




Gotham S1EP15

Alfred: Do you have everything you need, Master Bruce?
Alfred:I can still come with you, if you want me to.
It wouldn't be right.
Alfred:No. Of course.
Bruce:I'll be fine, Alfred.
You don't have to worry.
Alfred:Who said I was worried?
Bruce:I'll be back before dark.
I've been on this hike before, you know.
Alfred:Not without your father.
Come here.
He would have approved, you know.
Carrying on the tradition like this.
Bruce:My father and I stayed overnight.
We woke up early to watch the sunrise.
It's not the same.
Alfred:Well, maybe next year, then.
Well, off you go then.



Alfred:Hello, there, Master Bruce.
Well, you certainly took your time.
What, you stop off for a pie and a pint on the way out, did you?
Bruce:How long have you been there?
Alfred:Well, I don't know, about an hour.
Just when you started climbing up that very nasty hill.
Bruce:Thanks for your help.
Alfred:Yeah, I never got you down there, did I?
You all right?
Come here.
Bruce:I'm cold, I'm tired, and my ankle's sprained.
Alfred: Oh.

Bruce:I just want to go home.
Alfred:You want to go home?
Or do you want to wait and watch the sunrise?
Like you did with your dad.
Bruce:Well, Alfred... we can only stay if you think you can handle it.
Alfred:If I can handle it?
Mate, this place is positively cushy compared to some of the places I've slept at.
Cup of tea, you cheeky monkey?



Alfred: Master B.

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