Bruce:You're right.
    I let my guard down.
    It won't happen again.
    Alfred:All right, there we go.
    Might leave a little bit of a scar.
    Bruce:Thanks, Alfred.
    Alfred:All right.
    Oh, no, wh-where do you think you're going?
    Bruce:To the docks.
    I'm sure there's a manifest on the freighter.
    Whatever's in that crate must be important if the thief was willing to steal it from the Penguin.
    I want to know what it is.
    Alfred:Right, so being shot wasn't enough, was it?
    You got to let this slide, Master B.
    Bruce:There's more to this, Alfred.
    I can feel it.
    This is my chance to investigate a real crime, stop it before it becomes something bigger.
    But just don't go charging around in broad daylight with that bloody mask on.
    It'd be like having a socking great bull's-eye on your back, all right?
    Bruce:So how do you suggest I get onto the ship?
    Alfred:There are other kinds of masks you can wear, Master Bruce.



    Man:Here's a little advice.
    If you're gonna play the part of a street kid, learn how to talk like one.
    Alfred:Hey, Andy!
    Get over here.
    What did I tell you about bothering me at work?
    Sorry, fellas.
    You're right, though.
    The boy's acting does need some work, doesn't it?
    You see, improvisation, Master Bruce, is a very important weapon in any actor's tool kit.
    Should we go?



    Bruce:The Knife was used to embalm King Balahsi.
    According to this, he ruled ancient Mesopotamia for the first century.
    Alfred:And what thief in Gotham would want a Knife like that?
    Bruce:That's a good question.
    According to the manifest, the shipment was full of jewels and expensive art, yet our thief went for the item with the least intrinsic value.
    Alfred:Well, that tells me she was a gun for hire.
    But who hired her?
    Bruce:I think I just found the answer.
    Alfred, look.
    This drawing depicts a man being healed by water.
    Look at his eyes.
    His face.
    Who does that remind you of?
    Alfred:That's impossible.
    I mean, this-this drawing is 2,000 years old, Master...
    Bruce:I know.
    That's him.
    That's Ra's al Ghul.
    He wants the Knife.



    Alfred:All right, Master Bruce, let's go over the plan again.
    Bruce:It's simple.
    I show up at the auction and buy the Knife.
    Should be easy enough; I am a billionaire.
    Alfred:And a very public one at that.
    Turning up at the Penguin's black market auction's certainly going to raise a few eyebrows, isn't it?
    Bruce:You're the one that said that bidding on it was the smarter play.
    Alfred:That I did, but I didn't mean as going as yourself, did I?
    What do think the idea was of going down to the docks, pretending to be someone else?
    I was trying to teach you a lesson.
    Now, if you're going to continue down this vigilante path, Master Bruce, you've got to learn how to assume...
    other roles.
    Play the role that you were born to play.
    That of a privileged, somewhat...
    pedantic teenager with deeper pockets than anybody else in this city.
    Bruce:You mean behave like a spoiled brat.
    Alfred:It goes against everything that your beautiful parents tried to ingrain in you.
    But yes...
    Bruce:Bruce Wayne...
    billionaire brat.



