




Gotham S1EP21

Alfred:This just, uh... came for you by messenger, Master Bruce.
Bruce:Thank you.
Alfred:Right, well,
I' ought to be off.
Bruce:Do you want company?
Alfred:To identify Reggie?
No, I don't think so. Best done alone.
Bruce:I'm sorry, Alfred.
I know he was your friend.
Alfred:Just doesn't make any sense.
Reggie topping himself like that.
Bruce:You said he fell out of a window.
He might have been drinking, lost his balance.
Alfred:that Reggie was a legend.
He could be blind drunk and walk a tightrope.
It doesn't matter what he was like in the end.
I wanna see he gets a proper send-off.
I'll see you this evening, sir.



Bruce:Alfred, I never asked you.
How was it yesterday, seeing Reggie?
Alfred:Not really an experience I'd care to repeat, Master Bruce.
But then again, the Reggie I knew died years ago.
Bruce:Alfred, I haven't been honest with you.
After you were hurt, Selina and I went looking for Reggie.
We found him.
Alfred:Did you, now?
Bruce:He didn't jump or fall.
Selina pushed him.
Alfred:And why did she do that?
Bruce:Reggie was sent here by a man named Sid Bunderslaw.
Bunderslaw works for Wayne Enterprises.
Reggie gave us the name, but said he was gonna tell Bunderslaw what we were doing.
Alfred:I see.
And the rest?
The charity ball...
Presumably to have access to Mr. Bunderslaw.
Bruce:Selina stole the key to his office safe.
I went there today. It was empty.
But Bunderslaw was waiting for me.
Alfred:What did he do?
Alfred:What did he do?!
But he said that my father and grandfather knew about the illegal things that the company was doing, and chose...
They chose to stay quiet.
Alfred:Your father was a good man.
Bruce:I know.
But even good men have secrets.

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