




Gotham S1EP8

Alfred: Come now, Master Bruce.
Had to happen sooner or later.
Bruce:Is this really necessary?
Homeschooling is just as effective.
I can show you the data.
Alfred:You need to be around children your own age.
Alfred:Because you do.
Bruce:You know I despise that sort of answer.
Alfred:Don't you miss your mates?
Bruce:Not really.
I've always found them kind of childish.
Alfred:Well, that's what they're meant to be, aren't they?
It's what they do.
Don't you wanna be like a normal kid?
Bruce:I'm not sure.
Define "normal" and make a good case for it.
Alfred:You're going to bloody school.

Now start walking.
Good luck, lad.



Alfred:Tad late, Master Bruce.
Oi. What happened to you?
Bruce:I'm perfectly fine!
Alfred:What happened?
Bruce:Someone spoke disrespectfully about my mother.
Alfred:Oh, did they now?
Well, I hope you broke their bastard teeth for them.
He's much bigger than me, and I...
I'm not very good at fighting. Didn't hurt him at all.
Alfred:Not at all?
Bruce:Don't tell the school.
Alfred:Not bloody likely.



Alfred:This is your father's watch.
Don't you lose it now.
Tommy Elliot's house.
Don't you be scared.
Bruce:I'm not.
I'm visualizing what I'm gonna do.
Alfred:Because if you don't want to do this, there's no shame in it.
Bruce:There would be immense shame in it.
Tommy:What the hell are you doing here?
Bruce:We have unfinished business.
Tommy:Listen, if you think you're gonna tell my parents...
Are you crazy?!
Bruce:Don't talk about my mother!
Alfred: Master Bruce!
Point well made, I think.
You all right, mate? Any broken bones?
Tommy:He-he tried to kill me!
Alfred:That's right. He did.
He tried to kill you.
Just you remember that next time you see him.
And you remember that I let him try.
Now, let's get some ice on those knuckles.
What do you fancy for your dinner?
Superb choice, Master Bruce.



Bruce:I enjoyed it. I enjoyed hurting him.
Alfred:Of course you did. He deserved it.
Bruce:I'm so angry all the time. Will that ever go away?
Alfred:That I don't know.
Bruce:Alfred... can you teach me how to fight?
Alfred:Yes, Master Bruce. Yes, I can.

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