    Man:$250,000 going once, twice...
    sold to Mr.Bruce Wayne.
    That's what I'm talkin' about.
    I love art.
    I love it, yeah!
    I'm gonna put it in my, uh, in my bathroom.
    Alfred:Steady on, Master Bruce.
    Let's not overplay our hand, shall we?
    Bruce:I must admit, this is fun.
    Alfred:And try to exercise a modicum of financial restraint.
    Technically, you are the richest man in the room, but let's not try and buy absolutely everything, shall we?
    Bruce:True, but if I only bid on the Knife everyone's been trying to steal from Penguin, it might draw his suspicion.
    If I go on a spending spree, recklessly throwing my money around, he won't think twice.
    When'd you think of that?
    Bruce:Improvisation, Alfred.
    It's a weapon in any actor's tool kit.
    Alfred:Oh, heads up.
    Here we go.
    Bruce:Oswald, my friend!
    Oswald:Bruce Wayne, what a lovely surprise.
    You certainly are getting out quite a lot these days, aren't you?
    Bruce:The way I see it, everyone else in this town is having fun.
    Why shouldn't I?
    Oswald:I agree!
    You and your insanely large bank account are more than welcome here.
    Bruce:Barbara Kean.
    I thought she died.
    Oswald:Unfortunately, nobody stays dead in this town.
    Excuse me.
    Alfred:You do realize, don't you, Master Bruce, that if you actually win, Ra's al Ghul will come after the Knife.
    Bruce:Let him.
    Man:The next item up for auction is an embalming Knife from the tomb of King Balahsi of Sumeria.
    Opening bid will begin at $50,000.
    Barbara:A hundred thousand dollars.
    Bruce:What does she want with it?
    Alfred:I have no idea.
    Stay focused.
    Man:$100,000 to Ms.Kean.
    Do I hear one...
    Bruce:One hundred thousand and one dollar.
    Man:Actually, Mr.Wayne, the bidding amounts are in $50,000...
    We have $200,000.
    Bruce:Two hundred thousand and one dollar.
    How about you let someone else have some fun?
    No problem.
    I'm sorry about that.
    Man:Very well.
    Three hundred...
    Bruce:$300,000 and one cent.
    Now back off, you little brat.
    Bruce:Wow, Ms.Kean.
    That's a lot of money.
    For someone like you.
    $2 million!
    Oswald:Sold to Mr.Bruce Wayne.
    Barbara:Congratulations, Bruce.
    Bruce:Thank you.
    Oswald:I do love seeing that woman lose.
    But a little piece of friendly advice.
    Barbara Kean does not give up easily.
    She'll be coming for that Knife.
    I would just, uh, keep a close eye on it if I were you.
    Alfred:Well, there's a new wrinkle, isn't it?


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  • Gotham S4EP2 The Fear Reaper

    Alfred:Right, thank you very much, Officer.
    Bruce:Alfred, you need to explain this was just a misunderstanding.
    Worry not, Master Bruce, we have Wayne Enterprises' most talented and expensive lawyer on the case.
    He'll have you out in a jiffy.
    How'd they nick you, anyway?
    Bruce:I fell through the skylight.
    These thieves must have triggered an alarm.
    The police were so quick to respond.
    I wasn't expecting that, Alfred.
    Alfred:Yeah, well, you could have broke your bloody neck.
    Bruce:I had them red-handed.
    If I could've only...
    Alfred:Only what?
    Only taken on an entire crew twice your size?
    Bruce:Perhaps, yes.
    Jim:Well, here's something you don't see every day.
    Bruce Wayne behind bars.
    Bruce:There's been a terrible mistake, Detective Gordon.
    You see, I fell in from the roof into a robbery in progress.
    I wasn't breaking in.
    Jim:Is that so?
    Why were you up on the roof?
    Bruce:I was looking for Selina Kyle.
    Jim:I see.
    Uh, we will, of course, have our lawyer post bail, Detective Gordon.
    Jim:I hardly think that's necessary.
    We'll talk more about this, Bruce.
    But not tonight.
    Bruce:Thank you, Detective.
    Alfred:Thank you.



    Fox:Rough night, Bruce?
    Get into a fight?
    Alferd:No, he fell through a skylight.
    He was on the rooftops, looking for Selina Kyle.
    Bloody teenagers, eh?
    But your clothes...
    looks more like concrete and stone residue, though.
    What were you doing before that?
    Alfred:Rock climbing.
    Fox:Rock climbing.
    Alfred:Yes, we were rock climbing.
    Bruce:Alfred's been teaching me.
    At the rock faces in...
    the south gardens.
    Alfred:Taken to it like a duck to water, he has.
    But we've got to plod on, Mr.Fox.
    Fox:Of course.
    Sorry to have kept you.
    Be careful on those rocks, Bruce.
    It's a dangerous sport.
    Alfred:We will, Mr.Fox.
    We will.



    Bruce:I don't want to hear it, Alfred.
    I'm going back out there.
    I'm not gonna let this trail go cold.
    Alfred:Far be it from me to stop you, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:You're not coming?
    Alfred:No, sir.
    Bruce:And why not?
    Alfred:Because, as last night proved, you...
    are simply not ready.
    Yeah, you can chuck a punch, you can block one.
    You're quick on your toes, I'll give you that.
    What if they got gun, Master Bruce?
    Bruce:Out there, Alfred, I feel more alive than I've ever felt before.
    Do you understand that?
    Alfred:And that is precisely why I am not stopping you, sir.
    But you'll excuse me if I don't want to stand by and watch you get shot.



