



  • [PR]


  • Gotham S2EP21

    Alfred: How could you do this, Master Bruce?
    I strictly forbid you from involving that little girl, didn't I?
    Bruce:I know... but Selina's always handled herself.I was sure.

    Alfred:But you were wrong, weren't you?
    Well, it's different if you choose to be involved in something like this, but you actively involved Selina Kyle.
    You put your own concerns in front of that girl's safety.
    You're bang out of order.

    I'm really disappointed in you, Master Bruce.
    Jim:You're sure she's still there?
    She wouldn't have missed our meeting otherwise.
    Strange must be holding her prisoner in Arkham.
    Fox:Only I doubt she's in Arkham.
    I wager Strange has her in the secret lab where he created Azrael.
    Jim:But Strange runs Arkham. He's seen there every day.
    The lab must be accessed through Arkham.
    Fox:You're thinking it's underground.
    Jim:It has to be.
    There must be stairs, an elevator, ventilation shafts.
    I just don't know how to find them.
    Fox:I may have a solution.
    The technology Strange is using to create these monsters must be very advanced.
    My guess is, he's using plutonium isotopes to mutate cell structure.
    If so, there'll be trace radiation.
    At Wayne Enterprises, I developed a miniature Geiger counter for battlefield use.
    Get me into Arkham and I'll find the entrance to that lab.
    Bruce:Wayne Foundation gives the asylum money every year.
    I'll ask for a tour.
    Alfred:From the man that ordered the assassination of your father.
    Bruce:He'll want to find out what we know.
    And he won't see me and Lucius as a threat.
    Absolutely bloody not.
    You're not to walk straight into a lion's den.
    I can't even go to back you up with a leg like this, can I?
    Bruce:Alfred, you said yourself, that it's my fault what happened to Selina Kyle.
    That means it's my responsibility to make it right.
    Fox:And I may not be the man you'd choose as second in a street fight, but anything I can do to protect Bruce, I will.
    Alfred:Still, it's half a plan, isn't it?
    I mean, just say that Lucius can get you in there, and you find the entrance to the laboratory, then what?
    Jim: They tell me.
    I call Bullock, he comes busting in with a hundred cops, keeps Strange busy.
    I find Selina.
    Alfred:I see.
    And how, exactly, do you plan on getting in? I mean, these two possibly, but you... I mean, Strange won't let you within a bloody mile of the place.
    Fox:If I can get you inside the gate, can you manage the rest of the way?
    Jim:Yeah. I think I can.



    Alfred:Mr. Fox is pulling up out front.
    I've told Gordon if I don't hear from you within an hour, I'm gonna go straight to Bullock.
    Bruce:I have to do this, Alfred.
    I don't have a choice.
    Alfred:Of course you got a choice.
    In the same way I can choose to let you go with my blessing and tell you to bring that little girl home safe, or I can take you right now, I can stick you on an airplane and fly you somewhere very far away.
    Bruce:You can't.
    Alfred:Don't be such a plonker.
    Of course I can.
    But I won't.
    You see, for the past two years, Master Bruce, all I've tried to do is protect you and keep you safe.
    Thinking that's what your father wanted.
    But you're not the same boy he left behind, are you?
    So I have to ask myself... what would Thomas Wayne do, if he were here?
    Your father took responsibility for his actions.
    He fought very hard for what he believed in.
    And I will not stop you from doing the same thing.
    So... off you go.
    Gordon and Mr. Fox be waiting for you.



    Alfred: Bullock.
    Gordon, Master Bruce and Fox are still in Arkham.
    They should be out by now. They're in trouble.
    Bullock:That son of a bitch!
    Jim Gordon, I mean, he's forcing my hand.
    Alfred:Are you listening to me?
    Grab your gun, your badge, and your bits and your bobs, and let's go.
    Bullock:Hold on a second, okay?
    You're talking about a place that's built like a fortress.
    Chockablock with armed guards.
    Now, while we could send in an assault force of a pudgy, middle-aged Irish detective and a recently stabbed Englishman, I think the acting captain of the GCPD could do a little better.

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  • Gotham S2EP20

    Bruce: Alfred, pull over.
    Alfred:Master Bruce, are you out of your tiny, bloody mind?
    There's a madman loose on the streets.
    Now is not the time to go running around on your own, is it?
    Bruce:I don't plan on being on my own.
    Alfred:With all due respect, sir, what good will a 15-year-old little girl do even if Galavan does turn up?
    Bruce:Strange lied to the police.
    I know and so do you.
    I can't stay at home and do nothing.
    Alfred:We need to trust Jim Gordon.
    Bruce:I'm tired of trusting Jim Gordon, aren't you?
    Alfred:I am your guardian, Master Bruce, and it is my job to protect you.
    Bruce:Is it your job to watch me sit on my hands and do nothing?
    Alfred, please.

    Let me go.
    Man: Hey, buddy, move your car!
    Alfred:Just... just be careful, all right?
    Bruce:I will.
    Man: Hey, let's go!
    Alfred:Yeah, all right, mate, keep... just keep your bloody hair on!



    Alfred:Master Bruce?
    Jim:No, it's me. Where's Bruce?
    Alfred:I don't know. He was in the city.
    Jim:Where in the city?
    Alfred:Well, to be perfectly honest, I haven't got the foggiest.

    He's got a mind of his own at the moment, that one, ain't he?
    Jim:All right, well, we need to find him.
    Galavan could be coming after him.
    Alfred:Well, you're having a laugh, ain't you?
    I thought he was after you.
    Jim:He was. Tabitha must have jogged his memory.
    Reminded him of his original mission to kill Bruce Wayne.
    Alfred:Right. Well, I'll-I'll get the motor.
    Jim:No, no, no. You stay there in case he comes back.
    Where was the last place you saw him in the city?
    Alfred:Uh, Collins and Delaney.
    Last I saw of him, he was headed for the roof to see that Selina, I reckon.
    Jim:All right, I'll head over there.
    Till then, be safe.
    Alfred:Right so.
    Will do.
    Oh, for Pete's sake, Master Bruce.
    Creeping up on someone like that, I could have filleted you.
    What's wrong?
    Alfred:Galavan, Master Bruce.
    Theo bloody Galavan is what's wrong.



