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  • Gotham S3EP19

    Selina:I came here to do one thing and it ain't answering questions.
    Five:Strange as it sounds, I'm glad you're alive.
    Selina:That is strange.
    'Cause you pushed me out a four-story window.
    Five:What choice did I have?
    You were gonna tell Alfred about me.
    Selina:You mean how you're a freak?
    How you're just a cheap knock-off who kidnapped the real Bruce Wayne.
    Selina, stop, stop!
    Selina:He's not Bruce!
    He's not Bruce!
    Alfred:Oh, dear God.
    Five:She attacked me, Alfred.
    She's out of her mind.
    Alfred:She needs a doctor.
    Five:You saw her.
    She was crazy.
    Alfred:Put the iron down, Bruce.
    I said put the iron down!
    Alfred:You can't...
    You don't feel a thing, do you?
    Do you?
    Now I'm gonna ask you nicely.
    Or I swear to God you're gonna feel a whole lot of pain.
    Where is Bruce?
    Five:Bruce is serving a greater purpose than himself.
    As am l.
    Alfred:Last time!
    Where is Bruce?
    Five:You were always kind to me, Alfred.
    Even when you thought I wasn't Bruce.
    Just tell me where Bruce is.



    Alfred:No, I said Gordon.
    No, Detective Jim Gordon.
    Have him call me the minute he gets this message, all right, you nancy?
    You should see a doctor.
    Alfred:Fine, whatever.
    Listen, think.
    Can you remember anything else?
    Selina:Only what I already told you, Alfred.
    The clone came to me, talking about how Gotham's gonna be judged and...
    A lot of people are gonna die.
    Alfred:It's bloody Court of Owls, isn't it?
    I warned you.
    Warned you what would happen if you poked the tiger.
    Alfred:Why, do you want a medal, do ya?
    All that matters is they've got Bruce.
    Selina:Wait, you think he's still alive?
    Alfred:My boy is still alive!
    And you...
    You're gonna help me find him.
    Selina:No, I'm not.
    Alfred:Oh, don't...
    Don't do that.
    Then what, you're still angry with Bruce 'cause he never told you your mum was a wonky con artist?
    That boy has been loyal to you.
    He's been good.
    He's been a friend, and now he's in trouble, you're not even going to lift a finger?
    Selina:I don't know what good it'll do me.
    Alfred:You're a disgrace.
    You're like your mum.
    Go on then.
    Run away.
    And don't you ever come back here.



    Where the bloody hell have you been?
    I've been trying to call you all day.
    What's happened?
    Alfred:It's Bruce.
    He's been abducted.
    Bullock:Oh, why?
    Why can't anything be easy?
    Alfred:Don't know how, but he's definitely gone.
    And you're not gonna believe this, but the people responsible are this shadowy organization that run the whole of Gotham.
    Jim:The Court of Owls.
    We've been investigating The Court and a woman named Kathryn Monroe for months now.
    Until this morning, I was working undercover inside the organization.
    Alfred:Did they ever mention Bruce?
    Why would they wanna kidnap him?
    Alfred:Well, I might have had a bit of a run-in early on in the year.
    Bullock:How long has he been gone?
    Alfred:I don't know.
    Could be several days, several weeks.
    How can that kid be missing for weeks?
    That's your one friggin' job.
    Alfred:Don't you think I know that?
    They've replaced him, all right?
    With a...
    With an exact clone created in Indian Hill.
    Bullock:Well, hold on a second.
    Wait, backup.
    I thought I heard you say, "Clone."

    Alfred:That's 'cause I did.
    Bullock:I gotta sit down.
    Jim:All right.
    Let's think this through.
    Alfred, is there anything you and Bruce could've done that would have drawn attention from The Court?
    Alfred:Oh, well, we did break in to one of their houses, to try and find something to give us leverage against The Court.
    But all we found was this ridiculous crystal owl thingamajig which I managed to break.
    Jim:Crystal owl?
    Is there any way it could be reassembled?
    Jim:We found another owl this morning.
    When you shine a light through it, a map of Gotham appears.
    We think this map indicates the secret hideouts of The Court.
    Alfred:So Bruce could be in one of those hideouts, right?
    So where's your bloody owl?
    Bullock:Uh, well, due to circumstances totally beyond our control, the owl went kaboom.
    Jim:But we could reassemble the owl that you stole, maybe we could find Bruce and the bomb.
    Do you still have the pieces?
    Alfred:You're having a laugh, ain't ya?
    After all the bloody trouble I went through to get it, of course I do.
    I'll be back in a minute.


    ④親の顔よりよく見た "I'm a butler."

    Here you go.
    Bullock:Wait, this is the owl?
    What the hell happened to it?
    Alfred:Jerome Valeska smashed it to bits when he broke into the manor, didn't he?
    Can you put it back together again?
    Bullock:I can't even do a jigsaw puzzle.
    I just smash the pieces in with my fist till they fit.
    But wait a second.
    We have a guy here who makes molds of murder victims' faces out of clay.
    I'll give him a call.
    Alfred:All right.
    Where's Gordon?
    Bullock:He's interrogating Kathryn Monroe.
    Alfred:What, the woman from The Court of Owls?
    Bullock:I mean, no.
    No, not the woman from The Court of Owls.
    Oh, God, no.
    Not her.
    Tell me where Bruce Wayne is or I guarantee you'll regret it.
    I've got this.
    Kathryn:Good cop, bad cop?
    That routine's a bit tired.
    Isn't it, gentlemen?
    Alfred:Yeah, but I'm not a cop.
    Am I?
    I'm a butler.