    Alfred:Now, I hate to tell you I told you so, Master Bruce.
    Up you get.
    You got to leave.



    Alfred:You could have been killed!
    Bruce:But I wasn't.
    Alfred:That's 'cause I followed you.
    Bruce:I had it under control.
    Alfred:How am I supposed to support you if you refuse to accept the realities of the situation?
    Bruce:Alfred, the realities of the situation...
    Fox:Bad time?
    Not at all.
    Please come in.
    Fox:Forgive me.
    I should have called, but...
    Well, I just couldn't stop thinking about our last chat.
    Wayne Enterprises were developing a durable material for millitary uniforms when I worked there.
    It is a thin Kevlar weave with reinforced forearm protection.
    The gloves have a faceted grip design to help you cling to any surface.
    The whole uniform is extremely lightweight, and actually, bulletproof to impacts from 10 feet or more.
    You know, for rock climbing.
    Oh, and long distance radio communicators.
    In case you two wish to talk to each other whilst climbing rock.
    Well, I will not keep you.
    I just didn't want to see you get hurt again, Mr.Wayne.
    Bruce:Thank you, Mr.Fox.
    I feel safer already.



    Alfred:Ooh, that's a lovely leap, Master Bruce; positively gazelle-like.
    Bruce:It's so lightweight, it's like I'm wearing nothing at all.
    Alfred:Yeah, well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
    Remember to keep your face covered at all times.
    Try wearing that mask I made you.

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  • Gotham S4EP1 Pax Penguina

    Alfred:Bloody Penguin.
    Bruce:There must be some way we can turn this against him.
    Alfred:Oh, just-just stop.
    Stop right there.
    How does this fit into what we're doing?
    What was the initial reason that you popped on that mask and you went out there?
    Bruce:We agreed that I have to be ready for when Ra's al Ghul returns.
    You yourself said there's no substitute for real-world encounters.
    Alfred:But my point is if that is our mission, we must hold to it.
    Bruce:My finger was on the button that released the virus.

    Alfred:Oh, I see.
    Bruce:I know I didn't press it, but I feel responsible for what happened.
    And more than that, I can make a difference in Gotham, Alfred.
    I know I can.
    Alfred:And that is what we call "mission creep," Master Bruce.
    You're trying to achieve not one but two objectives.
    So, go on, then.
    Which one is your priority?
    It's messy, sir.
    It's dangerous.
    Bruce:I hear you, Alfred.
    But I can prepare myself for Ra's and make Gotham safer.
    You have to trust me.


    Oswald:Mr.Wayne, Mr.Pennyworth.
    I am so glad you could make it.
    Bruce:It's our pleasure.
    Alfred:We were just admiring your frozen mate.
    Is he still alive in there?
    Oswald:I fear we may never know.
    Bruce:Well, you'll know when you finally thaw him out.
    When they discover a cure for his disease.
    Oswald:Oh, yes.
    Then, of course.
    Bruce:I wanted to personally thank you for everything you've done for this city.
    Oswald:Thank you, Mr. Wayne.
    can I ask about the licenses?
    Alfred:Uh, a little discretion, if you would, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:Everybody's talking about it, Alfred.
    I just want to know how it works.
    So, does someone come to you and say "I want to rob a bank"?
    Oswald:Now, Bruce, if I didn't know any better, I would think that you wanted me to implicate myself.
    Bruce:Anything you say stays between us.
    Oswald:First, let me ask...
    you would be agreeable to the idea of licensed crime?
    Bruce:If crime had been licensed and controlled three years ago, my parents would still be alive.
    Oswald:Exactly so.
    Well, between us, I have nothing to do with the licenses directly.
    I provide the guidelines while Mr.Penn handles all of the details.
    would you excuse me?
    Alfred:Well done, sir.
    Bruce:Thank you.
    Now we know who has the list.
    The next step is...



    Alfred:Honestly, you two.
    Why can't you just go to the cinema like normal teenagers?
    Uh, Master Bruce, we got a bit of a...
    bit of a situation downstairs.
    Bruce:What sort of situation?
    Alfred:Miss Kyle.