    Alfred: He's here, and he's safe.
    Jim:Thank God.
    I'm coming.
    Bruce:You're more to me than just a guardian, Alfred.
    You're my friend.
    Alfred:Your timing really is quite... impeccable, Master Bruce.
    But we haven't got time for... sentimental nonsense right now.
    We have to make sure that all the doors are locked, all the windows are closed, and the lights are off to make it as hard as possible for Galavan to find us, do you get me?
    Bruce:Detective Gordon's sure he's coming here?
    Alfred:Nothing's certain, is it?
    So we need to be ready.
    It's a big house. We should split up.
    But just you be quick.
    So, you take the upstairs. I will take the downstairs. You make sure the windows are closed. You make sure the doors are locked. You make sure the skylights are closed. And then you meet me down here as quick as you can in the study, all right? Now go.
    Bruce:Alfred! Alfred!
    Theo: Ingenious.
    You, you will show me to the boy.
    Alfred:Over my dead body.
    Theo:As you wish.


    Alfred:Take one more step, mate, and I will put a bullet right between your bloody eyes.
    Theo:You think that'll stop me, manservant?
    Alfred:I'd like to give it a go, if you don't mind.
    You think I'm flesh and blood? I am immortal and I have grown tired of you!
    Alfred:Run, Bruce!
    Immortal? Let's see, shall we?



    Jim:You okay?
    Sorry I couldn't get here sooner.
    Alfred:Seems like I missed all the fun.
    Jim:Where have you been?
    Alfred:I slowed him down for you, didn't I?
    Jim: I'll call Bullock.
    Alfred:It's time I taught you how to drive, Master Bruce.

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  • Gotham S2EP19
    Alfred:Well, he must... never have been dead.

    I mean, that's the only possibility.

    I mean, no one dies and comes back to life again, do they?
    No one.
    Bruce:But he did.
    Strange must be behind this.
    Alfred:What... the hell is happening to our city?
    Bruce:Nothing good.

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  • Gotham S2EP18

    Alfred:You've been at it all night, Master Bruce.
    I need to try and get some food down your neck.
    Fox:Do I smell sausage?
    Alfred:Chipolatas dear Mr. Fox.
    I've prepared a full English upstairs.
    Fox:I have no idea if that's a yes, but I'm starving.
    Let's eat.
    Bruce:I think I found something.
    Fox:Your father's files are still running through the decryption program.
    It could take weeks before we know what we have.
    Bruce:Yes, but his calendar was only password protected.
    It was "Bruce," just like the lock.
    Here-- the week of his murder, he was supposed to meet a woman named Karen Jennings about something called "Pinewood Farms."
    Alfred:Oh, Pinewood Farms.
    That sounds, uh, rather quaint.
    Fox:Or not.
    Most of Wayne Enterprises black op programs had code names like that.
    Running Brook. Windy Ridge.
    A bland name covering up nasty business.
    Bruce:This could be what my father was investigating when he was killed.
    Alfred:I think we might be getting a tad ahead of ourselves here, Master Bruce. I mean, how covert could it possibly be if it's on your old man's calendar?
    Fox:I'll run Karen's name through HR when I get into work, see if there's even a connection.
    Bruce:My father had her address.
    She lives somewhere right outside the city.
    Alfred:I think we should just wait and see what Mr. Fox comes up with first, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:I'm done waiting, Alfred.
    I'm going up there. With or without you.
    Alfred:Imagine my surprise.
    You are going to eat something on the way.



    Alfred: Nope.
    No joy. Never mind.
    Still kind of nice to get out of the manor, have a little drive in the country.
    Ah, that's terrific, isn't it?
    She's made a bloody tea leaf out of you.
    Street smarts? Street smarts, my eye.
    Bruce:Shush, Alfred.
    These are merely technical skills.
    Bruce:Morally neutral.
    What is it?
    Alfred:Careful, Master Bruce.
    She's got some kind of weird hunting Knife.
    Bruce:We don't want to hurt you.
    Alfred: Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?
    Raise your gun. Raise your gun.
    Bruce:My name is Bruce Wayne.
    I just wanna talk to you.
    Karen: Bruce Wayne?
    You're Bruce Wayne?
    Alfred:That's far enough.
    Drop the Knife.
    Karen:It's not a Knife.
    Alfred:Whatever it was you used to do this to me, just drop it. Right now.
    Karen:I can't.
    Listen to me...
    Alfred:That's far enough.
    Alfred:Well, look around you, Master Bruce.
    Listen, I've no idea what you are, but whatever that thing is... it's bloody dangerous.
    Bruce:Do you know who I am?
    You seemed to recognize me.
    Karen:How did you find me?
    Bruce:My father, Thomas Wayne, came here the week before he died.
    He had it in his calendar.
    Karen:His calendar? Great.
    Were you followed?
    I don't know. By who?
    Alfred:No. No, we... we weren't followed.
    Then you can leave.
    Bruce:Not until you answer my questions.
    I know my father came to talk to you about something called Pinewood Farms. What is that?
    Karen:God, you don't know anything, do you?
    Bruce:So tell me.
    Karen:Do you not understand that these people will kill you?
    Alfred:Don't you think I've been trying to tell him that?
    Bruce:I'm not afraid to die.
    Not if it means doing the right thing.
    How'd that work out for your dad?
    You have to go.
    It's not safe for you here.
    Bruce:I don't care.
    Whatever my father was investigating got him and my mom killed.
    You're the first person I've found who might know why.
    You have to tell me what he was doing.



    Karen:Sorry about your hand.
    I don't get many visitors.
    You, uh, spooked me.
    Alfred:Wait, what, we-we-we spooked you?
    Bruce:How long have you lived here?
    Karen:Ten years.
    Ever since Pinewood.
    Bruce:Is that where you... got that?
    Karen:Pinewood Farms was a bioengineering program at Wayne Enterprises.
    The kind that was kept off the books.
    I was one of their first volunteers.
    Alfred:What, you volunteered for that, did you?
    Karen:I didn't have many options at the time.
    I was at Blackgate.
    I take it you weren't a guard, then.
    Karen:I was born with a crippled arm.
    Growing up, my father liked two things: booze and beating his deformed daughter.
    One night, I fought back.
    He fell down the stairs and broke his neck.
    I went to Blackgate for murder.
    Bruce:But that's self-defense.
    Karen:Well, people are scared of different.
    Jury sent me away.
    One day, these men show up.
    Tell me they're gonna fix my arm.
    Not only fix it, make it better.
    Instead, they turned me into the monster everybody thought I was.
    Bruce:Did my father know what was going on at Pinewood Farms?
    Karen:No. No.
    When he found out what was going on, when he saw what they were doing to us, he shut it down.
    Paid to put us into hiding.
    Alfred:So how many were there of you?
    Karen:I'm not sure.
    I know most didn't survive the experiments.
    Bruce:It started up again, didn't it?
    That's why my father came to see you after all those years.
    Karen:He wasn't sure, but... he had his suspicions.
    He came to warn me.
    Bruce:Whoever was running Pinewood, whoever started it up again, I know that's who killed my parents.
    Do you remember any names?
    Karen:None of them ever used their names around us.
    But the man who was in charge...
    I can still see his face.
    Every time I close my eyes.
    Bruce:Then you need to take us there.
    You need to take us to Pinewood Farms.
    My father risked his life to save you.
    I'm asking you to repay that favor.
    I promise... nothing will happen to you.




