




Gotham S1EP9

Jim:She said this is the man who killed your parents. She said she saw his face. Do you recognize him, Bruce?
What's her name?
Jim:Selina Kyle.
Bruce:Do you believe her?
Jim:Yes, I do.
Bruce:So, she saw... everything?

Alfred:And you want her to live here with us, do you?
A common street criminal.
Jim:She's hardly older than Bruce. She's just a kid who's seen too much.
This is for her safety.
GCPD is full of moles...
Alfred:Right, and how long would you have us put her up, then?
Jim:I don't know.
Alfred:No. The answer is no. Her being here will put Master Bruce in great danger.
Alfred:She is the witness to a murder, Master Bruce.
You do understand that, don't you?
Bruce:She's also the best chance we have of finding who killed my parents. Isn't she?
Jim:Yes, she is.
Bruce:Then she can stay. As long as it takes.
I've made my decision.
Alfred:Yes, Master Bruce.
Jim:Look, I know this is a lot. But I'm doing everything I can.
Montoya and Allen and I are meeting with an ADA they trust this afternoon.
Alfred:Oh... a trustworthy lawyer.
In Gotham.
Jim:Look, if we find this guy, we'll need her.
She'll have to testify. Go before a judge. It won't be easy.
Witnesses back out all the time.
The ones that stick it out do so because they care about the victims.
Alfred:We'll do our best to be nice to her, then, won't we?



Alfred:Keep your guard up. Knock lumps out of ya.
Watch your feet.
Right... jab, jab, right.
Lead with the... Hey!
Jab, jab, right. Jab, jab, right.
Jab, jab, right.
Keep that guard up... jab, jab, right.
Lead... jab, jab, right.
Jab, jab, right.
Now keep that...
Bruce:Sorry, Alfred.
Bruce:That hurt.
Alfred:Yeah, it's supposed to, isn't it?
Taking a punch is just as important as throwing one, Master Bruce.
Selina:What you doing?
Bruce:Alfred's teaching me to fight.
Bruce:So I'll be prepared if something bad happens.
Selina:Yeah, 'cause you live in a pretty rough neighborhood.
Bruce:Not here, in Gotham.
Selina:In Gotham, people don't fight with gloves on.
Bruce:How's your room? Everything good?
Selina:It'll do.
I'm hungry, though.
Well, breakfast was served at 8:00, miss, which you slept through.
Lunch shall be served at 12:00.
Bruce:There's plenty to eat in the kitchen.
And Alfred will be happy to fix you something.
Alfred:No, he won't be, will he?
Because it's not a bloody hotel.
Selina:Relax, old man.
I'll figure it out.
Alfred:Yeah, you can mind your manners as well, you cheeky little minx.
Bruce:Be nice to her, Alfred, she's our guest.
Alfred:Well, I'm terribly sorry, Master Bruce.
Didn't realize you fancied her.
Bruce:What do you mean? N-No.
Alfred:Well, it's nothing to be embarrassed about.
It's only natural, isn't it?
But you watch her.
She's a lairy one.
Right... left, left, right.
Keep your guard up, son.
Bruce:You know about girls, do you, Alfred?
Alfred:Fair sight more than you.
And she, mate, is trouble... watch.
Oi! Oi, oi!



Jim:This is Gordon.
Alfred: Yes, Detective.
It's Alfred.
Jim:Alfred, is everything all right?
Is Selina okay?
Alfred:Well, she's safe.
Alfred:But I'm afraid, Detective, this isn't gonna work out.
She's a... a tough nut, this one.
Jim:Well, look, we need her help if we have any chance of catching the Waynes' killer.
Just hold onto her for now, and I'll be out to check on her as soon as I can.
Alfred:We shall patiently await your arrival, Detective.



Alfred:Time for your studies, Master Bruce.
Bruce:Thank you, Alfred.
Alfred:You're more than welcome to join, Miss Kyle.
I'll see you later.



Jim: Morning, Alfred.
Alfred:Ah, Detective.
Jim:I've been trying to get out there.
I'm sorry, uh... Is everything okay?
Is she behaving herself?
Alfred:Well, uh, not really, no.
That's all right.
Jim:It is?
Alfred:Yes, well, she's... a breath of fresh air, I might say.
Jim:Glad to hear it.
I'll be out there as-as soon as I can.
Alfred:Very good, sir.

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