    Oswald:For the past three months, I have given this city a tranquility it has never known.
    Now I would like to ensure that peace for the future.
    In the weeks to come, you will hear whispers about what's happening in the streets of Gotham.
    All you need to know is without me...
    this is what you get.
    Men who want to bring fear back to our city, who promise a return to the old days.
    tell your families, tell your friends, it is Oswald Cobblepot who keeps them safe, not the GCPD.
    You're welcome!
    Bruce:I have my things in the car.
    We can stop them in the parking garage.
    Alfred:Absolutely not, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:Alfred, Penguin is gonna take those men out and kill them.
    Alfred:Undoubtedly so...
    but as you said before, you can make a difference.
    There is a time for masks, and there is a time for Bruce Wayne.
    Oswald:What's going to be done to you...
    I want to know what you're going to do with those men.
    Oswald:You need not concern yourself with that.
    Bruce:Are those men going to be turned over to the police?
    Oswald:Earlier tonight, you thanked me for making the city safer.
    Now, how do you think that happened?
    I do the dirty work no one else will.
    Bruce:I understand.
    But I'm asking you, turn those men over to the police.
    Oswald:You're young.
    You have a good heart.


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  • Gotham S3EP22

    Bruce:You're awake!
    I'm sorry, Alfred.
    Alfred:It wasn't your fault, was it?
    Bruce:I completely lost my way.
    I've been trying to find who I am for so long, searching for some greater meaning.
    I don't know who I am, Alfred.
    Who am I supposed to be?
    Alfred:I can't help you with that one, mate.
    You're a man now.
    You got to find your own path.
    Bruce:I'm not like you.
    You've always been so sure of who you are.
    Alfred:Oh, I don't know about that.
    I've been through some very dark places, as have you.
    You need to find your true north and let that guide you.
    Bruce:What's yours?
    It's always been you.
    You got to find something that you really care about...
    and you protect it at all costs.
    And when you find it...
    ...you'll never be lost again.

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  • Gotham S3EP21

    Alfred:Detective Gordon.
    Has he said anything?
    Alfred:No, no, he just sits there staring.
    I need to talk to him, Harvey.
    Bullock:We're sure that's not the clone?
    Alfred:No, that's Bruce.
    God knows what those bastards done to him, but he's utterly brainwashed.
    Bullock:Are you really the best person to talk to him?
    I mean, from what you said, you killed his mentor or something.
    He might be a bit peeved.
    Alfred:Listen, whatever they did to him, that is Bruce Wayne in there.
    That boy is stronger than you can possibly imagine.
    I just need to make him remember who he is.
    Bullock:As long as he doesn't leave the precinct.



    Alfred:There we go, Master Bruce.
    Two lumps just how you like it.
    You hungry, mate?
    Can I whip you up a sandwich?
    Anyway, if all goes well, we should be able to head back to Wayne Manor tomorrow.
    Although I was thinking that we could go abroad.
    We could go to Switzerland.
    I mean, we used to go with your mum and dad this time of year...
    Bruce:Stop it.
    Your attempts to elicit an emotional response by reminding me of shared memories is clumsy and pathetic.
    Bruce:The last memory I have is of you killing the best friend and teacher I ever had.
    Alfred:You mean that old geezer that kidnapped you, poisoned your mind, and tried to turn you into a mass murderer?
    Let me tell you something, Master Bruce, that man lied to you.
    Him and his bloody Court of Owls, they tried to use you, they tried to manipulate you.
    Bruce:You say he was a liar.
    By taking away the pain I've carried for years?
    By giving me revenge against the people who killed my mother and father?
    That's more than you ever did.
    Anyway, the Court of Owls does not matter.
    They merely paved the way for the one who is to come.
    Alfred:What do you mean?
    Who's coming?
    Bruce:You'll see.



    Alfred:So, I will ask you again.
    Who's coming?
    I mean, I thought the man that I dispatched at Wayne Enterprises was the leader of the Court of Owls?
    Bruce:I want you to leave.
    Alfred:Yeah, well, that ain't gonna happen, is it, mate?
    You can't rid of me that easy.
    You have to remember who you are.
    Bruce:I know who I am.
    I have a destiny!
    Alfred:Now, you listen to me.
    That man that wanted you to detonate that bomb, whatever he promised you, freedom from pain, power, none of it, none of it was real.
    I want you to remember what is real.
    Bruce:I know what's real!
    I got vengeance for my parents' murder.
    That's real!
    No, that's not real.
    What's real is every time that you were sick when you were a kid, your mum used to sit up with you all night and read to you till you fell asleep.
    That's real.
    Or when you were seven and you took your silly rowing boat out and you got lost in that storm and me and your dad were out shouting and screaming, losing our minds, and when your dad found you, how he cried.
    That's real.
    Yes, your parents died in that alley three years ago, and maybe that man took away the pain of that night, but there is no life, there is no love, without pain.
    He could not touch the love that your mum and dad gave you, that you still have in you.
    You still have in here.
    Same love that I have for you.
    I love you, Master Bruce.
    I would do anything for you.
    I would die for you.
    You must find that love again.
    Come back to me, Master Bruce.
    Thank you very much.
    Fox:No problem.
    Alfred:Excuse me.
    Oh, bloody hell.