    Alfred:It doesn't exactly scream "top secret bioengineering lab," does it?
    Karen:This is it.
    Alfred:All right. You two sit tight.
    I'll have a shifty.
    Man: She's here.
    Alfred:I'd wager nothing's been touched in here for a decade.
    Bruce:Are you okay?
    Karen:Seeing all this, it feels like yesterday that I was here.
    I'm sorry.
    Uh,i t looks like your father was wrong.
    Maybe it's for the best.
    You can move on now.
    Bruce:You knew this place was shut down, didn't you?
    Is that why you brought me here, hoping I'd give up?
    Alfred:Steady on, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:No, she's hiding something.
    I can see it in her eyes.
    I don't understand. What won't you tell me?
    Man: Hey! Hey, this is private property!
    I'm gonna call the cops!
    Man 2:The girl comes with us, and no one gets hurt.
    Alfred: Run, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:Come on.

    Cop:Drop the gun, now!



    Alfred:About bloody time, mate.
    Bullock: Not my call, pal.
    How about you stop getting arrested so much?
    Jim:Where's Bruce?
    Bullock:In with Barnes.
    Barnes: Bullock!
    Prep Karen Jennings to travel.
    I want her at Blackgate today.
    No contact.
    You, you're free to go.
    I suggest you do so before I change my mind.
    Jim:What did you tell him?
    Bruce:The truth.
    He didn't seem to like it.
    Jim:All right, how about you tell me?
    So your father found out about this program, where Karen Jennings was a subject, and shut it down.
    Bruce:When it was restarted, he tried to stop it... and they had him killed.
    Jim:And you think Karen can identify the men involved?
    Alfred:Doesn't know their names.
    Says she can remember their faces, though.
    Jim:The man who contracted Matches Malone to kill your parents called himself The Philosopher.
    Alfred:Hold on, how do you know this?
    Jim:I've been conducting my own investigation.
    I found out today.
    And I'd be willing to bet that this is the man who is behind Pinewood.
    Bruce:What do we do?
    Jim:Have Lucius Fox put together the files of all the scientists who've worked for Wayne Enterprises over the past 15 years.
    If Karen can pick this man out, if he is The Philosopher, we can tie him to your parents' murder.
    Alfred:Well, that's assuming, of course, that Karen Jennings is still alive.
    I mean, it's obvious these guys mean business.
    She's gonna be dead the minute she hits Blackgate Prison.
    Jim:That's why we're gonna break her out.
    How much money can you put together quickly?
    Bruce:How much do you need?



    Jim:You have a decision to make!
    You can keep the money, toss us your gun and tell your supervisor you were disarmed, or be a hero, and wake up like your friend here with nothing to show for it but a massive headache.
    Alfred:I'd say it's a bit of a no-brainer, wouldn't you, sweetheart?
    Give me your tool.

    You can go.


    Bruce:My father risked his life to protect her.
    He cared for her.
    And now she's dead.
    Because of me.
    Alfred: Not because of you, Master Bruce.
    Because of what you're pursuing.
    Bruce:Is there a difference?
    And if you can't make your peace with that, then you're not ready.
    There will be others, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:Karen was the only one who knew what The Philosopher looked like.
    How are we going to find him now?
    Jim:You need to have faith, Bruce.
    Bruce:I know what you risked today.
    If Barnes finds out you were involved...
    Jim:He will.
    If he hasn't already.
    Pretty sure my days at the GCPD are over.
    But I knew that going in.
    Bruce:Then why'd you do it?
    Jim:You're not the only one who made a promise.
    Alfred:Ah, Mr. Fox.
    Fox:I let myself in.
    I think I might have something.
    When I was compiling the personnel files on scientists, I also ran a cross-reference search on Pinewood Farms and The Philosopher and found this.
    It's from a company newsletter taken 12 years ago.
    The photo lists team nicknames.
    Look at the man next to your father.
    Bruce:Hugo Strange.
    The Philosopher.
    Jim:He runs Arkham now.
    Bruce:A friend.
    Someone he... he trusted.
    That's not fair.

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  • Gotham S2EP17

    Bruce: He's still sleeping.
    Alfred:Best thing for him.
    Bruce:Thank you for coming when I called, Alfred.
    Alfred:Of course I came.
    No question.
    You're looking thin.
    Bruce:I'm getting plenty to eat.
    Alfred:That I very much doubt, Master Bruce.
    But there're things that we must discuss.
    Bruce:I'm not coming back.
    Alfred:I understand that, but...
    Bruce:Not yet. Alfred...
    Alfred:We need to talk.
    Jim:Good morning.
    Bruce:Detective Gordon, should you be up?
    Jim:I'm fine. You stitched me up.
    Alfred:Actually, it was Master Bruce. He called from Selina Kyle's when you passed out, so I thought I'd bring you here. Safest place for you.
    Master Bruce, I'm wonder if you might go and get the detective his clothes from the laundry room. Please.
    Bruce:I'm glad you're okay.
    Alfred:So I'll make you some breakfast. Take a seat.
    Like some coffee?
    Jim:Yes, please.
    Alfred:There we go.
    Jim:How long has Bruce been living with Selina Kyle?
    Alfred:Ever since the Matches Malone debacle.
    Turns out staring into the cold, dead eyes of the man that killed your parents doesn't bring the right amount of closure.
    Jim:Bruce never should've been in that room.
    I should've gotten to Malone first.
    Alfred:Yes, you should have done.
    But you didn't, did you?
    You can't unfry an egg, as my dear old mum used to say.
    So why don't we leave Master Bruce's situation alone and why don't we discuss yours.
    Jim:It's a long story.
    Alfred:Right, so you were framed for the murder of that other police officer.
    You escaped from prison, you then tracked down the man that framed you and you were promptly shot in the leg.
    Right, so, answer me this, Detective.
    Do you have any idea how you're gonna get out of this awful pickle?
    Jim:Yes, I do.