    Alfred, that's enough.
    Bullock:Is he out of his freakin' mind?
    Jim:It's his play.
    Alfred:Now, you tell me where Bruce Wayne is, you evil old trout, or I will gut you!
    Or maybe I should try the other hand.
    Bullock:What the hell's going on?
    Alfred:I'm all right.
    Bullock:Hey, hey, you two.
    Stop it right now.
    We got a bigger problem.
    Barnes is out there.
    He tore up the precinct, used some kind of knockout gas.
    I gotta get you and her out of here right now.
    Let's go.
    Jim:Take her.
    Alfred:Get up.


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  • Gotham S3EP17

    Alfred:And that, my old mucker, is checkmate.
    Five:Good game, Alfred.
    Alfred:You let me win, didn't you, Master Bruce?
    Five:No way, Alfred.
    Alfred:No way, my foot.
    That's very unlike you, isn't it?
    And to be honest, I mean, you haven't been yourself these past few days, have you?
    Five:I don't know what you're talking about.
    Alfred:I think you do know what I'm talking about.
    So, come on.
    Out With it.
    Five:The other day when I came home, you asked how things were with Selina.
    I made it sound like things were hopeful.
    I lied.
    She said she never wanted to see me again.
    I was embarrassed.
    I was afraid you'd ask me about seeing Selina, and I'd lie...
    I just didn't want to talk about it.
    Alfred:Well, I...
    I understand, Master B.
    And thank you very much for being so candid.
    And I really wouldn't worry about Ms.Kyle.
    You know, time has a way of sorting these things out, doesn't it?
    Talking of which, I should check on the dinner.
    Five:Thank you.
    You're a good friend.
    Alfred:Glad to hear it, sir.

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  • Gotham S3EP15

    Alfred:So, you shift your weight to your front foot as you swing your arm forward, just like chopping down a branch.
    Easy as pie.
    Right, so, weight on the back foot.
    Blade comes back evenly, and, well...
    Precision under pressure is everything, Master Bruce.
    And a clear conscience.
    Were you aiming for the window, Master Bruce?
    Bruce:You keep distracting me.
    Alfred:Well, you should be able to hit the target regardless, shouldn't you?
    I mean, we had rules about training.
    Rules which will be impossible to stand by if you remain unfocused.
    Now, I sense there's something weighing on your mind.
    Miss Kyle, perhaps?
    Bruce:I'm not unfocused because of Selina.
    Right, I see.
    So, it wouldn't trouble you to know that she dropped a note off for you in the mailbox, then.
    She asked to see you tomorrow.
    Selina's been avoiding me for weeks.
    It's gonna take more than a note to have me running.



    Bruce:What are you making?
    Alfred:Shepherd's pie.
    Alfred:Well, you're more than welcome to take over the menu, Master Bruce.
    Did I ever tell you how I copped this recipe from an old lady friend of mine?
    A memorable fling.
    Ended badly, though.
    Can't remember what we rowed about.
    Something idiotic.
    It left me reeling, Master Bruce.
    I couldn't concentrate on my studies.
    You think telling me a transparent anecdote will make me run to Selina?
    Alfred:No, I don't.
    You see, Sylvia and I, we got closure.
    Now, it seems that Miss Kyle has offered you the same opportunity, and I suggest that you...
    You take it.
    If it'll get you to stop, I'll go.
    Alfred:I'll keep the pie warm for you, Master Bruce.



    Five:Good evening, Alfred.
    Alfred:And to you, Master Bruce.
    Well, you seem remarkably chipper.
    Things went well with Ms.Kyle, I take it?
    Five:Selina's Selina.
    Alfred:Well, say no more.
    You spoke, that's all that matters, innit?
    You up for some shepherd's pie, then?
    Bruce:Sounds delicious.
    Alfred:Right, jolly good.Wont't be a moment.

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  • Gotham S3EP14

    Bruce:I'll light these candles.

    Alfred:Good lad.
    I'll go downstairs to see if there's any life left in that old generator.
    Who's calling at this hour?
    Jerome:Ohh! My, my.
    Look how big you've gotten.



    Bruce:Are you okay?
    Alfred:I'll be fine, Master Bruce.
    I'll be fine.
    Jerome:Nice place you got here.
    You rent?
    Bruce:What do you want?
    Teenagers. Am I right?
    Oh, I remember those days.
    So many exciting new emotions floating through you.
    Wanting to kill everyone you saw. Aw.
    You. Give me.
    You know, I will never understand rich people's tastes.
    Bruce:It's worthless.
    My father found it at a flea market.
    I keep it for sentimental reasons.
    Jerome:Nice try. Oh, it's got some heft to it.
    Expensive, I'm guessing.
    Be such a shame if I...
    Bruce:Oh! No, don't.
    Tougher than I figured.
    Alfred:Aah! Bloody hell!

    Bruce:I asked you what you want.
    Jerome:Right. Sorry.
    The old noodle's still a little al dente post-thaw.
    The reason I'm here is I'm gonna kill you.
    Jerome:Well, it's the last thing I remember wanting to do.
    It's been nagging at me since I woke up.
    The idea of slitting that pretty, pink throat of yours.
    Figure that'd clear the decks.
    What do you think, huh?

    Alfred:Don't you...
    Bruce:I remember that night...
    When you took over the benefit.
    You were quite the showman.
    Jerome:Thank you.
    Always nice to be appreciated.
    Bruce:And you're just going to kill me here?
    That's kind of disappointing.
    Jerome:What do you mean?
    Bruce:After all the buildup...
    You coming back to life, turning off the lights in Gotham...
    killing me here just doesn't show a lot of...
    Jerome:Flair? Hmm? Style?

