




Gotham S1EP10

Alfred:Yes, hello, miss. How can I help?
Oh, dear.
Assasin:My car, it went off the road.
Alfred:Please come in. Come in at once.
Assasin:If you could call an ambulance.
Alfred: Where exactly are you hurt?
Is everything all right?
Alfred:No, Master Bruce.
This lady's been involved in a car accident.
Run. Run!
Selina:This better be a way out.
Bruce:The old servant's hallway, it's through the closet.
But I need to help Alfred!
Selina:There's no time!
Bruce, come on!
Bruce:Alfred might be hurt.
I can't leave him.
Selina:He told you to run.
Stay, but I'm out.



Jim: Local PD is searching the woods, but so far no sign of Bruce or Selina.
What can you tell me about this woman?
Alfred:Well, she was, uh, early 30s.
A tasty fighter, actually.
Look, mate, it's just a scratch.
Shove off, will you?
I've got stuff to do.
Jim:Look, we've got 50 police in the woods, even more on the roads.
We need to focus on this woman and her people.
What can you tell me about her?
Alfred:They were trained Killers.
And your bloody little girl brought them here.
Jim:We don't know that yet.
Bullock: Jim.
You must be Alfred Pennyworth.
Nice job out there.
Alfred:Yeah, well, not nice enough, eh?
Bullock:This was taken off the dead guy.
Nothing else... no keys, no I.D., nada.
Now, I know this girl.
She was grabbed by the child snatchers.
And now she's getting attacked by assassins at Wayne freaking Manor?!
What the hell's going on, compadre?
Alfred:What, you haven't told him?
Bullock:Told me what?
Jim:Selina Kyle was in the alley the night the Waynes were murder.
She saw the killer's face.
Bullock:Oh, for Pete's sake, don't do this to me.
Jim:Harvey Dent in the D.A.'s office is investigating dick Lovecraft.
He thinks that Lovecraft is connected to the Wayne killings.
So, he leaked that we had a witness.
He thought he could spook Lovecraft.
Get him to reveal himself.
Bullock:Wow, that's a hell of a plan.
How did it work out? Bravo!
Jim:We thought she was safe.
We thought no one knew she was here.
Alfred:Yeah, well, you were wrong, weren't you, you plank?
How did they know?
Bullock:Why didn't you tell me about this foolishness?
Jim:Because you would have tried to stop me.
Bullock:Of course I would tried to stop you, you putz!
What the hell are you thinking?
The Wayne case is closed. It is closed!
Jim:You know damn well it's not closed! Don't tell me what I know!
Alfred:Will you shut up, the pair of ya!
You can argue later!
Right now, we need to find Master Bruce.
Jim:All right.
If they don't come back soon, they would have headed to Gotham.
Selina feels safe there.
Bullock: Good luck trying to find her in the city.
A street kid like that?
Jim:But you will help us find her, right?
Bullock:Yeah, of course I will.
Because I have to be crazy.
Jim:Thank you. All right, I'll focus on Lovecraft, I'll find him, and if he is behind this, I'll get him to call off the contract.
Bullick:How you gonna do that?

Jim:I don't know, I'll think of something.
Run the streets, huh?
Focus on your contacts. Go to work.
Alfred:I'm coming with you.
Bullock:All right.
You're pretty handy for a valet.
Alfred:Butler, mate.
I'm the butler.



Bullock: We know you ran with a girl called Cat.
She's in serious danger.
Kid:Who isn't, right?
Crazy world.
Alfred:How much?
There's $100.
Kid:All right, listen.
I don't know where Cat lives, all right?
She's... private about stuff like that.
But... I heard that she got a new fence,
'cause her old one got popped.
He'd know where to find her.
Bullock:Who's the fence?
Kid:I don't know.
But I know who would know.
Bullock:Oh, yeah? Who's that?!
Damn it, Alfred, save your cheese!
I can beat the truth out of this kid with a roll of quarters!
Kid:Yo, ask Fish Mooney.
She runs all the fences.



Butch:Busy day, Harvey. Come back next year.
Bullock: Hand to God, Butch, I'll be quicker than a sailor on shore leave.
Thief we're tracking down.
Look familiar? Goes by "Cat."
Bullock: Maybe Fish knows her.
Butch:Fish knows everyone.
Fish is busy.
Bullock:She works with one of your fences, a new guy.
Butch:What's a fence?
Bullock:Come on, Butch. Be nice.
This is important.
Where's Fish?
Butch:I told you, she's busy.
Alfred:I once knew a fella called Butch.
Yeah, he was a Whitechapel lad.
Now, we called him Butch, you see, 'cause he wasn't.
It was a wind-up.
It was like a joke name.
In fact, he was a horrible little toe rag.
Butch: What?
I can't tell. Are-are you... are you threatening me?
Is he threatening me?
You can't... 
Alfred:Now... where is this Fish?
Fish:Right here.
So... what's the fuss?
Bullock:They're just fooling around.
We're looking for this girl, a street thief, goes by Cat, works with one of your fences.
Fish:Looks familiar. What's the urgency?
Bullock:Professional Killers are looking for her.
Fish:Professionals, huh?
This wouldn't be the Lovecraft witness, now would it?
Bullock:How'd you know?
Fish:Streets talk.
Using her to scare Lovecraft.
She saw the Waynes' killer, supposedly.

And you're here because you want me to help you find her, don't you?
Why in the world would I help you find her, of all people?
Alfred:She has Bruce Wayne with her, miss.
Alfred:Yes, miss.
I'm Alfred Pennyworth. I'm the boy's legal guardian.
Very pleased to meet you.

Alfred:Miss Mooney, we need your help.
Fish:Well, you see, Alfred, I would love to help you, but it would infringe upon my personal interests.
And why would I do that?
Alfred:You have a very eloquent... gaze, if I may say so, Miss Mooney.
And I can see that you're not a woman that would let petty self-interest outweigh... honor.
And compassion.
Fish:I'll make some calls.
But remember this kindness.



Fancy seeing you here.
Alfred:You all right?
Bruce:I'm fine.
How are you?
Alfred:You really scared me, Master Bruce.
If you die... who employs butlers anymore?



Alfred:Having a little chat, Master Bruce?
Bruce:Thinking out loud.
Alfred:Right. Right. Of course you were.
Shall I take that for you?
The old house seems very quiet... without her, doesn't it?
Bruce:Yes, it does.

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