    Jim:Nygma was right about one thing.
    I can't just go to the cops.
    They'll never believe me.
    I need hard proof.
    Seline:Cops, right? Jerks.
    Jim:Nygma said he met Penguin for the first time in the woods.
    That's right around the same time his girlfriend went missing.
    I think he was burying her.
    Just like he was going to bury me.
    Alfred:What, you want to find her body?
    Touch of the old needle in a haystack, isn't it?
    Jim:Nygma knows where she is.
    Alfred:What, and you think he's gonna, what, straight tell you?
    Jim:That's exactly what he's gonna do.
    But I need help.
    Bruce:Whatever we can do.
    But I need someone Barnes knows will betray me.



    Bruce:It was nothing that you did or didn't do, Alfred.
    Why I went away.
    I want you to know that.
    Alfred:I do.
    Thank you very much.
    Bruce:I'll be going back to the city as soon as Selina's ready.
    She's just taking a hot shower.
    You do know that Mr. Lucius Fox fixed your old man's computer a couple of days ago, don't you?
    Bruce:And when were you going to tell me, Alfred?
    Alfred:Well, I tried telling you this morning.
    I'm telling you again now, aren't I?
    Bruce:What are you doing?
    Alfred:She could walk in here. Have a word?
    Bruce:I trust her.
    Alfred:It's not about trust, is it?
    Whatever your father was doing, he did it in secret for a reason, to protect those he loved.
    And it's got- it doesn't matter about my personal opinion about that young girl, but she has been a bloody good friend to you, and she's been loyal.
    So, I'm gonna let you go ahead, continue your father's work. I can't stop you.
    I mean I've tried, haven't I?
    But I will not have you put that little girl's life in danger.
    It's either the work, or it's her.
    You can't have both, do you understand?
    Selina: Ugh! Man!
    Rich people have great water pressure.
    So, Jeeves, any chance we can get a ride back to the city?
    Alfred:Right. Well, I'll be in the... in the kitchen, Master Bruce.
    Seline:What's with him?

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  • Gotham S2EP14

    Alfred:Oh, Master Bruce.
    You ready?
    Alfred:I'm gonna need more than that.
    We're on the hunt of an extremely dangerous man.
    This is life-and-death stuff.
    I need you to tell me that you are sure.
    Now, are you sure?
    Bruce:Yes, Alfred, I'm sure.
    And when we're on the street, you follow my every lead.
    No faffing about, is that understood?
    Alfred:Good lad.
    Our quarry is an East Side boy.
    This misspent youth, Patrick "Matches" Malone was arrested several times with a geezer called Cupcake.
    I suspect there's irony at play there.
    They were partners in crime until Matches's testimony put Mr. Cupcake in a Blackgate pen for ten.
    Says here that Cupcake's out now, and he runs this strong-arm little firm called the Mutants.
    So I guess we'll have to start there then.



    Alfred:Remember, let me do the talking.
    I know how to handle this type, all right?
    Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!
    Hope we find you well.
    We're hoping to have a little chat with a gentleman called Cupcake.
    Cupcake: You found me, sweetheart.
    What's up?
    Alfred:Mr. Cupcake, pleasure to meet you.
    My name's Alfred Pennyworth.
    Now, we're on the hunt for a guy called Matches Malone.
    Now, we know he snitched you up a few years ago.
    So I'm sure you wouldn't mind returning the favor, if you know what I mean.
    Cupcake:Who's your friend?
    Alfred:Never mind who he is.
    Bruce:I'm Bruce Wayne.
    Cupcake:Boy billionaire Bruce Wayne?
    Bruce:That one.
    I'm willing to pay you a lot of money if you can tell us where to find Malone.
    Cupcake:Oh, really? Why?
    Alfred:Master Bruce, please let me...
    Bruce:I think he killed my parents.
    Cupcake:That's a good answer.
    How much money?
    Bruce:How much will make you talk?
    Cupcake:Million dollars.

    Bruce:That's too much.
    Cupcake:The boy's cheap.
    Alfred:Mr. Cupcake, if I may be so bold as to just...
    Cupcake:Yo, I'm talking to the shot caller.
    Tell you what, son, I'll make you a deal.
    Give me $50,000, you won't get Matches, but you get to leave here with your fingers and toes.
    Alfred:Steady on, pal.
    Cupcake:I'm just messing with you.
    I wouldn't hurt the little boy. I like little boys.
    You, on the other hand, I'm not sure about you.
    Tell you what, I'll give you that rat Matches for 50 grand.
    But first... you must fight me.

    Alfred:I beg your pardon, excuse me?
    Cupcake:Fight me, baby.
    Alfred:No, you see, I'm not really a, uh...
    I'm not really a fighter.
    Cupcake:Oh shh, I saw you step up just now.
    "Steady on, pal."
    Alfred:Mr. Cupcake, I really can't foresee anything positive coming out of this altercation.
    Cupcake:You're in my house!
    Fight is what we do here!
    Bruce:I'll pay you $100,000 for the name and no fighting.
    Cupcake:I'm not about money, little boy.
    I'm about respect.
    No fight, no deal, no Matches, no exit.
    Alfred:All right, well, I suppose, you know, Mr. Cupcake, if you put it like that.
    If you wouldn't mind, sir.
    Bruce:Will you be all right?
    Alfred:We'll have to wait and see, won't we?
    Bruce:Are you acting like this is my fault?
    Alfred:It's not for me to say, is it, sir?
    Bruce:How is it my fault?
    Alfred:I told you to let me do the talking, did I not?
    And did you do the talking? Yes.
    I think you'll find, yes, you did do the talking.
    Bruce:To be fair, I think the result would have been similar in any case.
    Alfred:If, Master Bruce, we are lucky enough to walk away from this alive, let this be a lesson to you.
    And another thing.
    Pick your battles.
    Don't let them pick you.
    On your honor, I win... we walk.
    Cupcake:Sure thing, mister.
    On my honor.
    They'll understand.
    Woman: But the fight doesn't stop till somebody says uncle or goes to sleep.
    Now get it on.
    Alfred:The other thing, of course, Master Bruce, to remember is that timing is everything.
    See, there's other factors at play here, Master Bruce.
    There's footwork and leverage.
    Cupcake:Stop talking!
    Alfred:What?! What, you want some?!
    Uncle! Uncle!
    He's slowing!
    See, Master Bruce, big muscles require lots of blood.
    Strength costs wind.
    Now, if you gotta beat a big man, all you have to do...
    ... is outlast him.
    Cupcake:Uncle, uncle.
    Man:Uncle! And the butler wins.
    Bruce:Are you okay?

