



  • [PR]


  • Gotham S2EP2

    Bruce:It's hard to believe.
    My father's been sneaking down here for years, and I never even knew about it.
    Alfred:That makes two of us, doesn't it?
    Let's just think about this.
    Are you certain you want to turn that bloody thing on?
    Bruce:Of course I'm certain.
    Alfred:Have you thought it through, Master Bruce?
    Bruce:This computer could contain all my father's research into Wayne Enterprises.
    All this time, I've been looking for a smoking gun, and here it is.
    Alfred:Exactly. A smoking gun.
    Now, guns are for grown-ups, aren't they?
    Bruce:That's a metaphor, Alfred, not an argument.
    Here it is.
    It's working!
    What are you... What are you doing?!
    Alfred, stop! What are you doing?!
    No, what are you doing, Alfred?!
    Alfred, stop it!
    It's ruined!
    It's ruined! What's wrong with you?!
    Why would you do that?! Answer me!
    Alfred:It had to be done, Master Bruce!
    Bruce:This was the key to exposing Wayne Enterprises.
    Everything that I've worked for, everything my... everything my dad worked for is now gone!
    Because of you!
    Alfred:If I'd known what was down here, I would have never helped get you in.
    I mean, look around you. Look, look. Liters of blood.
    A bulletproof vest with two slugs in it!
    gun, weapon!
    I mean, whatever's on that computer probably killed your father, and I'll be damned if I see you suffer the same fate, Master Bruce.
    I'm trying to protect you.
    I'm trying to keep you safe.
    Bruce:I want you to go.
    Alfred:Look, I know that you're...

    Alfred:Upset, and it's been...
    I want you to go and never come back, do you understand me?
    You're fired.
    Alfred:Very well, Master Bruce.
    As you wish.



    Alfred:I'd just like to say it's been an honor and a privilege to serve you and your family, sir.
    Bruce:Thank you.
    If you need any references, I'll be happy to provide them.
    Is that all you're taking with you?
    Alfred:It's all I have, sir.
    Right. Well, um...
    Oh, dear, yes. I best be off.
    I've got a train to catch.
    Good-bye, sir.
    Bruce:Good-bye, Alfred.
    Alfred:Beg your pardon, sir?
    Bruce:I said good-bye.
    Good-bye, sir.


    Bruce:I understand you were just trying to protect me.
    But there's nothing... nothing that you can do to stop me from carrying out my father's work.
    Alfred:I know that now.
    Bruce:I don't want you to go, Alfred.
    But you're either with me or you're against me.
    And if you're against me, I don't have a choice.
    Alfred:I'm with you, Master Bruce.
    I've always been with you.
    But what you're doing is tantamount to suicide.
    This is big boy stuff.
    You're too young; you're not ready.
    Bruce:Then make me ready.
    You-You've lived a dangerous life, and you survived.
    So teach me.
    Teach me how to do the same.
    I'll do whatever it takes.
    I'll train every day.
    Alfred:Yeah, but you said that before, didn't you?
    Bruce:That was before.
    Now I know the truth.
    And I know what I have to do.
    I'll even go back to school if you want.
    Alfred:School, even?
    If I agree to help you, to make you ready, you must do exactly as I say and when I say it with no exceptions, is that understood?
    But, in return, you must fix that computer.
    Alfred:Fix it?
    How on earth am I gonna do that?
    Bruce:That's not my problem.
    I'm not the one who broke it.



    Alfred:Gin and tonic, please, uh, governor.
    Ice and a slice.
    Nice place.
    Fox:It is.
    Alfred:Been here before, then, have you?
    Fox:It's my regular spot.
    Alfred:Oh, right, you're a local.
    Don't I know you?
    Fox:Do you?
    You're that Mr. Fox, that scientific chap from Wayne Enterprises, isn't ya?
    Fox:That is me.
    Alfred:Alfred Pennyworth.
    Young Master Bruce Wayne's guardian.
    Fox:Ah, yes.
    Alfred:It's a funny old game though, isn't it?
    Coincidence, I mean, me bumping into you like this.
    I mean...
    I was just thinking about you.
    Okay, Mr. Pennyworth, I'll bite.
    What were you thinking about me?
    Alfred:Oh, no. "Alfred," please.
    Fox:Please, "Lucius."
    Alfred:Lucius. Lucius.
    You know... I once knew this geezer called Onslow in the Isle of Dogs in the East End of London.
    Lairy little scallywag, he was.
    He was too smiley by half; never trusted him.
    Anyway, one day, Lucius, he comes bowling up to me, and he asks me to do him this right iffy favor.
    Oh, it doesn't matter what it was.
    The point being, against my better judgment, I agreed to do it.
    But, Lucius, I told him, I told him straight, I said, "You let me down, Onslow, I'll tuck you up, sunshine, like a kipper."
    He swears blind, swears on his mother's grave he'd never do such a thing, but of course he did.
    Couldn't help himself; he let me down.
    So I tucked him up.
    Like a kipper.
    Fox:What is a kipper?
    Alfred:It's a type of smoked fish.
    Very nice with eggs and brown toast for breakfast.
    But what I learned from Onslow is this.
    There are two types of people on this planet, you see.
    Them you can trust... and them you can't.
    Fox:I cannot disagree.
    Alfred:Which kind are you?
    Fox:Both kinds of people would give you the same answer, wouldn't they?
    Exactly right.
    There lieth the problem, Lucius.
    You see, I need to confide in you.
    But I need to know that you're trustworthy.
    Fox:Perhaps I should decline your confidence.
    I don't like the sound of these kippers.
    Alfred:Yeah, well, it's a bit late for that, unfortunately.
    I mean, it's you, after all, Lucius, that created this mess when you told young Master Bruce that his dear old dead dad... was a stoic.
    Alfred:"Ah," exactly.
    You see, there's a problem.
    I got no one else to turn to.
    I have to confide in you.
    Fox:I see.
    Alfred:Do you?
    Let me just be crystal clear about this.
    If it turns out... that I can't trust you, I swear on my mother's grave, you, my old sausage... are a dead man.
    Fox:I have only the best intentions for Bruce Wayne.
    Alfred:Well, another gin and tonic please, uh, governor.
    And whatever this young man is drinking, one for yourself.
    How are you at fixing computers?

