




Gotham S1EP6

TV reporter:I'm Lacey White, and this is the Gotham 7 Goat Watch.
Tonight, Gotham's wealthiest one percent rests fitfully under a copycat killer's deadly shadow.
And if you happen to be one of the city's high-society silver spoons, then you're probably headed to the Swiss Alps right now...
Bruce:They've got them all running like rabbits.
Bruce:I don't know why he chose an ungulate for his totem, but... he does know how to scare them, though.
Alfred:You do realize you happen to be one of "them," don't you, Master Bruce?
Yeah, a firstborn son of Gotham's rich and powerful.
I don't know, maybe we should leave town for a little bit.
Pop down to the lake house. You like it there, don't you?
Bruce:I'm not going anywhere.
I have work to do.
Besides... why would the Goat take me?
There's no one to take me from.

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