    Panache? Hmm?
    Go on, boy. Spit it out.
    I can take it.
    Bruce:I'm Bruce Wayne.
    Jerome:I'm aware.
    Bruce:I am the ruling elite.
    My company is the machine that keeps the cogs of Gotham running.
    Bruce:killing me should mean something!
    And you're telling me no one's going to see it?
    Jerome:You're saying I need an audience?
    Oh. Look, I know you're just trying to buy time so you can escape.
    But your point is still valid.
    Saddle up, boys!
    We're taking this show on the road!
    And I know just the spot.
    Come on. Uh-uh-uh.
    Not you, old chap.
    The prince of Gotham deserves a public death. His butler, not so much. kill him.
    This is what you've been training for.
    You're gonna be all right on your own.
    Bruce:I will see you again.
    Alfred:You carry on, son. You carry on.
    Jerome:Strangely intimate.
    Come on.
    Try not to get any blood on the couch. I might come back for that.



    Alfred:Fine! Come on then. What are you waiting for?
    Man:You in a rush to die, old man?
    Man 2:Who's gonna kill him?
    Who's gonna do it?
    I want to do it.
    I'll do it.
    What, you three?
    You three left here to take out the rubbish, were you?
    You, Mr. Machine gun, by the suit of armor, I want you to shoot me in the grill, are you?
    How about you with the crowbar, by the sofa?
    Gonna cave in my skull?!
    And how 'bout you, Mr. Machete?
    Come on in, sunshine. Don't be shy.
    Your mother wasn't. Chop-chop.
    Man:Who are you talking to, old man?
    Jim: Me!
    Where's Bruce?
    Alfred:That lunatic Jerome took him.



    Jim:Bullock's pulling messages from the tip line.
    You said Bruce was able to convince Jerome to kill him in front of an audience?
    Alfred:Yeah, he was trying to buy himself some more time.
    And I'd be proud if I wasn't so bloody terrified.
    City's given way to bedlam again.
    Jim:Jerome's acolytes have occupied places all over town.
    So finding an audience won't be the issue.
    Question is where.

    Bullock:We got 'em.
    They're in Anders Park, the cathedral, the zoo.
    They've taken over the Hillside Conservatory, the courthouse, and the Boardwalk Circus.
    Jim:Jerome was raised in a circus.
    Have a strike force and all available units meet us there.
    Bullock:I'll put out the call on the way. Let's roll.



    Jim:Where the hell is our backup?
    Bullock:Still two minutes out.
    Most were waylaid by another riot on the west side.
    Alfred:Yeah, but we can't wait, mate.
    Jim:All right, so... we go in, find Bruce, get him to safety, then we go after Jerome.
    Bullock:Not really.



    Alfred:Oh, good Lord.
    Bullock:Strike force just arrived.
    They're coming in.



    Bruce:I thought you were dead.
    Alfred:You can't get rid of me that easily, can you, mate?
    Oh, come here



    Alfred:Well, got to say... the clown makeup was way more terrifying than the damage underneath, Master Bruce.
    Did I ever tell you that I don't like clowns?
    Well... in a couple of days, you'll be back to your old self.
    I guarantee it.
    You ready to tell me what happened?
    Bruce:When Jerome took me away...
    I thought they were going to kill you.
    Alfred:Shold I tell you what I thought?
    I thought how proud I was of you.
    Of the man that you've become.
    Bruce:I almost killed him, Alfred.
    Alfred:Ah, but you didn't, now, did you?
    You controlled your anger.
    Bruce:It wasn't just anger.
    After everything Jerome had done, after all the pain he caused, the idea of killing him felt...
    Alfred:It felt right.
    It felt like justice.
    Alfred:There's a very fine line, Master Bruce, between justice... and vengeance.
    Bruce:I know.
    But that doesn't mean there isn't one.
    Alfred:No, it doesn't.
    Bruce:I knew where the line was tonight, Alfred.
    I didn't cross it.
    Alfred:Well, that's the first rule.
    Bruce:What do you mean?
    Alfred:Now, I started training you so you could defend yourself.
    Well, we're well past that, aren't we?
    But what's all this training for?
    What are you gonna do with it?
    Bruce:I don't know.
    Alfred:Nor do I.
    But if you keep going, you're gonna need rules.
    Rules that you cannot and you will not break, never mind what the reason, never mind what the circumstance.
    Bruce:I will not kill.
    Alfred:Say it again.
    Bruce:I will not kill.
    Alfred:Then let's get to work..

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  • Gotham S3EP13

    Cole:Appreciate you boys seeing me so late.
    Alfred:Doesn't seem like we had much of a choice, Mr. Clemens, does it?
    Cole:Please, call me Cole.
    Bruce:You want money.
    Cole:That bitch, Maria Kyle, she owes me 200 grand.
    Bruce:I heard 100.
    Cole:Well, you got to figure gas money coming out here and, uh...
    Well...think you can afford it?
    Alfred:And what exactly is the nature of this debt?
    Cole:Call it lost income due to a broken contract.
    She said she'd do something.
    She didn't.
    Ergo, she owes me the money I would've made, plus interest.
    Alfred:Or what?
    Cole:Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
    I would never hurt a woman.
    However, I would feel justified in giving the police enough evidence so that your little girlfriend could only talk to her mama every other Thursday through a screen for the next 40 years.
    So, you give Maria the money, she gives it to me...
    I'm out of your lives.
    Cash, obviously.