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  • Gotham S2EP1

    Alfred:Bloody hell.
    No, wait, wait, wait!
    There must be a million possible combinations, Master Bruce.



    Alfred:I really am most frightfully sorry it took so long to answer the door, sir.
    Normally a buzzer sounds when a car comes through the gates.
    Jim:I walked.
    You two are dirty. What have you been doing?
    Bruce:I imagine you have something important to say.
    I've been fired from the GCPD.
    I won't be able to keep the promise I made you. I wanted to apologize.
    Bruce:Your apology's accepted, of course, but... you didn't need to walk here.
    A phone call would've been fine.
    Jim:I needed the air.
    Alfred:No hope for reinstatement then, sir?
    Well, there is a way, but... it's too ugly.
    I would have to collect a debt for Penguin.
    To prove our friendship.
    And you can't do that, because... he's a bad man.
    And the task would be demeaning.
    Jim:Well, yes.
    Bruce:You were going to find my parents' Killers.
    You were going to fight for justice.
    You were going to clean up the GCPD.
    Change Gotham.
    Jim:I had hoped to do that.
    Bruce:If you remained at the GCPD, you might still be able to do all those good things, but first... you must do something ugly.
    And your personal honor forbids that.
    Bruce:Are you not sacrificing the greater good for the sake of your dignity and self-esteem?
    For vanity?
    Alfred:Steady on, now, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:He walked all the way here to discuss the issue, Alfred.
    I'm simply asking a question.
    Surely, sometimes, the right way is also the ugly way.
    Alfred:Sometimes a man can't take the right way.
    He's dealing with all kinds of business you can't possibly understand yet, because you're still a child.
    Bruce:Yes, Alfred, there is still a great deal I don't understand yet.
    Please forgive me if I've offended you, Jim.
    Jim:No, no. That's okay.
    Alfred:I'll show you out, sir.



    Alfred: Fertilizer? What is your game?
    Bruce:I would've thought that's obvious to a man of your perception.

    It occurred to me to follow my own advice. Sometimes the ugly way is also the right way.
    Alfred: I mean, a bomb, inside the house? I mean, you're having a laugh, ain't ya? A bomb?
    Bruce:I was going to tell you. I wanted to present it as a fait accompli.
    Alfred: Don't start talking French to me. You don't know the first thing about bomb-making anyway, do you?
    Bruce:I read a book, Alfred... it seems simple enough.
    Alfred: A book. I mean, you're gonna blow your bloody head off before you put a dent in that thing.

    You know, maybe that door's trying to tell us something.

    Maybe you're not ready to find out what's behind it.

    Maybe we should wait until you're older.

    I mean, who knows what your dear old dad was up to down there, anyway.
    Bruce:Like what?
    Alfred: Like things I wouldn't want... to describe to a child, which is exactly what you are.
    Bruce:I'm building a bomb to blow down that door. You may assist me... or not, as you wish.

    But if not, some tea would be nice.
    Alfred: Right, well, you're gonna need ten more... sacks of that gear, for starters; three more Jerry cans, two lengths of timber; and a heavy tarpaulin. And I'll put the kettle on.



    Alfred:Now... you're absolutely sure about this, Master Bruce?
    I strongly advise...
    I need to know.
    Let's do this.
    Alfred:Right, sir.
    Yes, great!
    Bruce:"Dear Bruce, these last weeks I begin to feel very mortal, which prompts this note to you. Perhaps I'm being paranoid. I hope so. In any case, if you're reading this, then I'm dead, and you figured out that the entry code is... BRUCE. I'm sorry I had to hide this part of my life from you, because this place only exists because of you. Becoming a father made me want to be a better man, and I started asking hard questions about the family business. So here we are. As I write this, you're 12 and a fine, good-hearted boy. So I'm sure you'll be a fine, good-hearted man. But that's all I know. I don't know what happened to me or your mother, or how life has turned out for you. I don't even know how old you are. So I'll resist giving you much fatherly advice. Only this: You can't have both happiness and the truth. "You have to choose. I beg of you, my son, please choose happiness. Unless... Unless you feel a calling. A true calling."

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  • Gotham S1EP22

    Alfred:Still looking for secrets, are we, sir?
    Or just breaking stuff?
    Alfred: I don't know.
    Whole city's going doolally around us.
    I mean, there's a bloody war on the streets... and you're in here worrying about your poor old dad.
    Bruce:Yes, I am.
    Alfred:If your father had a secret life...
    Which I hasten to add, he didn't...
    I'd know about it, wouldn't I?
    A sober, diligent man he was.
    Never out gallivanting.
    Home every night, like clockwork, working, in this very room.
    Bruce:Yes, I remember.
    I wasn't allowed to disturb him while he was working.
    Alfred:Nobody was.
    Bruce:Classical music... he would play for hours.
    Alfred:That's right.
    Bruce:Mom and I would read books or play board games until he was done.
    I remember.
    Bruce:I tried to sneak in to see him, but the door was locked.
    Was the door always locked, Alfred?
    Alfred:Yeah, well, I suppose so, when he was working.
    Bruce:Why, though?
    Why lock the door?
    Alfred:That's what doors are for, isn't it?
    Bruce:It's in here.
    It's in this room.
    My father's secret, it's in this room.
    I know it.
    I know it!



