




Gotham S1EP20

Should you be up?
Alfred:Oh, thank you, Master Bruce. I feel...
I feel much better.
Can I get you anything?
Bruce:Yes, actually. I've decided to attend the Wayne Enterprises Charity Ball tonight.
All the senior management will be there, and I think people should see that a Wayne is still at the head of the company.
Alfred:I shall set your tux out for you.
Alfred:Yes, Master Bruce.
Bruce:When you were in the army... you had to kill people, right?
Yes, I did.
Bruce:And it was necessary?
Alfred:Oh, I see... so you overheard the conversation that Reggie and I had that was best left unsaid.
But in answer to your question, yes.
Yes, it was necessary.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I better go and find my good cufflinks, if we're stepping out.
Bruce:No, but you're still recovering.
Alfred:What, I'm supposed to let you walk into that nest of vipers on your tod?
Bruce:There'll be hundreds of people there, Alfred.
I won't be in any danger.
Alfred:So you say. But you're not gonna go alone.
Bruce:I won't be alone.
I've invited Selina Kyle.
Alfred:Selina Kyle?
To the Wayne Enterprises Ball?
I see.
Bruce:What do you see?
Alfred:Nothing. I mean, you know... I mean, you're... a healthy young lad and she's a very pretty young girl with a penchant of wearing, well, a little too much leather.
Bruce:Alfred, it's not like that.
Alfred:Then what's it like?
Bruce:Well... well, what if it is, huh?
What's wrong with that?
Alfred:Absolutely nothing.
So, I will wait in the car outside, so you don't feel my watchful eye, but I will be close by, if there needs be.
That is the deal.
Could you call around and send some dresses and shoes to where she's staying?
This is the address.
It's a charity ball, Alfred.
I'll be fine.

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