




Gotham S1EP5

Alfred:Fancy a stroll?
It's a lovely day.
Stretch the legs, breath of fresh air.
Bruce:I'm Busy.
Alfred:I got a question for you, Master Bruce.
What if all this was a complete and utter bloody waste of time?
What if you never discovered who killed your mom and dad?
What if you never get to wreak revenge?
Bruce:I don't want revenge.
I wanna understand how it all works.
How Gotham works.
Alfred:Well, you'd have more chance digging to China with a teaspoon.
Bruce:Take the Arkham project for instance.
How did the Falcone and Maroni crime families get such big shares in the deal?
I mean, I know City Hall is corrupt, but why didn't Wayne Enterprises do something?
Can you pass me that blue folder over there?
Alfred:Well, I suppose as hobbies go, this is a damn sight better than grilling yourself like a bloody pork chop.
Still, not particularly healthy, is it?
Bruce:Thank you.
Alfred:Are you listening to me?
Bruce:Yeah. Yeah, for sure.
I'll take a walk later. Thank you, Alfred.



Alfred: Will you look at this shambles?
What would your mother say?
You know, I have a half a mind to stick all this lot straight into the bloody fire.
Bruce:No fire.
Alfred:We'll see about that.
Come on, up you get.
Wayne Enterprises is hosting a charitable luncheon tomorrow.
And I took the liberty of accepting their kind invitation on your behalf, Master Bruce.
Is there breakfast?
Alfred:Yeah, I'll make you an egg.
Does that mean you'll go?
I have some questions I need to ask the members of the board.
Alfred:What kind of questions?
Bruce:About Arkham.
It seems very likely those gangsters were actually given their shares in Arkham by Wayne Enterprises.
Alfred:Well, that's how business is done, isn't it?
Bruce:Is it?
My parents didn't do business that way.
Did they?
No, they didn't, Master Bruce.
Bruce:The board might not know, of course.
There's quite a bit of clever camouflage used.
Shell companies, offshore accounts and so forth.
Alfred:Right. So, you learned all that from all of this, did you?
Fantastic detective work.
I still, however, want to get the whole lot and chuck it straight in the fire.
Bruce:Don't put anything in the fire, Alfred.
That's an order.
Alfred:Right, Master Bruce.
Nothing in the fire.

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