    Alfred:I'm absolutely flippin' peachy, mate.
    Cupcake: You're a tough old cat.
    Alfred:Not too shabby yourself, Mr. Cupcake.
    Cupcake:50 grand.
    Bruce:Will-will a check be all right?
    Cupcake:Yeah, yeah, sure, a check'll be fine.
    Make it out to cash.
    Go see Jeri down at Celestial Gardens it's on the East Side.
    She'll know where to find Matches.
    Alfred:Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Cupcake.



    Bruce:How do you feel?
    Alfred:A couple of hours' kip and I'll come up lovely.
    Alfred:You stay here.
    You ain't going nowhere... till I'm up and about. all right?
    Bruce:Yes, I hear you.
    Alfred:Promise me, Master B.
    Bruce:Say again?




    Alfred:Well, that took you long enough.
    Bullick:For a butler, you sure do get beat up a lot.
    Jim:What happened?
    Alfred:We got his name, Jim.
    The name of the man that killed Bruce's parents.
    Matches Malone.
    Bullock: Dude, we're the cops.
    Thank you for sharing this with us.
    When were you gonna tell us?
    Alfred:I haven't got time to explain now.
    We got a good, solid lead from the same place that I got seven bells knocked out of me.
    Now Bruce, he won't answer his phone, so my guess is he's gone after this Malone... solo.
    Jim:"Gone after"?
    To do what, exactly?
    Bullock: What can he do?
    He's a kid.
    Alfred:Only reason to go alone... he's gonna kill the man.
    I mean, I-I told him not to.
    I said, "You're too young for killing."
    Said I'd do it for him.
    Bullock:Again, we're the cops. Do not tell us stuff like this.
    Alfred:You've got to understand, both of you... this is not a game.
    Jim:I understand.
    Tell me where he is.



    Alfred: Master Bruce!
    Bruce: "Alfred, I have left home for a while to live on the streets with Selina. Please, wait and listen before you react. You need not worry that I'm in danger or that I've lost my mind. I've thought long and hard about this decision and I know it's the right one. Malone's death made me realize a couple of things. You can't kill murder. You can't get revenge on evil. You can only begin to fight such things by not doing them. And you can only fight them where they live, not just at Wayne Enterprises. In the streets, in the slums, in the bad parts of town. So that's where I'm going."
    Alfred:He's lost his mind.
    Bruce: "I'm not going to start battling muggers or anything. But one day, I am going to do something to help the people of Gotham.
    "I don't know what yet, but I will. Meantime, I need to learn stuff. Number one: I need to learn how to live in the same world other people have to live in. Selina's giving me a place to sleep and will show me the ropes, so, like I say, there's no need to worry. I'll be in touch soon and I'll come home eventually. Please, Alfred, trust me and honor my wishes. Don't try to bring me back. I need to do this. Sincerely, your good friend Bruce."

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  • Gotham S2EP13

    Alfred:I'd say that's learned him, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:We were supposed to have a training session.
    Alfred:Yeah, well, I got held up in the city, didn't I?
    Besides, I thought your chat with Dr. Thompkins would keep you occupied.
    Bruce:And I thought you were against therapy.
    Alfred:Well, that's before I realized you're still keen on keeping secrets.
    Bruce:If I had told you what Selina and I had planned, you would have stopped me. Because I didn't, I got the name of my parents' killer from Silver.
    Then you made us leave Gotham.
    We lost more than a month we could've spent searching for M. Malone.
    Alfred:We left the city 'cause you were at the end of your emotional and your physical rope... and quite frankly, you're incapable of catching a common cold, let alone a killer. Wi...
    Will you stop?!
    Now, I need to ask you a very important question. Are we in this together...
    ... or not?
    We're in this together.
    Alfred:Right. Well, I told you I had some business in the city.
    I went to see a sergeant that I know, and we did some digging in some GCP files for any M. Malones that fit our particulars.
    Age, size, height, race, whether they were free during the murder of your parents.
    Alfred:Patrick Malone.
    Goes by the nickname...
    Delightful chap, really.
    Committed his first murder when he was 15.
    Suspected of half a dozen since.
    Now, I need to ask you, if you were in charge, what next?
    Bruce:You could've gotten this information from Detective Gordon.
    Why didn't you contact him?
    Alfred:I'm the one asking questions now, Master Bruce.
    We find this man...
    ... what do you plan to do?
    Bruce:kill him.
    Bruce:You can't stop me.
    Alfred:I bloody can and I will.
    You're too young to have a death on your conscience, Master Bruce.

    Alfred:I know how your parents deserve justice.
    And I know you're not gonna stop till you find it.
    But when we find this Malone, I will kill him and not you.
    That is the deal.
    Do you accept?
    Alfred:Say it.
    Bruce:We find him, we make him talk, you kll him.



    Where's the king of snotty England?


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  • Gotham S2EP11

    Alfred:Oh, bloody hell!



    Alfred:Excuse me.
    Stop, stop, stop!
    Stop, sir! Stop, sir! Stop, stop, stop!
    Excuse me, sir.
    Man:Oh, what, are you crazy or something?
    Alfred:Stop! Hey, come on!
    Come on, I got to get to work!
    Look,I am most terribly sorry, sir.
    I'm in the most frightful hurry.
    Officer: Freeze!
    Alfred:Oh, Officers! I'm just the...



