




Gotham S1Ep13

Alfred: I do believe this is the second time we've been around this block, Master Bruce.
Bruce:Selina likes to hang out here.
It's worth doubling back.
Besides, you got what you wanted.
I went out of town like you asked.
For weeks.
Alfred:Yeah, well... it wasn't safe here, was it?
Bruce:The assassins weren't after me.
They were after her.
Alfred: Yeah, and we'll be back on that plane straight back to the bloody Alps the first sign of trouble, I tell you.
Master Bruce.
Master Bruce, get back in the car now.
Bruce:Can we walk around the block just once?
Then I'll get back in the car.
Please, Alfred.
Alfred:Once around the block and then home.
Bruce:Thank you.
Alfred:Got the rest of your life like that to get whipped into a frenzy by the females.
I don't know why you want to start now.
Bruce:It's not like that.
Ivy: Out of my way.
Alfred:Steady, Master Bruce.
Looks like she's got the mange.
Ivy:Look who it is.
Billionaire Bruce Wayne.
Who are you, his bodyguard?
Alfred:If needs be, miss, yes.
Ivy:What's in the bag?
Bruce:It's for Selina.
Have you seen her?
Ivy:Sure. I can give it to her if you want.
Bruce:Perhaps you could pass on a message for me.
Tell her I'm looking for her.
Ivy:20 bucks.
Alfred:20 bucks.
There we are, miss.
Delightful friends you have, Master Bruce.



Alfred:Master Bruce?
Bruce:She was lying.
I see.
Shall I get a broom, then?
Or would you rather continue crying over the shattered fragments of your... young dreams?
Bruce:Yes, Alfred.
A broom.
Alfred:Very good, Master Bruce.
Bruce:I'll find other leads.
Alfred:No doubt.
I knew she was a wrong one.

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