




Gotham S1EP4

Jim:I need information about the Wayne plan for Arkham.
Alfred:Ah, it's the Wayne plan in name only now.
When the Waynes died, Falcone stepped in. He's back in the plan now.
And he stands to make quite a chunk of change, if it passes.
Jim:But Councilman Jenkins was backing Falcone's plan.
Alfred:That's right.
Jim:Then he was killed because...
Alfred:Because, Detective, there is an opposing plan.
He's the only one strong enough to oppose Falcone.
He's making a play at Arkham.
Bruce: Are they related?
Jim: Bruce.
How are you?
Bruce:"A new Arkham Asylum will serve the mentally ill of Gotham in ways the present asylum never can. Those poor, sick souls deserve our help."
My mother wrote that.
She and my father fought for years to get a new asylum built.
They thought that if they can help the city's least fortunate, it would show there was hope for everyone.
I just don't want my parents' dream to die with them.
Jim:I understand that, Bruce.
But this isn't just about the asylum.
If there is a fight between Falcone and Maroni, this could be the spark that ignites a city-wide gang war.
Innocents will die, and whatever little faith people have that the police can protect them... it will be crushed.
Bruce:So you have to stop it.
Jim:This is Gordon.
Bullock: Hey, it's me. We got a call.
Councilmen Zeller has been abducted.
Listen, Gordon, Zeller's one of Maroni's guys.
Jim:Be right there.



Alfred:You all right?
Bruce:I'm fine. Ahem.
I heard screaming.
Bruce:Bad dream.
Was I in it?
Bruce:Not this time.
Alfred, there any more files on the Arkham plant?
Alfred:Oh, yeah.
Absolutely. Untold. Piles of the bloody things.
Bruce:I'd like to see them, please. All of them.
Alfred:And may I ask, why?
Bruce:I'm looking for a connection. Between the councilmen murders and the murders of my parents.
Alfred:I see.

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