    Alfred:What exactly are we looking for, Master Bruce?
    Bruce:When I find it, I'll know.



    Alfred: Enough searching, Master B.
    There's nothing here.
    Now, your father was a good man, a flawed man, like anyone else.
    Doesn't mean he had a secret life.
    Bruce:My intuition's nearly always correct.
    Alfred:Yeah, well.
    It's a common delusion, I find.
    Arkham's full of men whose intuitions are always correct.
    There are none so blind.
    Bruce:None so blind.
    Marcus Aurelius. Marcus Aurelius!
    Alfred:What about him?
    Bruce:He was a Roman emperor.
    Alfred:Yes, well, I'm fully aware of that, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:And a stoic. I think I remember he was a stoic, like my father.
    Lucius Fox called my father a stoic.
    Alfred:Lots of people are called stoic.
    Basically means a hardnut. Doesn't say much.
    Bruce:Doesn't mean it's a bloody clue, does it?
    It's a philosophy, Alfred. It's a way of life.
    Alfred:Maybe... Maybe that as well, I suppose, but...
    Bruce:What is it, do you think?
    Alfred:I don't know and I don't care, and don't you dare press that bloody button.
    Bruce:Why not?

    Alfred:It could be a bomb.
    Bruce:Alfred, that seems improbable.
    Alfred:It's a stereo.

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  • Gotham S1EP21

    Alfred:This just, uh... came for you by messenger, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:Thank you.
    Alfred:Right, well,
    I' ought to be off.
    Bruce:Do you want company?
    Alfred:To identify Reggie?
    No, I don't think so. Best done alone.
    Bruce:I'm sorry, Alfred.
    I know he was your friend.
    Alfred:Just doesn't make any sense.
    Reggie topping himself like that.
    Bruce:You said he fell out of a window.
    He might have been drinking, lost his balance.
    Alfred:that Reggie was a legend.
    He could be blind drunk and walk a tightrope.
    It doesn't matter what he was like in the end.
    I wanna see he gets a proper send-off.
    I'll see you this evening, sir.



    Bruce:Alfred, I never asked you.
    How was it yesterday, seeing Reggie?
    Alfred:Not really an experience I'd care to repeat, Master Bruce.
    But then again, the Reggie I knew died years ago.
    Bruce:Alfred, I haven't been honest with you.
    After you were hurt, Selina and I went looking for Reggie.
    We found him.
    Alfred:Did you, now?
    Bruce:He didn't jump or fall.
    Selina pushed him.
    Alfred:And why did she do that?
    Bruce:Reggie was sent here by a man named Sid Bunderslaw.
    Bunderslaw works for Wayne Enterprises.
    Reggie gave us the name, but said he was gonna tell Bunderslaw what we were doing.
    Alfred:I see.
    And the rest?
    The charity ball...
    Presumably to have access to Mr. Bunderslaw.
    Bruce:Selina stole the key to his office safe.
    I went there today. It was empty.
    But Bunderslaw was waiting for me.
    Alfred:What did he do?
    Alfred:What did he do?!
    But he said that my father and grandfather knew about the illegal things that the company was doing, and chose...
    They chose to stay quiet.
    Alfred:Your father was a good man.
    Bruce:I know.
    But even good men have secrets.

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  • Gotham S1EP20

    Should you be up?
    Alfred:Oh, thank you, Master Bruce. I feel...
    I feel much better.
    Can I get you anything?
    Bruce:Yes, actually. I've decided to attend the Wayne Enterprises Charity Ball tonight.
    All the senior management will be there, and I think people should see that a Wayne is still at the head of the company.
    Alfred:I shall set your tux out for you.
    Alfred:Yes, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:When you were in the army... you had to kill people, right?
    Yes, I did.
    Bruce:And it was necessary?
    Alfred:Oh, I see... so you overheard the conversation that Reggie and I had that was best left unsaid.
    But in answer to your question, yes.
    Yes, it was necessary.
    Now, if you'll excuse me, I better go and find my good cufflinks, if we're stepping out.
    Bruce:No, but you're still recovering.
    Alfred:What, I'm supposed to let you walk into that nest of vipers on your tod?
    Bruce:There'll be hundreds of people there, Alfred.
    I won't be in any danger.
    Alfred:So you say. But you're not gonna go alone.
    Bruce:I won't be alone.
    I've invited Selina Kyle.
    Alfred:Selina Kyle?
    To the Wayne Enterprises Ball?
    I see.
    Bruce:What do you see?
    Alfred:Nothing. I mean, you know... I mean, you're... a healthy young lad and she's a very pretty young girl with a penchant of wearing, well, a little too much leather.
    Bruce:Alfred, it's not like that.
    Alfred:Then what's it like?
    Bruce:Well... well, what if it is, huh?
    What's wrong with that?
    Alfred:Absolutely nothing.
    So, I will wait in the car outside, so you don't feel my watchful eye, but I will be close by, if there needs be.
    That is the deal.
    Could you call around and send some dresses and shoes to where she's staying?
    This is the address.
    It's a charity ball, Alfred.
    I'll be fine.

