




Gotham S1Ep18

Jim:Slim pickings at the food court.
Brought you a bagel.
Alfred:Nothing for the invalid?
Jim:Sorry. Hospital food only.
Doctor's orders. How you feeling?
Alfred:All right.
Had a slight... puncture.
Leaked a bit.
Jim:So I know last night must be kind of a blur, but do you have any idea who did this?
Bruce: It-it was...
Alfred:It was dark. It was very dark.
Saw a... shadow and... my savior Master Bruce was leaning over me.
Jim:Did you get a look at the guy?
Jim:Sorry. My captain keeps calling.
Alfred: It's fine, Detective.
Just-just go.
Jim:No, I can stay.
Alfred:I really appreciate you sitting with Master Bruce, but as you can see, I'm completely fine.
Jim:All right.
I'll try and stop by later.
Bruce:Thank you again for coming, Detective.
Why not tell him the truth?
Alfred:Well, believe it or not, Master Bruce, Reggie's a mate, and you don't set coppers on your mates, do you?
Bruce:But he nearly killed you.
Alfred:I served with that bastard.
Anyone sorts him out, it's me... Nobody else.
It wouldn't be right.
Bruce:Why would he stab you?
Alfred:That's a bloody good question.
And one... 
I mean to find out.

'Cause longer that bloody lunatic's out on the loose... the harder it's gonna be to find him.
Now, you just...

Bruce:Get back in bed, Alfred.
Alfred:Just pass me my robe.
Bruce:Get back in bed!
That's an order.

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