    Fox:He's following directions or something.
    Alfred:Gotta find out who's controlling him.
    Who's brainwashed him.
    Fox:And then what?
    Alfred:I'm gonna kill the bastard.



    Find Bullock.
    Let him know where we are.
    I'm gonna follow Bruce.



    Alfred:Oh, don't look so surprised, Master Bruce.
    I told you, you couldn't get rid of me that easy.
    I just got a bit sloppy.
    Got a bit of ring rust.
    Let these little ninja monkeys get one over on me.
    You all right, mate?
    What are you come as?
    Ra's al Ghul:Enough.
    This man is your past, Bruce.
    Now, embrace your future.
    kill him.
    Join me.
    Fulfill your destiny.
    Alfred:He's wrong, Master Bruce.
    There's no other way to put it.
    He's wrong.
    Your destiny is to be Bruce Wayne.
    And one day you're gonna remember that.
    And you're gonna remember how much I love you.
    I remember the first time your mum and dad brought you home.
    They were so exhausted.
    And they gave you to me.
    This tiny defenseless little creature.
    And they said, "Look after him." And I said, "Sure," and I scooped you up in my arms, and I held you, and you opened your eyes, and you looked at me.
    And at that moment, I decided that I would do anything for you.
    So if this is what you need to do, Master Bruce, you crack on.
    You do it.


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  • Gotham S3EP20

    Bullock:Keep me informed.
    Any word for Bruce?
    Bullock:Alvarez said he wasn't at that location, but they're checking out the next black site on the map.
    Jim:All right.
    Everybody knows the score.
    The Court of Owls is planning an attack on the city.
    They've kidnapped Bruce Wayne.
    And now they know we're coming for them.
    So be ready for anything.
    Let's go.
    This is the Ruling Council.
    Who could have done this?
    Bullock:Straight-up execution.
    We've got a breather.
    Jim:Yeah, I'm a traitor.
    Where's Bruce Wayne?
    Where's the bomb?
    Man:We were betrayed...
    The leader, Bruce Wayne, they killed us.
    Alfred:That geezer's lying.
    If Master Bruce was in that room, he's being held prisoner or something.
    I mean, it's absurd to think he had anything to do with that carnage.
    Bullock:I still don't get why the leader would whack his own ruling council.
    I mean, does this mean the virus bomb plan thing's off?
    Jim:Until we have the bomb in our possession, we have to assume the plan's still on.
    Maybe the leader was cleaning house.
    Bullock:So what's the next step?
    Because we hit every spot on that crystal owl and all we got were dead people wearing owl masks.
    Jim:We run their identities, we track their holdings.
    We see where it leads us.
    It worked with Kathryn.
    And how long's that gonna take then, mate?
    Jim:We're all trying to find Bruce, Alfred.
    We're doing everything we can.
    If only that were enough, eh?



    Alfred:Harvey, I found something.
    This is a mock-up of the map that Lucius made of all The Court's black sites, right?
    One problem.
    The place where Bruce and I found the original crystal owl should be here.
    But it's not.
    Bullock:Or maybe it's an old owl that hasn't been updated.
    Alfred:No, mate, no.
    You're missing the point.
    No, look.
    The Court hasn't marked all the hideouts.
    Bullock:So how did you find the house when you stole the Owl?
    Alfred:Well, there was this little Ukrainian smuggling firm called the Whisper gang.
    Bullock:And you're thinking that maybe they know of other locations.
    You know where we can find these clowns?
    Alfred:I do.
    If there's any left alive.