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  • Gotham S1EP19

    Where are you going?
    Alfred:Into the city, Master Bruce.
    If I know Reggie, he's probably drunk himself half to death by now and is moving swiftly onto the harder stuff.
    I'll probably find him holed up in a shooting gallery, totally off his maracas.
    Bruce:Alfred, you can't go.
    You're not well.
    Alfred:No choice, Master Bruce.
    He'll only be here for a few days.
    Enough time to get his fix, then he'll be off.
    Bruce:Well, then we'd better get going.
    Alfred:If you think I'm gonna take you, Master...
    Oh, dear.

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  • Gotham S1Ep18

    Jim:Slim pickings at the food court.
    Brought you a bagel.
    Alfred:Nothing for the invalid?
    Jim:Sorry. Hospital food only.
    Doctor's orders. How you feeling?
    Alfred:All right.
    Had a slight... puncture.
    Leaked a bit.
    Jim:So I know last night must be kind of a blur, but do you have any idea who did this?
    Bruce: It-it was...
    Alfred:It was dark. It was very dark.
    Saw a... shadow and... my savior Master Bruce was leaning over me.
    Jim:Did you get a look at the guy?
    Jim:Sorry. My captain keeps calling.
    Alfred: It's fine, Detective.
    Just-just go.
    Jim:No, I can stay.
    Alfred:I really appreciate you sitting with Master Bruce, but as you can see, I'm completely fine.
    Jim:All right.
    I'll try and stop by later.
    Bruce:Thank you again for coming, Detective.
    Why not tell him the truth?
    Alfred:Well, believe it or not, Master Bruce, Reggie's a mate, and you don't set coppers on your mates, do you?
    Bruce:But he nearly killed you.
    Alfred:I served with that bastard.
    Anyone sorts him out, it's me... Nobody else.
    It wouldn't be right.
    Bruce:Why would he stab you?
    Alfred:That's a bloody good question.
    And one... 
    I mean to find out.

    'Cause longer that bloody lunatic's out on the loose... the harder it's gonna be to find him.
    Now, you just...

    Bruce:Get back in bed, Alfred.
    Alfred:Just pass me my robe.
    Bruce:Get back in bed!
    That's an order.

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  • Gotham S1EP17

    Alfred:Yes, sir. How can I help you?
    Reggie:Sorry for calling so late.
    Forgive me.
    Alfred:Oh, my God, mate. How long's it been?
    Reggie:20 years.
    I got picked up by the GCPD last night for trying to sleep under the Westbury Bridge.
    Alfred:Here, mate.
    Reggie:Cheers, mate.
    One of the officers was a Marine, back in the day, so we got to talking. I told him I was with Her Majesty's Special Air Service back in the day.
    So he took pity on me.
    He says, "Why don't you look up some of your old regiment, you know, see if one of the guys can... help you out."
    Alfred:Well, you know...
    I'm pleased you looked me up, Reg.
    Reggie:If anyone would've told me this is where I'd find you, I wouldn't have believed them.
    Alfred:I like it here.
    It's good for me.
    Reggie:I can see that.
    I've missed you, mate.
    Missed your ugly mug.
    Alfred:What happened, Reggie?
    Reggie:Vanessa died.
    11 years ago now.
    I just couldn't find the energy to get back out there after that, you know?
    A year later, I lost the house.
    Moved back to Gotham.
    I've had a few jobs.
    Nothing I'm proud of.
    It was the drink, Alfie.
    It was the drink.
    Bruce: Alfred?
    Alfred:Um, Master Bruce.
    This is, uh, Reginald Payne.
    We served together, sir.
    Reggie:Very pleased to meet you, sir.
    Bruce:You were caught in the storm?
    Alfred:Reggie's had a run of bad luck, Master Bruce.
    Reggie:I-I don't wish to be a nuisance. I just...
    I hadn't seen Alfie in a very long time.
    Bruce:N-No, I'm glad you found us, Mr. Payne.
    Please, feel free to stay with us a few days.
    Reggie:That's very kind of you, but...
    Bruce:I insist.



    Alfred: Right!
    That's enough of that.
    Perhaps a shower's in order, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:Mr. Payne was just showing me some alternative methods.
    Alfred:Yeah, I can see that, can't I?
    Not methods that fit into our curriculum, though, are they?
    Bruce:No, they're not; but they're effective.
    Alfred:Discipline, skill, and hard work are effective.
    Now how about I start that shower for you, sir?

    Alfred:You ever raised a child before, Reg?
    Alfred:Me neither.
    Hardest job I've ever had to do in my life.
    Nothing prepares you for it.
    Reggie:Listen, I'm sorry if I overstepped the mark.
    I was just...
    It was obvious how much you've helped him s...
    Alfred:No, he helped me.
    I'm a better person for knowing him, Reg.
    Let's keep our past where it belongs.
    In the past.



    Bruce:I picked something out from the cellar.
    I hope that's okay.
    Alfred:Well, that's, uh, extremely kind of you, Master Bruce, but I don't think that we... that I'll be, uh, drinking this evening.
    Bruce:I'm sure it's perfectly fine to have a glass of wine occasionally, Alfred.
    I picked an old one.
    Seems a shame to let them gather dust down there.
    Reggie:Domaine de la Romanée-Conti.
    Alfred:It's a rather nice Burgundy, actually, it's 1966.
    It's one of your father's favorites.
    Why not, eh? Take a pew.
    Reggie:That's very kind of you.
    Alfred:There you go.
    Reggie:Cheers, mate.
    Alfred:Now, the idea, of course, is to let it breathe for at least an hour.
    Or not.
    Reggie:Ah. Delicious.
    So he eventually opened his backpack and he found the bloody snake.
    We'd been waiting for it all night.
    He didn't even flinch.
    Bruce:What'd you do?
    Alfred:Oh, you know, I chopped its head off and we ate the bloody thing.
    Reggie:We did.
    Bruce:What did it taste like?
    Alfred: Uh, a bit like, um, fast food.
    It was horrible.
    Reggie:It was horrible.