    Alfred:Where's Master Bruce?
    Fox:We were hoping you knew.
    Alfred:I was in the process of commandeering a vehicle when two of your... idiotic cozzers shot me straight in the bloody face with a stun gun.
    Here I am.
    Fox:And there's your warrant, Captain.
    Fox:He was asaault on Galavan's property by known associates of Galavan.
    Barnes:While trespassing in Galavan's Tower.
    He was lawfully pursued off the property by the rightful occupants.
    You got nothing there.
    Bullock:Galavan's got Bruce Wayne, boss, sure as eggs.
    Barnes:Give me real proof.
    We already jumped the gun once with Galavan and we got screwed.
    Without solid proof, no judge is gonna sign a warrant... eggs or no eggs.
    Fox:So what do you propose we do?
    Barnes:You hang tight.
    We'll dig up some... health and safety issue.
    Get a backdoor warrant for Galavan Tower.
    Alfred: Right, how long's that gonna take, then?
    Barnes: Probably till tomorrow morning.
    Barnes:That's the best we can do.
    Oh, uh... you're free to go. We'll drop your charges.
    Alfred:Right, well, you know, thank you very much indeed.
    Look, Bullock, I'm gonna need some clean bandages, I'm gonna need a car... and a couple of gun.
    Bullock:You got it.
    Fox:What are you going to do?
    Alfred:I've got no choice. No time.
    I've got to go visiting.
    Bullock:I'll come with you.
    Fox: Are two men enough?
    It wouldn't seem so, but violence is not my métier.
    Bullock:No. Two men are not enough.
    Fox:I would gladly join you, but I imagine an amateur is no asset.
    A hindrance, perhaps.
    Alfred:That's very true.
    We need Jim Gordon.
    He's perfect for this kind of thing.
    Where is he?
    Bullock:Yeah, where is Jim Gordon?
    It's a long story, but nobody knows.
    Something funny, Ed?
    Alfred:Do you know where Gordon is?
    Bullock:Do you?
    Alfred:Start speaking, with us.
    Ed:Um, uh... A diamond plate, a glowing grate, a place you never leave. Where am I?
    Fox:Home. Whose home? Your home?
    Gordon's at your home?
    Ed:No. Yes.
    Who are you?



    Jim:All right, everybody set? Let's go.
    Bullock:Whoa, whoa. What's the plan?
    Jim:We get into that building, find Galavan, put a gun in his mouth until he gives up Bruce.
    Oswald:Then I kill him slowly.
    Jim:No. Then we arrest him.
    Oswald:Yeah, no.
    Are you nuts?
    After all that he has done?
    Jim:He's going to stand trial.
    Gotham needs to know who he really is.
    Oswald:Gotham needs him dead!
    Alfred: Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.
    Can we just stop the bunny and just first get in there, please, chaps?
    Jim:Yes. Let's go.
    Fox: Seriously, that's it? You have no plan?
    How are you even going to get into the building?
    Seline:I know a way.
    Fox:Who is she?
    Bullock:Fox, that's Cat.
    Cat, Fox.
    Jim:You know a way in?
    I know a way in, Gordon.
    Alfred: How do we know you won't stitch us up?
    I mean, you switch sides often enough. How do we know that you're not working with Galavan now?
    Seline:How do I know you're not a Martian in a rubber suit?
    Jim:I trust her.
    You're in, Cat.
    Thanks for your help.
    Grab a vest and let's go.

    Fox:People, surely we should have a backup strategy, given the strong possibilities of failure.
    Oswald:Au contraire, Mr. Fox.
    Failure is not an option!
    Jim:What he said.
    Fox:As you like.



    Alfred:Are you all right?



    Alfred:I do believe, Master Bruce, this falls very firmly into the category of "I told you so".
    Seline:I told him so, too, Alfred.
    Bruce:Yes, well, thank you both for your help, but I had a perfectly feasible escape plan.

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  • Gotham S2EP10

    Alfred: Bruce?
    Bruce, you in here?
    Master Bruce?
    Master B, you here?
    Tabitha:You're trespassing.
    Alfred:I'm looking for Bruce Wayne.
    Now, he's not answering his phone.
    He's not home, he's not at school.
    My guess, he's with that snotty little niece of yours.
    Now, I suggest you leave while you still can.
    Alfred:I see you're a bit of a player, are you?
    How does it work then, Tabby?
    Big bad Galavan barks the orders, and you scamper around, bringing home dead rabbits, so you might get a little pat on the head? I wonder what he'd do if I just disappeared you.
    Tabitha:Honestly, I don't think he'd care.
    Alfred:If I learn anything's happened to that little boy, we'll find out, won't we?
    Hurts,don't it?
    Tabitha:For the record, I was telling the truth.
    I have no idea where Bruce Wayne is.
    But I'll tell him you were asking.

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  • Gotham S2EP9

    Silver:I wasn't sure you'd ever want to see me again.
    When you called...
    You don't believe what they're saying about my uncle... do you?
    Bruce:No. Of course not.
    Silver, I asked you here because I need your help.
    Bruce:Before he was arrested, your uncle made me an offer.
    I want...
    Alfred:Right, Master Bruce!
    On your feet. Bought us a lovely couple of rakes from the ironmongers.
    I suggest we get outside and get...
    Hello, Ms. St. Cloud.
    Did not expect to see you here.
    Silver:Hello, Alfred.
    Alfred:That must have been your car I saw, idling on the main road.
    Now, in light of recent events, I suggest you get in it and you leave.
    Bruce:I invited her, and I want her to stay.
    Alfred:And I'm ordering her to leave.
    Bruce:And it's my house, and I give the orders.
    Alfred:Oh, is that so?
    Silver:It's okay.
    I don't want to cause any trouble.
    Alfred:Smart girl. Off you pop.
    Silver: I'm at the Kane Hotel.
    Bruce:You had no right to do that.
    Alfred:I had every right.
    What were you thinking, asking her up here?
    Oh, wait, you... think she was gonna tell you something.
    Bruce:If Galavan really has the name of my parents' killer in that envelope, it's worth a shot.
    Alfred:Well, my guess is there was absolutely nothing in that envelope.
    It was just a ruse to get you to sign away the company.
    Bruce:Galavan is smart.
    He wouldn't enter a multibillion-dollar offer without his end of the bargain.
    He has the name.
    Alfred:And you think that little minx is gonna tell you something, do you?
    Bruce:We're friends.
    Alfred:No, you're not.
    Getting information out of a girl like that requires a level of deception that you do not yet possess, Master Bruce.
    It is too dangerous.
    Bruce:It's worth the risk.
    You will not see Ms. St. Cloud again or pursue Galavan's wild claims.
    Bruce:You have no right to make that decision for me.
    Alfred:Well, someone has to.
    If you force me to be your jailer... then that is who I will be.