    Maria:Are you sure about this?
    Bruce:Of course.
    You saved our lives.
    And other reasons.
    Selina:This is so stupid.
    Cole is a weasel.
    Just call the cops and get his ass arrested.
    Alfred:And what about your mom?
    I mean, a weasel he most definitely is, but if what he says is true, she could go to jail.
    Selina:And isn't that why you have lawyers?
    You pay a guy like Cole, all that happens is he comes back again.
    And again.
    Bruce:Look, worst case scenario, this buys us time to get your mom's record cleared so he doesn't have a hold over her.
    Seline:Right, 'cause it's just money.
    Maria:Or another choice is I could leave.
    I don't want to, but... it is an option.
    Selina:You know what?
    If he doesn't mind paying, why not, right?
    But I'd start keeping a lot of cash around.

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  • Gotham S3EP12

    Bruce: I don't get it.
    Why is it so important to the Court of Owls?
    It's just an ornament.
    Alfred:I don't know.
    Men died protecting it.
    Bruce:So we hide it, hold onto it for leverage in case they come for us again.
    Alfred:Perhaps in the cave.
    Ms. Kyle.
    What a surprise.
    For what do we owe this pleasure?
    Maria:I was just leaving this here for Selina.
    Uh... come in.
    Bruce:Please stay.
    We've been meaning to thank you in person for the other night.
    Maria:I can't. I have a train to catch.
    Please just see that she gets this.
    Alfred:Would you mind if I asked what's in the box?
    Maria:Some things I kept from my time here in Gotham.
    Bruce:It's not something you'd like to give to Selina yourself?
    Maria:I tried reaching out to her.
    She's too angry.
    Not that I can blame her.
    Please, just... see that she gets this.
    Bruce:Ms. Kyle?
    Take it from someone who misses his family very much.
    Please don't leave just yet.
    I know where she is.
    Let me talk to her.


    Maria:I know, and the best part is, that fake painting is still hanging in the gallery.
    Alfred:Perhaps we might be able to talk about something other than your previous illicit exploits, Ms. Kyle.
    Maria:Oh, I'm sorry, Alfred.
    This was a great meal.
    You're quite the chef.
    Alfred:Thank you very much, miss.
    Selina:He's a catch, this one.
    Got a stiff right hand, too.
    Easy mark, though.
    Alfred:Thank you... very much, cheeky monkey.
    Maria:Oh, you poor thing.
    Come here.
    Alfred: Oh...
    Maria:I see what you mean, though.
    Alfred: Oh, well, that's just...
    Just hilarious. You know... Really. Thank you.
    Thank you very much...
    Maria:Oh, I guess I better go.
    Bruce:It's late. Stay.
    Alfred will drive you to your hotel in the morning.
    Maria:You're very kind.



    If there's anything I can do for you, Ms. Kyle, please don't hesitate to ask.

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  • Gotham S3EP11

    Bruce:Volk is dead?
    Jacob:We found his and Dmitry's bodies early this morning.
    They were killed by Talon, the Court's assassin.
    Alfred:I'll say that certainly changes things a bit, doesn't it?
    Jacob:How? You possess the key. The key opens the safe.
    Inside the safe is an object that can bring down the Court of Owls.
    None of this has changed.
    Bruce:If this assassin saw us with Volk...
    Alfred:That means the Court already knows that you're breaking your deal, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:I wish we knew for certain.
    Alfred:Yeah, well, I wish we knew for certain what was in that blinking safe or how far we can trust this little Whisper gang front.
    Now ask yourself this. Is bringing down the Court really worth the risk?
    Bruce:The Court of Owls has taken over my company, threatened people I care about, and is likely responsible for my parents' deaths.
    What's our next step?



    Jacob:The Court of Owls maintains a number of buildings in Gotham.
    This one is rarely occupied and always well guarded, and there are two alarms.
    The first covers points of entry.
    Last week, we managed to disarm one of the windows.
    Once inside, the front door can be opened using a code that we possess.
    The second alarm is in the basement.
    In the room with the safe.
    The floor is fitted with infrared sensors.
    You must cross it on a rope.
    I have trained for this.
    You will give me the key you found, and I will retrieve the object.
    Alfred:But you still don't know what the object is, right?
    Jacob:Only that the Court protects it, fears it.
    And that with Talon hunting us, we have no time.
    Alfred:Right, so... let's go through this again.
    Seline:What'd you decide?
    Bruce:We're gonna break in today.
    We can't wait any longer.
    You okay?
    Just hungry.



    Alfred:I take it you're off?
    Seline:When we were casing that place, I got a feeling we were being watched.
    And if this Court of Owls is all you say, they're not gonna be too cool with Bruce breaking their deal.
    Alfred:That's very true.
    And Master Bruce knows the Court will catch up with him sooner or later.
    And if he has the opportunity to take them out, then he'll take them out.
    Seline:That's a big if.
    Especially when your stupid job is supposed to be protecting him.
    Alfred:My stupid job, miss, is to make sure that he grows up to be the man he's meant to be.
    Seline:Still... kind of a punk move for him to make a deal with the people who killed his parents.
    Alfred:Yeah, well, you understand this, then.
    He only did what he did to protect the people he cares about.
    For you.
    And it cost him dearly.