    Alfred:It was disgusting.
    Bruce: So, um... so, Mr. Payne, you were in the Air Force?
    Reggie:Special Air Service... SAS.
    Best soldiers in the world, if I'm being honest.
    Bruce:So that means covert missions?
    Reggie:That's right.
    Before a conflict, they dropped us behind enemy lines.
    We were quiet, precise, and deadly.
    We never lost a man and we always completed our missions.
    Except that once, I guess.
    Alfred:Yeah, well, that's enough of the old war stories, eh, Reg?
    Bruce:What one time?
    Reggie: There was a sandstorm.
    We got separated.
    Two of us were captured.
    Reggie:He fought 12 of them off before they cut him down.
    Didn't you, Alf?
    Alfred:I'm here now, aren't I?
    That's all that matters.
    All right, gents, while I have to say this has been absolutely lovely, I'd like to, I'd like to tidy up before I go to bed.
    Reggie:Tidy up?
    Mr. Yes Sir, No Sir.
    Mr. Queensberry rules and discipline.
    Alfred:Thank you, that's enough.
    Bruce:Alfred's right... it's time for bed.
    Alfred:Good night, Master Bruce.
    Bruce: Good night. Good night.
    Alfred:Sleep well, son.
    Reggie:Why are you hiding from him what you really are, who you really are?
    You're a war dog, Alfie.
    You're a cold-blooded, lethal war dog, is what you are.
    Alfred:I found some fresh clothes for you, Reg.
    I folded them and I put 'em on your bed, and I've taken the liberty of packing you a lunch for your travels tomorrow.
    It's been really nice to see you, Reggie.
    Reggie:I see them, at night... when I'm alone.
    The faces... the faces of those we killed.
    Do you?
    Alfred:I don't have to look for them, Reg.
    They find me.



    Alfred:You're stealing from us?
    You could have just asked me for money, Reg.
    Reggie:You don't know how hard that is, Alfie... do you?
    Alfred:We gave you somewhere to sleep.
    We put food in your belly.
    Reggie:I'm in trouble.
    Real trouble.
    I don't need a lecture right now.
    Alfred:What kind of trouble?
    Reggie:You don't want to know.
    Alfred:Right. Well, you put the bag down and you leave.
    Reggie:Did you bring a gun, Alfie?
    Reggie:If there was any other way...
    Alfred:Oh, come on... there's always another way, mate.
    Reggie:I'm sorry.
    Alfred:Sorry f...
    Reggie:I'm so sorry.

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  • Gotham S1EP16

    Alfred:They called to confirm your meeting with the board of Wayne Enterprises tomorrow.
    I was afraid they'd postpone again.
    Alfred:Well, I'll say it one more time.
    I think that, it's an incredibly bad idea, Master Bruce.
    I think it's reckless, I think it's premature, and, quite frankly, I think it's bloody dangerous.
    Bruce:And we've already been over this hundred times, Alfred.
    My mind is made up.
    Can you pass me that file over there?
    Alfred:The file...
    I've said my piece.
    If we're both found dead in a ditch, don't blame me.

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  • Gotham S1EP15

    Alfred: Do you have everything you need, Master Bruce?
    Alfred:I can still come with you, if you want me to.
    It wouldn't be right.
    Alfred:No. Of course.
    Bruce:I'll be fine, Alfred.
    You don't have to worry.
    Alfred:Who said I was worried?
    Bruce:I'll be back before dark.
    I've been on this hike before, you know.
    Alfred:Not without your father.
    Come here.
    He would have approved, you know.
    Carrying on the tradition like this.
    Bruce:My father and I stayed overnight.
    We woke up early to watch the sunrise.
    It's not the same.
    Alfred:Well, maybe next year, then.
    Well, off you go then.



    Alfred:Hello, there, Master Bruce.
    Well, you certainly took your time.
    What, you stop off for a pie and a pint on the way out, did you?
    Bruce:How long have you been there?
    Alfred:Well, I don't know, about an hour.
    Just when you started climbing up that very nasty hill.
    Bruce:Thanks for your help.
    Alfred:Yeah, I never got you down there, did I?
    You all right?
    Come here.
    Bruce:I'm cold, I'm tired, and my ankle's sprained.
    Alfred: Oh.

    Bruce:I just want to go home.
    Alfred:You want to go home?
    Or do you want to wait and watch the sunrise?
    Like you did with your dad.
    Bruce:Well, Alfred... we can only stay if you think you can handle it.
    Alfred:If I can handle it?
    Mate, this place is positively cushy compared to some of the places I've slept at.
    Cup of tea, you cheeky monkey?



    Alfred: Master B.

