




Gotham S1EP3

Bruce:Alfred I Don't wanna do this.
Alfred: What?
Bruce:Stop. I don't wanna do this.
Alfred:Come on. Swat.
En garde.
Here we go, son. What? What?
Shall we go?
Bruce:I'dont want to do this.
There she blows, eye of the tiger through the wind in your nostrils, Sir Bruce.

The blood in his veins.
Sink. Mind your head. Dive!
Oh, I do beg your pardon, sir. I...
That's gotta hurt. No, not really.
Bruce:I said stop!
Alfred:Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Stop. Down swords.
I surrender.
A nice...
Sword fight gets our blood up, doesn't it?
Better than reading these dusty old files.
What is this, anyway?
Police file.
About your mom and dad. How'd you get these?
Bruce:It wasn't hard.
Alfred:Why would you wanna look at these? They're horrible.
They're gonna give you nightmares.
Bruce:I have those anyway, and...
I'm looking for clues.
Alfred:So you're a detective now?
Bruce:If I find a clue, I am.
Alfred:Have you found a clue?
Bruce:Not yet.
Alfred:Not yet.
Detective Gordon has promised you that he will find the person that killed your parents.
Bruce:You really believe he will?
Alfred:He will try.
Of that I'm certain.



So no breakfast then.
And no dinner last night.
What's the new program?
You wanna see how long we can go without eating anything?
Well, if that's the case, I should save myself the trouble of making it.
Bruce:Have you seen this?
Alfred:Oh, yeah, nuts are going around offing people with balloons.
Can think of easier ways to kill someone.
Master Bruce, forgive me for...
Uttering the tired old words "in times like these," but in times like these, you really need to keep your strength up.
Bruce:I'm just not hungry.



TV reporter:The crusade of the vigilante known as the Balloonman ended tonight when he was apprehended by police.
He was the man who stood up to the corruption eating at the heart of Gotham, willing to break the law in order to save it.
Alfred:I'd imagine the criminals of Gotham are sleeping well tonight.
Bruce:He killed people.
That made him a criminal, too.
Alfred:That's very true.
Can I get you anything else?
Bruce:No, thank you, Alfred.
Alfred:Right, well, you know...
Do try and eat a bit, won't you?
Be a shame to have you floating away.

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