




Gotham S1EP17

Alfred:Yes, sir. How can I help you?
Reggie:Sorry for calling so late.
Forgive me.
Alfred:Oh, my God, mate. How long's it been?
Reggie:20 years.
I got picked up by the GCPD last night for trying to sleep under the Westbury Bridge.
Alfred:Here, mate.
Reggie:Cheers, mate.
One of the officers was a Marine, back in the day, so we got to talking. I told him I was with Her Majesty's Special Air Service back in the day.
So he took pity on me.
He says, "Why don't you look up some of your old regiment, you know, see if one of the guys can... help you out."
Alfred:Well, you know...
I'm pleased you looked me up, Reg.
Reggie:If anyone would've told me this is where I'd find you, I wouldn't have believed them.
Alfred:I like it here.
It's good for me.
Reggie:I can see that.
I've missed you, mate.
Missed your ugly mug.
Alfred:What happened, Reggie?
Reggie:Vanessa died.
11 years ago now.
I just couldn't find the energy to get back out there after that, you know?
A year later, I lost the house.
Moved back to Gotham.
I've had a few jobs.
Nothing I'm proud of.
It was the drink, Alfie.
It was the drink.
Bruce: Alfred?
Alfred:Um, Master Bruce.
This is, uh, Reginald Payne.
We served together, sir.
Reggie:Very pleased to meet you, sir.
Bruce:You were caught in the storm?
Alfred:Reggie's had a run of bad luck, Master Bruce.
Reggie:I-I don't wish to be a nuisance. I just...
I hadn't seen Alfie in a very long time.
Bruce:N-No, I'm glad you found us, Mr. Payne.
Please, feel free to stay with us a few days.
Reggie:That's very kind of you, but...
Bruce:I insist.



Alfred: Right!
That's enough of that.
Perhaps a shower's in order, Master Bruce.
Bruce:Mr. Payne was just showing me some alternative methods.
Alfred:Yeah, I can see that, can't I?
Not methods that fit into our curriculum, though, are they?
Bruce:No, they're not; but they're effective.
Alfred:Discipline, skill, and hard work are effective.
Now how about I start that shower for you, sir?

Alfred:You ever raised a child before, Reg?
Alfred:Me neither.
Hardest job I've ever had to do in my life.
Nothing prepares you for it.
Reggie:Listen, I'm sorry if I overstepped the mark.
I was just...
It was obvious how much you've helped him s...
Alfred:No, he helped me.
I'm a better person for knowing him, Reg.
Let's keep our past where it belongs.
In the past.



Bruce:I picked something out from the cellar.
I hope that's okay.
Alfred:Well, that's, uh, extremely kind of you, Master Bruce, but I don't think that we... that I'll be, uh, drinking this evening.
Bruce:I'm sure it's perfectly fine to have a glass of wine occasionally, Alfred.
I picked an old one.
Seems a shame to let them gather dust down there.
Reggie:Domaine de la Romanée-Conti.
Alfred:It's a rather nice Burgundy, actually, it's 1966.
It's one of your father's favorites.
Why not, eh? Take a pew.
Reggie:That's very kind of you.
Alfred:There you go.
Reggie:Cheers, mate.
Alfred:Now, the idea, of course, is to let it breathe for at least an hour.
Or not.
Reggie:Ah. Delicious.
So he eventually opened his backpack and he found the bloody snake.
We'd been waiting for it all night.
He didn't even flinch.
Bruce:What'd you do?
Alfred:Oh, you know, I chopped its head off and we ate the bloody thing.
Reggie:We did.
Bruce:What did it taste like?
Alfred: Uh, a bit like, um, fast food.
It was horrible.
Reggie:It was horrible.

Alfred:It was disgusting.
Bruce: So, um... so, Mr. Payne, you were in the Air Force?
Reggie:Special Air Service... SAS.
Best soldiers in the world, if I'm being honest.
Bruce:So that means covert missions?
Reggie:That's right.
Before a conflict, they dropped us behind enemy lines.
We were quiet, precise, and deadly.
We never lost a man and we always completed our missions.
Except that once, I guess.
Alfred:Yeah, well, that's enough of the old war stories, eh, Reg?
Bruce:What one time?
Reggie: There was a sandstorm.
We got separated.
Two of us were captured.
Reggie:He fought 12 of them off before they cut him down.
Didn't you, Alf?
Alfred:I'm here now, aren't I?
That's all that matters.
All right, gents, while I have to say this has been absolutely lovely, I'd like to, I'd like to tidy up before I go to bed.
Reggie:Tidy up?
Mr. Yes Sir, No Sir.
Mr. Queensberry rules and discipline.
Alfred:Thank you, that's enough.
Bruce:Alfred's right... it's time for bed.
Alfred:Good night, Master Bruce.
Bruce: Good night. Good night.
Alfred:Sleep well, son.
Reggie:Why are you hiding from him what you really are, who you really are?
You're a war dog, Alfie.
You're a cold-blooded, lethal war dog, is what you are.
Alfred:I found some fresh clothes for you, Reg.
I folded them and I put 'em on your bed, and I've taken the liberty of packing you a lunch for your travels tomorrow.
It's been really nice to see you, Reggie.
Reggie:I see them, at night... when I'm alone.
The faces... the faces of those we killed.
Do you?
Alfred:I don't have to look for them, Reg.
They find me.



Alfred:You're stealing from us?
You could have just asked me for money, Reg.
Reggie:You don't know how hard that is, Alfie... do you?
Alfred:We gave you somewhere to sleep.
We put food in your belly.
Reggie:I'm in trouble.
Real trouble.
I don't need a lecture right now.
Alfred:What kind of trouble?
Reggie:You don't want to know.
Alfred:Right. Well, you put the bag down and you leave.
Reggie:Did you bring a gun, Alfie?
Reggie:If there was any other way...
Alfred:Oh, come on... there's always another way, mate.
Reggie:I'm sorry.
Alfred:Sorry f...
Reggie:I'm so sorry.

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