    Bruce:But she didn't say anything?
    Alfred:She said she thought we were being watched.
    Personally, I think she's just got the jitters.
    Bruce:She can't still be mad I told Ivy she was my girlfriend.
    Bruce:It just slipped out.
    She can call herself whatever she wants.
    Alfred:Fascinating as I find this tale of young unrequited love is, Master Bruce, please can we just concentrate on the task at hand?
    Do you have the key?
    Bruce:Alfred, you know when we get this thing, whatever it is... the Whispers are gonna try to take it from us.
    Alfred:Well, to be honest, Master Bruce, it's not the Whispers I'm worried about.



    Alfred:Well, I think it's safe to admit that our foreign friends are a no-show, Master Bruce.
    It was a right dodgy plan, anyway.
    Bruce:Where are you going?
    Alfred:That would be home.
    Bruce:Alfred, this is our only shot to take down the Court.
    Alfred:You don't know that, do you?
    I mean, it was a moot point, anyway.
    I mean, walking across the entire length of a room on a bloody tightrope?
    Bruce:I can do it. I did it.
    Alfred:Yeah, three times out of 20. I counted.
    No, thank you very much.
    Seline:I can do it.
    Alfred:Oh, that's bloody marvelous, isn't it?
    The deal is this. You stay on comms at all times.
    If I order abort, you abort. Is that clear?
    I need my head examined.
    Really do.
    Bruce:Just wondering.
    Does this mean you are my girlfriend?
    Seline:Shut up.



    Alfred:All right, straight to the safe room.
    I'm gonna check the rest of the house.
    Go on.

    Bruce:This way.



    Alfred:Out the way you came!
    Seline:Let's go!
    Maria:We have to leave.
    Alfred:And who exactly are you?
    Selina: You're the one who's been following us.
    Bruce:You know her?
    Seline:That's my mom.
    Maria:Now can we get out of here?
    Alfred:You're bloody right.

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  • Gotham S3EP10

    Alfred:Eh, euh, voila.
    Thank you very much, Master Bruce.
    Seline:What is this?
    Alfred:That is a Pennyworth signature frittata.
    It's a crustless quiche.
    It's eggs, miss. 
    Just eat it, will you?
    Where's your mate, anyway?
    Girl loves it there.
    Alfred:Well, she's hardly what you call a girl, is she?
    Well, thanks for the crustless egg thing, but I got errands to run.
    Alfred:Uh no, sorry, miss. No one is to leave the house, until we find exactly who is following you.
    Seline:It's been days, I can't take it anymore.
    Alfred:I'm sorry, what is it exactly that you object to?
    Is it the gourmet food or the king-sized, double bed with the Egyptian linen?
    Seline:Would you tell the help here that I can come and go as I please, please?
    Bruce:Alfred's right.
    It's not safe for you to be in Gotham alone.
    Seline:I've been in Gotham, alone, my whole life.
    I can take care of myself. Nothing's changed.
    Bruce:Yeah. You've made that clear.
    Seline:What's that supposed to mean?
    Those men were willing to kill for this key.
    We need to know why. I'll be in the study.
    There's more books I haven't gone through.
    There has to be a reference to the key somewhere.
    Seline:And have you stopped to consider that maybe it's just an old key?



    Alfred:I'll get you some breakfast, miss.
    Ivy:You know, some of these plants would do much better in direct sunlight.
    Could you turn off the alarm so I can put them outside?
    Alfred:Well, maybe later.
    I'd rather not you be walking around the grounds on your own.
    Ivy:Can you smell this?
    Alfred:Beg your pardon?
    Ivy:Right here.
    Alfred:Oh, what is that?
    Ivy:Just a mix of clove, fenugreek and yarrow root oils.
    Alfred:It's lovely.
    Ivy:It is, isn't it?
    Ivy:Now, I need you to tell me something, okay?
    Ivy:How do you turn off the alarm?



    Alfred:If you're right, merely possessing this key could be seen as breaking your agreement with the people that the woman in the owl mask represents.
    Bruce:Which is why we need to contact them.
    They have to understand Ivy didn't know what she was stealing.
    Seline:Wait, where is she anyhow?
    Alfred:Oh, bloody hell. She's gone.
    Bruce:How did she disable the alarm?
    Alfred:Don't worry about that now, all right?
    Seline:What's the big deal? She'll be back when she's hungry.
    Alfred:Wayne Manor.
    Volk:You have the necklace.
    We have your friend.
    We'll make exchange, no?
    Alfred:Where and when?



    Bruce:We're supposed to go down the manhole?
    Alfred:That's what they said.
    All right, give me the key.
    I'll sort it out.
    I need to speak with them personally.
    Make sure they understand this was a mistake.
    Alfred:Very well, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:There's no way of asking you to stay here that doesn't end with you yelling at me, is there?
    Bruce:Over there.
    Selina: Ivy?
    Ivy:It's about time!
    Bruce:My name is Bruce Wayne.
    I need to speak with Kathryn.
    She needs to understand I've honored our deal.
    Volk:Hand over the necklace and you get your friend back.
    That's the deal.
    Bruce:You mean the key, don't you?
    You're not getting it back until I talk to the people you work for.
    Volk:Maybe we just kill you and take it?
    Seline:You think we're stupid enough to bring it with us?
    You really want it back?
    I'd listen to him.
    Alfred:Put the tools down, all right?, eh?
    Bruce:I need reassurances my friends are no longer in any danger.
    I need to speak to the woman in the mask.
    Volk:Any assurances that woman gives you are lies.
    Bruce:How do you know?
    Volk:Because the people you are talking about have no honor.
    And they will betray you as they betrayed us.
    Bruce:Wait. You... you don't work for them?
    Volk:No, we work to destroy them.
    Bruce:Who are they?
    Volk:They call themselves the Court of Owls.