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  • Gotham S1EP14

    Alfred:Detective James Gordon to see you, Master Bruce.
    Jim:Bruce, how are you?
    Bruce:I'm fine, thank you.
    Jim:I would've come by earlier, but things were a little crazy.
    You were gone for a while.
    Jim:Probably wise.
    I saw Selina Kyle.
    She told me she lied.
    She saw nothing.
    That's what she told me.
    She made up the story to get out of juvie.
    Jim:She could be saying this now because she's scared.
    It would be understandable after what happened.
    She doesn't scare easily.
    I believe her.
    She didn't see the killer.
    Jim:Look, this is unfortunate, but it doesn't mean we're back to square one.
    Someone sent assassins after her.
    Only a guilty person would do that.
    Alfred:Yes, and led her bloody assassins to the manor.
    Thank you very much.
    Bruce:Anyway, you need no longer concern yourself with the case.
    Jim:Bruce, this isn't the time to give up.
    Bruce:I'm not giving up.
    Jim:I don't understand.
    Bruce:Months ago, you promised you'd find who killed my parents, and in all that time, you've managed to find one witness, who turned out to be a liar.
    Jim:An investigation like this takes time.
    Bruce:I understand, but I don't want you to feel bound by an oath you can't fulfill.
    I'm releasing you from your promise.
    I'll pursue the matter on my own.
    Alfred:Yeah, no, I really wouldn't bother, actually, mate.
    Once Master Bruce makes up his mind, there's no arguing with him.
    Jim:He can't pursue this case on his own.
    It's too dangerous.
    Alfred:Then I'll have to look after him.
    Can I show you the door?

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  • Gotham S1Ep13

    Alfred: I do believe this is the second time we've been around this block, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:Selina likes to hang out here.
    It's worth doubling back.
    Besides, you got what you wanted.
    I went out of town like you asked.
    For weeks.
    Alfred:Yeah, well... it wasn't safe here, was it?
    Bruce:The assassins weren't after me.
    They were after her.
    Alfred: Yeah, and we'll be back on that plane straight back to the bloody Alps the first sign of trouble, I tell you.
    Master Bruce.
    Master Bruce, get back in the car now.
    Bruce:Can we walk around the block just once?
    Then I'll get back in the car.
    Please, Alfred.
    Alfred:Once around the block and then home.
    Bruce:Thank you.
    Alfred:Got the rest of your life like that to get whipped into a frenzy by the females.
    I don't know why you want to start now.
    Bruce:It's not like that.
    Ivy: Out of my way.
    Alfred:Steady, Master Bruce.
    Looks like she's got the mange.
    Ivy:Look who it is.
    Billionaire Bruce Wayne.
    Who are you, his bodyguard?
    Alfred:If needs be, miss, yes.
    Ivy:What's in the bag?
    Bruce:It's for Selina.
    Have you seen her?
    Ivy:Sure. I can give it to her if you want.
    Bruce:Perhaps you could pass on a message for me.
    Tell her I'm looking for her.
    Ivy:20 bucks.
    Alfred:20 bucks.
    There we are, miss.
    Delightful friends you have, Master Bruce.



    Alfred:Master Bruce?
    Bruce:She was lying.
    I see.
    Shall I get a broom, then?
    Or would you rather continue crying over the shattered fragments of your... young dreams?
    Bruce:Yes, Alfred.
    A broom.
    Alfred:Very good, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:I'll find other leads.
    Alfred:No doubt.
    I knew she was a wrong one.

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  • Gotham S1EP10

    Alfred:Yes, hello, miss. How can I help?
    Oh, dear.
    Assasin:My car, it went off the road.
    Alfred:Please come in. Come in at once.
    Assasin:If you could call an ambulance.
    Alfred: Where exactly are you hurt?
    Is everything all right?
    Alfred:No, Master Bruce.
    This lady's been involved in a car accident.
    Run. Run!
    Selina:This better be a way out.
    Bruce:The old servant's hallway, it's through the closet.
    But I need to help Alfred!
    Selina:There's no time!
    Bruce, come on!
    Bruce:Alfred might be hurt.
    I can't leave him.
    Selina:He told you to run.
    Stay, but I'm out.



    Jim: Local PD is searching the woods, but so far no sign of Bruce or Selina.
    What can you tell me about this woman?
    Alfred:Well, she was, uh, early 30s.
    A tasty fighter, actually.
    Look, mate, it's just a scratch.
    Shove off, will you?
    I've got stuff to do.
    Jim:Look, we've got 50 police in the woods, even more on the roads.
    We need to focus on this woman and her people.
    What can you tell me about her?
    Alfred:They were trained Killers.
    And your bloody little girl brought them here.
    Jim:We don't know that yet.
    Bullock: Jim.
    You must be Alfred Pennyworth.
    Nice job out there.
    Alfred:Yeah, well, not nice enough, eh?
    Bullock:This was taken off the dead guy.
    Nothing else... no keys, no I.D., nada.
    Now, I know this girl.
    She was grabbed by the child snatchers.
    And now she's getting attacked by assassins at Wayne freaking Manor?!
    What the hell's going on, compadre?
    Alfred:What, you haven't told him?
    Bullock:Told me what?
    Jim:Selina Kyle was in the alley the night the Waynes were murder.
    She saw the killer's face.
    Bullock:Oh, for Pete's sake, don't do this to me.
    Jim:Harvey Dent in the D.A.'s office is investigating dick Lovecraft.
    He thinks that Lovecraft is connected to the Wayne killings.
    So, he leaked that we had a witness.
    He thought he could spook Lovecraft.
    Get him to reveal himself.
    Bullock:Wow, that's a hell of a plan.
    How did it work out? Bravo!
    Jim:We thought she was safe.
    We thought no one knew she was here.
    Alfred:Yeah, well, you were wrong, weren't you, you plank?
    How did they know?
    Bullock:Why didn't you tell me about this foolishness?
    Jim:Because you would have tried to stop me.
    Bullock:Of course I would tried to stop you, you putz!
    What the hell are you thinking?
    The Wayne case is closed. It is closed!
    Jim:You know damn well it's not closed! Don't tell me what I know!
    Alfred:Will you shut up, the pair of ya!
    You can argue later!
    Right now, we need to find Master Bruce.
    Jim:All right.
    If they don't come back soon, they would have headed to Gotham.
    Selina feels safe there.
    Bullock: Good luck trying to find her in the city.
    A street kid like that?
    Jim:But you will help us find her, right?
    Bullock:Yeah, of course I will.
    Because I have to be crazy.
    Jim:Thank you. All right, I'll focus on Lovecraft, I'll find him, and if he is behind this, I'll get him to call off the contract.
    Bullick:How you gonna do that?