    I thought about what you said.
    And you're right.
    Pursuing Galavan on my own is too risky.
    Alfred:Well, you don't say.
    Bruce:Best course of action is call Detective Gordon in the morning.
    Enlist his help.
    Alfred:At last, some sense.
    You're thinking of retiring, are you, sir?
    Bruce:Yeah, yeah. I'm very tired.
    Alfred:Right, can I get you anything to eat before you go to bed?
    Bruce:No. No, thank you, Alfred.
    Alfred:Right, well, sleep well.
    Oh, and, uh, Master Bruce?
    I sent that car off that's parked at the end of the lane.
    You know, the taxi.
    Don't worry, I gave him a right good tip.
    I mean, after all, he did drive all the way up here, didn't he?
    Bruce:I didn't call a taxi.
    Alfred:You really are the most... terrible liar, aren't you, Master Bruce?
    Bruce:I will not stop pursuing this, Alfred.
    I'm never going to give up.
    Alfred:And nor will I.
    Good night, sir.

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  • Gotham S2EP8

    Alfred:Ah, there you are, Master Bruce.
    Been looking all over the gaff for you.
    Bit dreary down here, isn't it?
    Fancy something to eat?
    What's up?
    Bruce:I need to ask you a question.
    And I need your word that you're gonna be honest with me.
    Alfred:I always am.
    All right, you have my word.
    Bruce:My training... the skills that I need to take down the corruption at Wayne Enterprises.
    How long will it take?
    Alfred:Well, there's no set timeline.
    It doesn't really work like that, does it?
    Bruce:Alfred. A year?
    Two years?
    Alfred:Well, a lot longer than that, for you to be the man that you need to be.
    But you will get there, I promise you that.
    Bruce:Yeah, well, how many will suffer in the meantime?
    How many will die because of the crimes committed by my family's company?
    Where's all this coming from, Master Bruce?
    Bruce:I spoke to... Mayor Galavan this morning.
    Bruce:He wants me to sell him my shares of Wayne Enterprises so he can... fix the company.
    Clean up Gotham.
    Alfred:I see.
    And what aren't you telling me?
    Bruce:He says... that he knows the identity of the man who killed my parents.
    Alfred:Which he's offering in return for the company, right?
    Alfred:Yeah, well, that's... not an offer, is it?
    That's bloody extortion.
    Bruce:Yeah, well, I can't help but consider it, Alfred.
    Alfred:Well, you shouldn't.
    Bruce:There's a fine line between extortion and negotiation.
    Alfred:Yes, there is, Master Bruce, but there's still a line.
    Bruce:My parents were killed because of the corruption that my father was trying to stop.
    As of now, their... their deaths have been in vain, but if Mayor Galavan can truly... if he can truly fix Wayne Enterprises, isn't it my moral... duty to allow him to do so?
    For my father's legacy?
    Alfred:Wayne Enterprises isn't Thomas and Martha Wayne's legacy.
    That legacy is standing right here.
    With me.
    Bruce:Alfred, am I wrong if I just want it all to be over?
    I just want... I just want it to be over.
    Alfred:No, no. No, you're not wrong.
    Come here.
    You're not wrong.

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  • Gotham S2EP7

    Alfred:I had no idea we were entertaining today, Master Bruce.
    Anyone else popping by?
    Bruce: No. Thank you, Alfred.
    Silver: This is marvelous, Alfred.
    I fell in love with Lapsang souchong when I lived in Fujian.
    Driving through the Wuyi region, all you could smell is the burning cedar they use to smoke leaves.
    Alfred:Right, well, technically it's, uh, pinewood, miss, but I appreciate the enthusiasm.
    Seline:That smell really does slap you in the face, doesn't it, Alfred?

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  • Gotham S2EP6

    Alfred:Focus. Focus!
    Head down! Head down!
    Distractions will be the death of you, Master Bruce.
    Now, get on your toes. On your toes.
    Well, don't dance around like a bloody showgirl.
    Come on.
    That's better. Better.
    Now, big left, big left. Go on!
    Right. I've got you. Now, your enemies.
    Are gonna fight a lot dirtier than that.
    Ow. Ow!
    Bloody hell.
    Very good, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:Have you spoken to Mr. Fox about the computer?
    Alfred:That I have, yeah.
    Bruce:How much longer til it's fixed?
    Alfred:I'll tell you when it's done, won't I? Patience.
    Bruce:I'm tired of patience, Alfred. I'm ready to begin.
    Alfred:I'll tell you when you're ready, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:I'm ready now. I know I am.
    Alfred:Oh, by the way, by the way, Miss Silver called. She wants you to go for dinner this evening.
    Bruce:Silver called?
    Told you.
    Not ready.
    Bruce:Let's go.

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  • Gotham S2EP4

    Alfred:Are you waiting for someone?
    That's your job.
    Alfred:That's for Reggie.
    I know you killed him.
    Now, I don't know what you want with Master Bruce, but I'm certain that his life's gonna be a damn sight better without you in it.
    So you do yourself a favor, treacle, and jog on.
    Seline:All good.
    Alfred:Oh, Master Bruce.
    You know, I could always pull out front, if you want.
    Bruce:No, I, Alfred, I don't want the other kids to see...
    Alfred:To see that you've got a butler.
    Yeah, I completely understand that.
    I made dinner reservations, as requested, for tomorrow night.
    Mr. Galavan suggested the Regal Hotel.
    It's very posh. You're gonna be forking out serious dosh for that, I'll tell you.
    Bruce:He saved my life.
    Dinner's the least I can do to repay him.
    Alfred:Uh, Master Bruce, where are you going?
    Now, I clocked Wayne Manor at exactly six and a half miles.
    It should take 90 minutes to two hours, depending on how many times you stop, of course.
    I know you said you wanted to train.
    To prepare.
    Well, this is it.
    Bruce:Wait, you... you expect me to walk?
    Alfred:No, Master Bruce.
    I expect you to run.



    Bruce:Ah, Mr. Galavan.
    Thank you for meeting me.
    Theo:It's an honor. The pleasure's all mine.
    Alfred:I'll meet you in the lobby, Master Bruce.
    Theo:Oh, why not dine with us?
    Alfred:That's very kind of you, sir, but I don't think it's appropriate.
    And I know that Master Bruce wants to speak to you on his own.
    Bruce:Thanks, Alfred.

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  • Gotham S2EP3

    Bruce:This is a waste of time.
    Alfred:We had a deal, didn't we, Master Bruce.
    Part of which was you resuming a normal lifestyle.
    Your parents were both patrons to the Children's Hospital.
    Therefore, it makes you a patron.
    Besides... there's gonna be a magician.
    And you like magicians, don't you?
    Bruce:No, I don't.
    I hate magicians.
    Alfred:You know what I said about being normal?
    Lee:Excuse me.
    I'm Lee Thompkins.
    I work with James Gordon.
    He's mentioned you, and I saw you and thought...
    Bruce:Of course. It's very nice to meet you.
    Nice to meet you. This is my guardian, Alfred Pennyworth.
    Alfred:It's an absolute pleasure.
    Lee:Thank you.