    Volk:My name is Volk.
    My brother, Jacob, and that's Dmitry.
    Seline:What's with the stupid mask?
    Volk:I like you.
    You remind me of my sister in Kiev.
    Dmitry is an initiate.
    The mask ensures his silence until he proves himself and becomes a full member.
    Bruce:Of what?
    Who are you?
    Volk:We are called the Whisper gang.
    Gotham's most notorious smugglers.
    We used to number in the hundreds until the Court saw our growing strength, and they offered us a partnership, only to betray us.
    Many escaped back to Ukraine but a few of us stayed back, hoping to find a way to enact revenge.
    And we did.
    Bruce:The key.
    Well, what does it open?
    Volk:A safe.
    Is is in one of the Court's buildings... here.
    Inside, there is a... a device, that we believe can destroy them.
    Alfred:What, like, some kind of... weapon?
    Volk:Well, honestly, we don't know.
    We captured a member, but even he didn't know what's inside the safe, only that the Court fears it falling into the hands of their enemies.
    Selina:Wait, Wouldn't they know you stole it?
    They're probably waiting for you to show up there.
    Because originally, the safe had two keys.
    The Court still has one of them, and the second was thought lost.
    Until I found it.
    Bruce:You mean we did.
    The Court of Owls killed my parents.
    I stood down because I thought there was no way to defeat them.
    Volk:What are you proposing?
    Bruce:If what you're saying is true, and there is something in that safe, then that's no longer the case.

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  • Gotham S3EP7

    Alfred:Well. It's quite the operation you've got going on in here, isn't it, Master Bruce?
    Do you need a hand?
    Bruce:I got it.
    What time can we expect Ms. Kyle?
    Bruce:6:00, I think.
    Alfred:We'll see, won't we?
    Bruce:She's coming, Alfred.
    And, uh, Alfred...
    Alfred:Yes, yes. I know, uh...
    I'll make myself scarce, I'll give you all the privacy that you need.
    Within earshot.
    And the lights on



    The little minx was a no-show.
    Well, it seems a frightful shame to let this beautiful meal go to waste.
    What say you, we wrap it up and have it for lunch tomorrow?
    SelineYou always bring your butler along on dates?
    I'll leave you to it.
    Excuse me, miss.

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  • Gotham S3EP5

    Bruce:How long do we have to stay?
    Alfred:As long as it takes for you to be seen in the world, Master Bruce... being Bruce Wayne.
    And smiling.
    Bruce:So this is our life now?
    Fake smiles and mingling.
    I miss the old days.
    Alfred:So do I.
    Woman:It's So nice.
    Oswald:Oh, excuse me.
    Bruce, Mr. Pennyworth, I'm so pleased you made it.
    Alfred:Yeah, well, you know, we're trying to get out a bit more, Mr. Mayor.
    Oswald:Oswald, please.
    Bruce:We never got the chance to thank you for saving our lives from the ex-mayor.
    Oswald:That was nothing.
    Alfred:Not at all.
    I find it very fortuitous you turned up when you did with that bazooka.
    I just felt a bit sorry for Stan, the gardener, 'cause he was picking up bits of Galavan for weeks.
    Bruce:And now here you are, the new mayor.
    Oswald:Sometimes life has a way of working out.
    Bruce:Yes, that's true.
    Alfred:What is it, Master Bruce?
    Bruce:A sign.
    Please excuse me.
    Alfred:Right, well, I'll just go and wet my beak.
    Congratulations again, Mr. Mayor.

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  • Gotham S3EP4

    Alfred:Right, yes. Well, will do. Thank you very much.
    Well, that was the impound yard from downtown.
    It appears the Rolls was towed only this morning, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:This doesn't make any sense.
    Why would he leave?
    Alfred:Well, he cut his hair to look more like you, if that's even possible.
    Bruce:You think he went to the city to pretend to be me.
    Alfred:Yeah, absolutely. Bloody yes.
    Bruce:So where would he go?
    Alfred:Take in a show, do a little bit of shopping, have a facial?
    I mean, where do pain-resistant clones of multibillionaire teenagers normally go?
    Alfred:Well, I don't know.
    The car was found at 11th and Dillon, wasn't it?
    Bruce:That's in the Narrows.
    Alfred:So I suppose we should be thankful there's anything left to tow.
    What in the dickens was he doing down there in the first place?
    11th and Dillon is near her apartment.



    Five:Took you long enough.
    Bruce:Where's Selina?
    She's not at her squat.
    If you did anything...
    Five:She's fine.
    Bruce:Where is she?
    Five:She left a little while ago.
    I don't know where she went.
    Bruce:I take you in and this is the thanks I get?
    You run around with Selina, pretending to be me?
    Five:Is that why you're angry?
    Because I was pretending to be you or that I spent the day with Selina?
    For someone who has everything, you have no idea what you actually want.
    Or maybe you're just too scared to take it.
    Bruce:At least I know who I am.
    Alfred:Cool your boots, Master Bruce.
    Let's all just take a breath, shall we?
    Five:Don't worry.
    You won't be seeing me anymore.
    Neither will she.
    I don't know why I was created, but I know I don't belong in Gotham.
    Say good-bye to Selina for me.
    And thank her for the kiss.