    Jim:I don't know, I'll think of something.
    Run the streets, huh?
    Focus on your contacts. Go to work.
    Alfred:I'm coming with you.
    Bullock:All right.
    You're pretty handy for a valet.
    Alfred:Butler, mate.
    I'm the butler.



    Bullock: We know you ran with a girl called Cat.
    She's in serious danger.
    Kid:Who isn't, right?
    Crazy world.
    Alfred:How much?
    There's $100.
    Kid:All right, listen.
    I don't know where Cat lives, all right?
    She's... private about stuff like that.
    But... I heard that she got a new fence,
    'cause her old one got popped.
    He'd know where to find her.
    Bullock:Who's the fence?
    Kid:I don't know.
    But I know who would know.
    Bullock:Oh, yeah? Who's that?!
    Damn it, Alfred, save your cheese!
    I can beat the truth out of this kid with a roll of quarters!
    Kid:Yo, ask Fish Mooney.
    She runs all the fences.



    Butch:Busy day, Harvey. Come back next year.
    Bullock: Hand to God, Butch, I'll be quicker than a sailor on shore leave.
    Thief we're tracking down.
    Look familiar? Goes by "Cat."
    Bullock: Maybe Fish knows her.
    Butch:Fish knows everyone.
    Fish is busy.
    Bullock:She works with one of your fences, a new guy.
    Butch:What's a fence?
    Bullock:Come on, Butch. Be nice.
    This is important.
    Where's Fish?
    Butch:I told you, she's busy.
    Alfred:I once knew a fella called Butch.
    Yeah, he was a Whitechapel lad.
    Now, we called him Butch, you see, 'cause he wasn't.
    It was a wind-up.
    It was like a joke name.
    In fact, he was a horrible little toe rag.
    Butch: What?
    I can't tell. Are-are you... are you threatening me?
    Is he threatening me?
    You can't... 
    Alfred:Now... where is this Fish?
    Fish:Right here.
    So... what's the fuss?
    Bullock:They're just fooling around.
    We're looking for this girl, a street thief, goes by Cat, works with one of your fences.
    Fish:Looks familiar. What's the urgency?
    Bullock:Professional Killers are looking for her.
    Fish:Professionals, huh?
    This wouldn't be the Lovecraft witness, now would it?
    Bullock:How'd you know?
    Fish:Streets talk.
    Using her to scare Lovecraft.
    She saw the Waynes' killer, supposedly.

    And you're here because you want me to help you find her, don't you?
    Why in the world would I help you find her, of all people?
    Alfred:She has Bruce Wayne with her, miss.
    Alfred:Yes, miss.
    I'm Alfred Pennyworth. I'm the boy's legal guardian.
    Very pleased to meet you.

    Alfred:Miss Mooney, we need your help.
    Fish:Well, you see, Alfred, I would love to help you, but it would infringe upon my personal interests.
    And why would I do that?
    Alfred:You have a very eloquent... gaze, if I may say so, Miss Mooney.
    And I can see that you're not a woman that would let petty self-interest outweigh... honor.
    And compassion.
    Fish:I'll make some calls.
    But remember this kindness.



    Fancy seeing you here.
    Alfred:You all right?
    Bruce:I'm fine.
    How are you?
    Alfred:You really scared me, Master Bruce.
    If you die... who employs butlers anymore?



    Alfred:Having a little chat, Master Bruce?
    Bruce:Thinking out loud.
    Alfred:Right. Right. Of course you were.
    Shall I take that for you?
    The old house seems very quiet... without her, doesn't it?
    Bruce:Yes, it does.

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  • Gotham S1EP9

    Jim:She said this is the man who killed your parents. She said she saw his face. Do you recognize him, Bruce?
    What's her name?
    Jim:Selina Kyle.
    Bruce:Do you believe her?
    Jim:Yes, I do.
    Bruce:So, she saw... everything?

    Alfred:And you want her to live here with us, do you?
    A common street criminal.
    Jim:She's hardly older than Bruce. She's just a kid who's seen too much.
    This is for her safety.
    GCPD is full of moles...
    Alfred:Right, and how long would you have us put her up, then?
    Jim:I don't know.
    Alfred:No. The answer is no. Her being here will put Master Bruce in great danger.
    Alfred:She is the witness to a murder, Master Bruce.
    You do understand that, don't you?
    Bruce:She's also the best chance we have of finding who killed my parents. Isn't she?
    Jim:Yes, she is.
    Bruce:Then she can stay. As long as it takes.
    I've made my decision.
    Alfred:Yes, Master Bruce.
    Jim:Look, I know this is a lot. But I'm doing everything I can.
    Montoya and Allen and I are meeting with an ADA they trust this afternoon.
    Alfred:Oh... a trustworthy lawyer.
    In Gotham.
    Jim:Look, if we find this guy, we'll need her.
    She'll have to testify. Go before a judge. It won't be easy.
    Witnesses back out all the time.
    The ones that stick it out do so because they care about the victims.
    Alfred:We'll do our best to be nice to her, then, won't we?