    Bullock:Jim, me and Alfred got a possible location on Bruce from a bunch of Ukrainian yucks wearing muzzles if you can believe it.
    Give me a call when you can.
    Alfred:Where the hell is Gordon, anyway?
    Bullock:He had to do something.
    We're gonna have to give you a badge or something one of these days.
    Strange:Please, be very careful with this.
    Go get Bruce.
    Don't move a muscle.
    Strange:Obviously, I surrender.
    Sensei:You know where to take it.
    Oh, thank God.
    So you're the top boy, are you?
    The leader Step away from Bruce or I swear to God, I will shoot you straight in the face.
    Sensei:You had best put down the weapon, Mr.Pennyworth.
    Alfred:Not bloody likely, mate.
    Bruce, get out of the line.
    Bruce:No, Alfred.
    I will not let you hurt him.
    Alfred:What's he done to you?
    Bruce:He has lifted the burden of my past.
    Revealed my true destiny.
    Gotham must fall by my hand.



    Bullock:Alfred, hey.
    You Okay?
    Alfred:Far from it.
    I mean, the leader of The Court has turned Bruce into some kind of weird zombie zealot.
    I mean, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.
    I think he wants Bruce to detonate the bomb.
    Alfred:Bruce said something about it being his destiny.
    How Gotham must fall by his hand.
    Bullock:This is bad.
    We gotta find that frigging bomb.
    Let's go see baldy-locks and see what he can tell us.



    I know he's your mate.
    But with everything else that's going on, with Bruce missing, the bomb...
    You certain searching for Jim is the best use of your time?
    Bullock:If the situation were reversed, he'd do the same for me.
    Besides, I got you.
    Alfred:What do you mean?
    Bullock:I want you to squeeze Strange.
    Find out everything he knows.
    I saw how you dealt with that Kathryn bird.
    You like to get your hands dirty.
    Alfred:You sure about this, mate?
    Bullock:I want you to get your hands really dirty.
    I want you to find out where the leader is taking Bruce.
    Find the bomb.
    And however much or little is left of Strange after that, even if it's just a pinky, we will throw in jail.

    Alfred:Get off.
    I find this shouting and screaming deeply upsetting.
    It affects my concentration.
    And my grip.
    Don't let me fall.
    We can discuss this in a civilized manner.
    Alfred:That's rich coming from the likes of you that's about to poison thousands of people and turn them into raving lunatics.
    Now, where is Bruce Wayne?
    And where is the bomb?
    Strange:If I tell you, you drop me.
    I end up dead, either way.
    Alfred:Self-preservation, is it?
    That's your game.
    All right then, Humpty.
    I got a swapsy for you.
    Down you pop.
    Your freedom for Bruce Wayne.
    Strange:You don't have the authority to let me go.
    Alfred:I didn't have the authority to just hang you off the side of a bloody building, did I?
    Hey, see that fire escape over there?
    That leads directly to the street and to your freedom.
    Now, I won't stop you.
    I just wanna know where my boy is.
    Strange:All right.
    The leader has taken Bruce to Wayne Enterprises.
    They'll have a view of the street below as it fills with people infected by the virus.
    But you're too late.
    What time is the bomb going off?
    Strange:5:00 p.m.
    But that's not what I mean.
    The Bruce Wayne you know is gone.
    His mind is no longer his own.
    Alfred:Oh, you're so wrong.
    You have got no idea how strong that boy is.
    Now, I'm a man of my word.
    You can walk, just as soon as you wake up.
    Strange:I don't know what you mean.



    Alfred:Strange said the bomb is due to detonate at 5:00 p.m.
    That's in, like, 20 minutes.
    Alfred:He never said, mate, but he did say that the leader and Bruce are heading directly to Wayne Enterprises to watch the fallout.
    Now, the rooftop looks directly on to Union Station.
    The bomb is due to go off slap-bang in the middle of rush hour.



    Sensei:It's time.
    Press the button.
    Claim your destiny.
    Let Gotham fall so you may rise.
    Whatever destiny he's sold you, Bruce, he's lying.
    Sensei:Press it, Bruce.
    Alfred:Don't Bruce, don't.
    I won't have him turn you into a murderer.


    Bruce:Are you going to shoot me, Alfred?
    Alfred:I wanna help you.
    We'll reverse what he's done to you.
    Bruce, if you press that detonator, there's no coming back.
    Sensei:He won't shoot you.
    He's weak, Bruce, but you are not.
    Alfred:Bruce, please.
    Give me the detonator, son.
    Sensei:No, you will press it.


    Sensei:Seek out the Yuyan building.
    Find the demon's head.
    Fulfill your destiny.

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