    Bruce:You think we'll ever see him again?
    Alfred:Well, that I very much doubt, Master Bruce.
    I reckon he's gonna try and get as far away from Gotham as he possibly can.
    Bruce:I still wonder why Hugo Strange made him.
    Alfred:Long lonely nights in the laboratory, but wanted someone to talk to.
    Or some other nefarious reason.
    There is one thing.
    Alfred:Yes, Master Bruce?
    Bruce:Do you think Selina really kissed him?
    Alfred:Aw, bloody hell.
    Bruce:I mean, you've had training in interrogation, right?
    You can tell when someone's lying.
    Alfred:No, I'm not gonna have this conversation.
    Bruce:And if she did kiss him, do you think she thought he was me?
    Alfred:Good night, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:I bet she thought he was me.


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  • Gotham S3EP3

    Five:This is weird for me, too.
    Bruce:What's-what's your name?
    Well, 514A, but they call me Five.
    Bruce:At Indian Hill?
    Alfred:And how about before that?
    Five:I don't remember... I don't remember anything before that.
    Alfred:That's convenient, isn't it?
    I mean, nothing?
    I mean, you must've had a home, family, friends, parents?
    Five:If I did, I can't remember.
    I woke up in that lab over a year ago.
    I was locked up the whole time I was there.
    They gave me books, did tests on me.
    Many tests.
    I heard the other inmates in the halls, but I never saw them.
    Not until Ms. Mooney broke us out.
    I'm sorry I surprised you by coming here.
    But when I saw you...
    I had to meet you.
    Bruce:You saw me?
    Five:On the rooftop.
    With that girl.
    Selina. She gave me money.
    I followed her.
    Bruce:You're welcome to stay here as long as you need.
    Alfred:Or perhaps we should contact someone with more expertise in these matters, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:It's late. That can wait until tomorrow.
    We'll make up one of the guest rooms.
    Alfred:Master Bruce, we have to get rid of that thing as quick as possible.
    Bruce:He's a human being, Alfred. He's in need of help.
    Alfred:Look, I understand you feel sorry for the boy, but have a butcher's at him, will you, huh?
    I mean, he's you. Hugo Strange made another you.
    I reckon this was got something to do with that secret society or something.
    Bruce:So what do we do?
    Throw him back on the street? I want to know who and what and why as much as you do, Alfred.
    Better he stays here until we find out.
    Alfred:Fine, but tomorrow we call Lucius Fox.
    Maybe he'll know what to do with it. I mean, him.



    Alfred:Good, good, good.
    One more time, one more time.
    And again.
    Good boy.
    One more time.
    Five:Good morning.
    Bruce:Did you sleep well?
    Bruce:Would you like to try?
    Alfred:Uh, I don't think that's a particularly good idea, do you Master Bruce?
    Bruce:Come now, Alfred, I think a little exercise before breakfast might be just what he needs.
    I'll go easy on you. Pop these on.
    Put your. And the other one.
    Good lad. All right, step up.
    Now, just remember...
    Let's see what you got, now, keep your gloves up.
    And protect the chin at all times, all right?
    Ready? Here we go. Bosh.
    Come on.
    Five:Sorry. Sorry...
    Alfred:No, absolutely fine.
    Let's see if you can do that again.
    Here I come.
    Bloody hell.
    Who taught you how to do that then?
    Five:No one.
    If they did, I... I don't remember.
    Alfred:Right, well, let's see what you got, sunshine.
    Here we go again. Here we go.
    Oh, dear. I'm frightfully sorry.
    Five:What for?
    Bruce:Your nose.
    Alfred:Didn't you feel it?
    Should I?
    Alfred:Right, well, I think that's, uh... quite enough for today, don't you, Master Bruce?
    Here you are.
    Press that hard against your nose.
    All right? Here you go.
    Stem the flow.
    Good lad.
    Well, that's a very nasty scar.
    Where'd you get that? Or can't you remember?
    Bruce:What did they do to you in there?



    Alfred: He's gone.
    He's taken some of your clothes and the keys to the Roller.
    Bruce:Cut his hair, too.
    Alfred:To look more like you.
    Bruce:We have to go after him.

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  • Gotham S3EP2

    Alfred:Master Bruce, wake up.
    Come on.
    Wake up, Master B.
    Master B, wake up.
    Here you go, sunshine.
    You all right?
    Bruce:How did I get back here?
    Alfred:I don't know; I got the foggiest.
    I mean, I just came in here to call the police and then I found you.
    Alfred:You all right.
    You all right, mate.
    You know, I reckon it was that same masked bastard that knocked me spark out.
    I mean, he came in and out without so much as a peep.
    Bruce:I saw them, Alfred.
    I spoke to them.
    Bruce:It worked.
    They agreed.
    Alfred:What, just-just like that?
    I mean, you talked about the stuff that we talked about, right?
    But I had to promise not to investigate them anymore.
    Not Indian Hill, not the corruption within my company, not my parents' murder.
    Alfred:I see.
    It was the only way.
    Alfred:You weren't the only one they threatened, were you?
    Alfred:Do you intend on keeping your word?
    I do.
    Alfred:And how do you know... they will keep theirs?



    Alfred:Well, I for one, am personally very glad not to be staring at those bloody box files and that flaming bulletin board, tramping down those stairs to that dank cave.
    It does leave one question unanswered though, doesn't it, Master Bruce?
    Bruce:What's that?
    Alfred:Well, you know, with all this spare time on your hands, how are you gonna fill it?
    Bruce:Well, I imagine you have some ideas.
    Alfred:I do.
    Dancing lessons.
    Bruce:Dancing lessons?
    Alfred:That's right. I mean, a man of your station should be able to guide gracefully a beautiful young girl across a dance floor, don't you think?
    Bruce:And I suppose that you're gonna be teaching me these lessons?
    Alfred:Why, I certainly could. You know, I was quite well regarded as a... bit of a dancer in my day, actually.
    Bruce:Were you?
    Alfred:But I think I'll leave that particular ordeal to someone more qualified.