    Bruce:How is Detective Gordon doing since the attack on the precinct?
    I was thinking I should call him.
    Lee:He'd appreciate that.
    Bruce:Can I get you something to drink?
    Lee:Uh, just water. Thank you.


    I hear there's gonna be a magician.



    Lee:So, uh, how do you go from being in the Royal Marines to a butler?
    Alfred:Well, it's a bit tedious, really, after a while.
    You know, parachuting into one global hot spot after another.
    Warlords putting ridiculous bounties on your head.
    Gets a bit boring, really.
    Lee:You have amazing stories.
    Alfred:Yeah, well, you know, one or two.
    You know, I don't really get nights off, but if ever you'd like to pop by Wayne Manor for dinner one evening, I...
    Lee:Oh, that's very kind of you Mr. Pennyworth, but...
    "Alfred." Please. "Alfred."
    Lee:Alfred. That's very kind of you, but...
    Alfred:Now, having said that, I don't see why I can't take a night off, and I... I happen to know the head chef at Chez Parnasse.
    Lee:Well, I'm afraid I...
    Did you say Chez Parnasse?
    I've been trying to eat there for quite some time.
    Alfred:You have the most beautiful eyes.
    Lee:Oh, wow.
    Okay, look, thank you, but, uh...
    Bruce:Alfred, I'd like to leave.
    Alfred:Yeah, um...
    What about Dr. Thompkins' water?
    And, of course, you're gonna miss the magician.
    Bruce:Sorry, I must have forgotten your water.
    Alfred, I still want to leave.
    Lee:Are you not feeling well?
    Alfred:Oh, no, he's-he's absolutely fine. He's fine.
    Why don't you just pop off to the bar, Master Bruce, and...
    Man:Show's about to start, Miss Thompkins.
    Lee:Is it time?
    I've roped myself into emcee duties for the night.
    I hope you'll stay for the show.
    I wouldn't miss it for the world.



    Alfred:Go on, Master Bruce.
    Be a sport.
    Don't keep the lady waiting.
    Jerome:Hello, young man.
    Does this handsome gentleman have a name?
    Well, Bruce, this won't hurt a bit.
    Is there a doctor in the house?
    Alfred:No, Just excuse- just wait! Wait!
    Wait one second!


    Alfred:Very good, Master Bruce.




    Alfred:All right,Master Bruce, time to leave.






    Alfred:What the bloody hell are you doing, Bruce?
    Bruce:There's a gun in my jacket.
    Detective Gordon's behind the curtains.
    Jerome:Let gets this started, huh?
    You, check behind the curtain; make sure no one's playing silly buggers. 
    Jim:Drop the Knife!
    I don't have a clean shot!
    Alfred:Stay calm, Bruce.
    Jerome: it seems like we've got ourselves a pickle.
    What do you say, Brucey boy?
    Wanna  boost our ratings, huh?



    Jim:You were very brave.
    You helped save the lives of everyone in here.
    Your parents, they would've been proud.
    Alfred: That they would've been.
    They also would've given me the the sack for letting you do something so idiotic.
    Bruce:It was all of us.
    We were a team.
    Jim:Yeah. I guess we were.
    Is he okay?
    Lee:Fine. Though I'd still like him to get checked out at the hospital.
    Barbara gave him quite a knock.
    Any word on her?
    Jim:I don't know, she went through a trapdoor in the stage.
    They must have always been planning to use that as their exit.
    Don't worry. We'll find her.
    Alfred:Uh, Mr. Galavan, sir.
    Alfred Pennyworth.
    I'd just like to thank you for saving young Master Wayne's life.
    Alfred:If there's anything I can ever do for you, sir...
    Bruce:Or I.
    Theo:I really just did what any citizen of Gotham would have done.
    Jim:I wish that were true.
    Jim Gordon.
    Well, if you ever need anything, please, call.
    We're all in this together, right?
    Alfred:Thank you, sir.
    Right, well, I suppose I better be getting this young man home.
    It's been much more of an exciting evening than originally planned.
    I never did like magicians.
    Bruce:Good night.
    It was very nice meeting you, Dr. Thompkins.
    Lee:And you, Bruce.
    Alfred:Good night's sleep, you'll be right as roses.
    I do hope we get to see you again soon.
    Lee:Thank you.
    Jim:Sure you're okay?
    Lee:I'm fine.
    Jim:Kiss me?
    Jim:Kiss me.
    Alfred:Oh, bugger.
    Alfred:You knew, didn't you?
    Bruce:I didn't know, Alfred.
    Alfred:You did. You let me make a right mug of me-self.
    Bruce: Alfred, I had no idea.
    Alfred: You did.
    Bruce:I didn't know.
    Alfred: Well, I didn't know.



    Oswald:See, someone like that has no interest in building things.
    He's not part of a tradition.
    Chaos sake.
    Perhaps I could use a new laugh.
    Bullock: Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!
    Color me impressed.
    You know, if I close my eyes, still see you holding Fish's umbrella.
    "Yes, Ms. Mooney. No, Ms. Mooney. Whatever you say, Ms. Mooney. That wig looks great on you, Ms. Mooney."
    Seriously, the worm has turned.
    Oswald:Detective Bullock.
    I heard you rejoined the force.
    I am so happy.
    But aren't you missing all of the excitement?
    Bullock:Yeah, I got the word too late.
    Besides, I want to talk to you.
    Oswald:Of course.
    Always happy to help.
    Bullock:See, there's talk on the street that Jim Gordon did a favor for you, collected a debt and the guy ended up dead.
    Bullock:: Rumors.
    Oswald:Well, then again, where there's smoke...
    Jim shouldn't worry about that.
    He and I are friends.
    Bullock:Well, see, that's the problem, Oswald; I think he is worried.
    Because something happened today, and you were the obvious person to come to.
    And I sensed Jim was a little reluctant to come down here.
    Oswald:Like I said, he shouldn't worry.
    Bullock:As long as you two remain friends.
    I got half a mind to take you outside and beat you senseless with a garbage can.
    Maybe some other time.
    Call yourself whatever you want, man!
    The King of Gotham.
    But, to me, you'll always that little umbrella boy.
    And if you come after Jim Gordon, you got to come after me.
    And I still owe you for Fish.
    But, seriously, this place is amazing.

    Oswald:Get me another drink!

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