    Alfred:Keep your guard up. Knock lumps out of ya.
    Watch your feet.
    Right... jab, jab, right.
    Lead with the... Hey!
    Jab, jab, right. Jab, jab, right.
    Jab, jab, right.
    Keep that guard up... jab, jab, right.
    Lead... jab, jab, right.
    Jab, jab, right.
    Now keep that...
    Bruce:Sorry, Alfred.
    Bruce:That hurt.
    Alfred:Yeah, it's supposed to, isn't it?
    Taking a punch is just as important as throwing one, Master Bruce.
    Selina:What you doing?
    Bruce:Alfred's teaching me to fight.
    Bruce:So I'll be prepared if something bad happens.
    Selina:Yeah, 'cause you live in a pretty rough neighborhood.
    Bruce:Not here, in Gotham.
    Selina:In Gotham, people don't fight with gloves on.
    Bruce:How's your room? Everything good?
    Selina:It'll do.
    I'm hungry, though.
    Well, breakfast was served at 8:00, miss, which you slept through.
    Lunch shall be served at 12:00.
    Bruce:There's plenty to eat in the kitchen.
    And Alfred will be happy to fix you something.
    Alfred:No, he won't be, will he?
    Because it's not a bloody hotel.
    Selina:Relax, old man.
    I'll figure it out.
    Alfred:Yeah, you can mind your manners as well, you cheeky little minx.
    Bruce:Be nice to her, Alfred, she's our guest.
    Alfred:Well, I'm terribly sorry, Master Bruce.
    Didn't realize you fancied her.
    Bruce:What do you mean? N-No.
    Alfred:Well, it's nothing to be embarrassed about.
    It's only natural, isn't it?
    But you watch her.
    She's a lairy one.
    Right... left, left, right.
    Keep your guard up, son.
    Bruce:You know about girls, do you, Alfred?
    Alfred:Fair sight more than you.
    And she, mate, is trouble... watch.
    Oi! Oi, oi!



    Jim:This is Gordon.
    Alfred: Yes, Detective.
    It's Alfred.
    Jim:Alfred, is everything all right?
    Is Selina okay?
    Alfred:Well, she's safe.
    Alfred:But I'm afraid, Detective, this isn't gonna work out.
    She's a... a tough nut, this one.
    Jim:Well, look, we need her help if we have any chance of catching the Waynes' killer.
    Just hold onto her for now, and I'll be out to check on her as soon as I can.
    Alfred:We shall patiently await your arrival, Detective.



    Alfred:Time for your studies, Master Bruce.
    Bruce:Thank you, Alfred.
    Alfred:You're more than welcome to join, Miss Kyle.
    I'll see you later.



    Jim: Morning, Alfred.
    Alfred:Ah, Detective.
    Jim:I've been trying to get out there.
    I'm sorry, uh... Is everything okay?
    Is she behaving herself?
    Alfred:Well, uh, not really, no.
    That's all right.
    Jim:It is?
    Alfred:Yes, well, she's... a breath of fresh air, I might say.
    Jim:Glad to hear it.
    I'll be out there as-as soon as I can.
    Alfred:Very good, sir.

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  • Gotham S1EP8

    Alfred: Come now, Master Bruce.
    Had to happen sooner or later.
    Bruce:Is this really necessary?
    Homeschooling is just as effective.
    I can show you the data.
    Alfred:You need to be around children your own age.
    Alfred:Because you do.
    Bruce:You know I despise that sort of answer.
    Alfred:Don't you miss your mates?
    Bruce:Not really.
    I've always found them kind of childish.
    Alfred:Well, that's what they're meant to be, aren't they?
    It's what they do.
    Don't you wanna be like a normal kid?
    Bruce:I'm not sure.
    Define "normal" and make a good case for it.
    Alfred:You're going to bloody school.

    Now start walking.
    Good luck, lad.



    Alfred:Tad late, Master Bruce.
    Oi. What happened to you?
    Bruce:I'm perfectly fine!
    Alfred:What happened?
    Bruce:Someone spoke disrespectfully about my mother.
    Alfred:Oh, did they now?
    Well, I hope you broke their bastard teeth for them.
    He's much bigger than me, and I...
    I'm not very good at fighting. Didn't hurt him at all.
    Alfred:Not at all?
    Bruce:Don't tell the school.
    Alfred:Not bloody likely.



    Alfred:This is your father's watch.
    Don't you lose it now.
    Tommy Elliot's house.
    Don't you be scared.
    Bruce:I'm not.
    I'm visualizing what I'm gonna do.
    Alfred:Because if you don't want to do this, there's no shame in it.
    Bruce:There would be immense shame in it.
    Tommy:What the hell are you doing here?
    Bruce:We have unfinished business.
    Tommy:Listen, if you think you're gonna tell my parents...
    Are you crazy?!
    Bruce:Don't talk about my mother!
    Alfred: Master Bruce!
    Point well made, I think.
    You all right, mate? Any broken bones?
    Tommy:He-he tried to kill me!
    Alfred:That's right. He did.
    He tried to kill you.
    Just you remember that next time you see him.
    And you remember that I let him try.
    Now, let's get some ice on those knuckles.
    What do you fancy for your dinner?
    Superb choice, Master Bruce.



    Bruce:I enjoyed it. I enjoyed hurting him.
    Alfred:Of course you did. He deserved it.
    Bruce:I'm so angry all the time. Will that ever go away?
    Alfred:That I don't know.
    Bruce:Alfred... can you teach me how to fight?
    Alfred:Yes, Master Bruce. Yes, I can.

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