    Step out.
    Bruce:Who are you?
    Alfred:Oh, my word.
    Kid:Please don't hurt me.

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  • Gotham S3EP1

    Alfred:Well, that should be the last of it.
    I'll put the kettle on.
    There's nothing like a sweet cup of tea to make home feel like home after a long trip away.
    Hey, Master Bruce?
    You all right?
    Bruce:Were we right to leave, Alfred?
    Stay away all this time?
    Alfred:Well, considering the appalling sight of the topiary, I should say absolutely bloody not.
    Bruce:Alfred, you know what I mean.
    Alfred:I know you know why we left.
    Bruce:We had to leave.
    Alfred:You're nervous about tomorrow, aren't ya?
    Alfed:Well, you wouldn't be human if you weren't.
    So, why don't you go through there, take a pew.
    Help your feet up, and I'll see about that lovely cup of tea.
    All right?



    Alfred:Did you hear them rats last night?
    Scurrying around in the attic, drove me bloody bonkers.
    Now may I ask you, what's the point of having a caretaker, if they can't take care of nothing, eh?
    You all right, Master B?
    I should've eaten.
    Woman: Excuse me, gentlemen.
    Bruce:I do this, there's no turning back.
    You say your piece.
    We'll see about getting you a proper breakfast, all right?

    Bruce:I'd like to thank the board for giving me this time.
    It will come as no surprise I'd like to talk about Indian Hill.
    I know preliminary investigations have concluded Hugo Strange acted alone.
    I reject this conclusion.
    While trapped in Indian Hill, I was led to believe an unnamed group had taken control of my company, and it was they who hired Hugo Strange.
    I left Gotham both for my own safety and so that I might have the time to discover hard evidence of their existence.
    Man:A conspiracy theory? That's why we're all here?
    Alfred:Excuse me, Master Bruce.
    Pardon me, sir, might I have your name, please?
    Alfred:Your name... please, sir.
    Alfred:Mr. Crowley, did your parents never teach you any manners?
    Man:I don't have to listen to this.
    Alfred:Oh, but you do, sir!
    That is precisely the point that I am making.
    Bruce: I know how it sounds.
    But I now have proof they exist.
    And I can tell you that they're here.
    In this room.
    I want to talk face to face.
    You have 24 hours to contact me, or the information that I've gathered will be sent to every newspaper and television station in Gotham.
    Thank you for your time.



    Alfred:Right, once this alarm is set, Master Bruce, no coming downstairs till the morning, is that clear?
    Bruce:Yes, but was a new alarm system really necessary?
    Alfred:I don't know. Was it really necessary offering a challenge to a shadowy cabal?
    Yes, it was necessary, Master Bruce.

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  • Gotham S2EP22

    Alfred: Gordon, you're back. What happened?
    Where's Master Bruce? Where's Lucius?
    Where are they?! Have you seen them?
    Bullock:Hey, Alfred, take it easy.
    Alfred:Where are they?
    Alfred... relax.
    Master Bruce and Lucius are, uh, headed back to Wayne Manor.
    Alfred:Yeah, well, that's a load of hot tosh for starters, innit?
    I've just come back from there.
    Jim:What can I tell you?
    Maybe they... stopped to get a snack.
    Alfred:So, what about Strange?
    Jim:It's complicated.
    Alfred:Well, go on, then! What?!
    Jim:Complicated police business!
    Bullock:He's got a touch of the flu.



    Alfred:I tried calling about a thousand times.
    Still no answer.
    Strange has them, I'm positive.
    Jim:Holy crap, are you still here? I told you a thousand times Strange is clean.
    Alfred:You in charge of that, are you?
    Bullock:That's strange, though, isn't it?
    I mean, strange they're MIA.
    Jim:Ah, that's funny.
    Bullock:You know, maybe I should send the strike force back into Arkham, to have a little look see.
    Jim:No, no, no.
    You don't wanna do that. Bad idea. Trust me.
    That's a terrible idea.
    How long you known me?
    Bullock:All right, if you're good, I guess I'm good.
    Alfred:I don't know what's got to you, Gordon, but you're just, just...
    ... weird.
    Barbara:Hey, Alfred.
    Alfred:Miss Kean.
    Barbara:How's the butling business?




    ③"Oh, bloody hell."

    Bruce:Where are you going?
    Jim:I have to find Lee.
    Alfred:Right move, mate.
    Jim:Do me a favor.
    Say good-bye to Bullock for me.
    I don't really want the whole Celtic farewell.
    He's gonna have his hands full, but I think he can handle it.
    Bruce:Will do.
    Selina: Chocolates.
    Girls like chocolates.
    Jim:I'll keep that in mind.
    Alfred:Well, there's a man who's got his priorities straight.
    The love of a good woman and all that.
    Well, I hope you learned your lesson, Master Bruce.
    And that's the end of your adventures with the police, eh?
    Bruce:There's a secret council, Alfred.
    A secret council that runs everything in Gotham.
    Alfred:Oh, bloody hell.
    Bruce:It's them that wanted me dead.
    We're so close, Alfred, we're so close to the ultimate truth.
    Alfred:Oh, bloody hell.
    Selina:Hey, don't look at me.

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