




Gotham S1EP22

Alfred:Still looking for secrets, are we, sir?
Or just breaking stuff?
Alfred: I don't know.
Whole city's going doolally around us.
I mean, there's a bloody war on the streets... and you're in here worrying about your poor old dad.
Bruce:Yes, I am.
Alfred:If your father had a secret life...
Which I hasten to add, he didn't...
I'd know about it, wouldn't I?
A sober, diligent man he was.
Never out gallivanting.
Home every night, like clockwork, working, in this very room.
Bruce:Yes, I remember.
I wasn't allowed to disturb him while he was working.
Alfred:Nobody was.
Bruce:Classical music... he would play for hours.
Alfred:That's right.
Bruce:Mom and I would read books or play board games until he was done.
I remember.
Bruce:I tried to sneak in to see him, but the door was locked.
Was the door always locked, Alfred?
Alfred:Yeah, well, I suppose so, when he was working.
Bruce:Why, though?
Why lock the door?
Alfred:That's what doors are for, isn't it?
Bruce:It's in here.
It's in this room.
My father's secret, it's in this room.
I know it.
I know it!



Alfred:What exactly are we looking for, Master Bruce?
Bruce:When I find it, I'll know.



Alfred: Enough searching, Master B.
There's nothing here.
Now, your father was a good man, a flawed man, like anyone else.
Doesn't mean he had a secret life.
Bruce:My intuition's nearly always correct.
Alfred:Yeah, well.
It's a common delusion, I find.
Arkham's full of men whose intuitions are always correct.
There are none so blind.
Bruce:None so blind.
Marcus Aurelius. Marcus Aurelius!
Alfred:What about him?
Bruce:He was a Roman emperor.
Alfred:Yes, well, I'm fully aware of that, Master Bruce.
Bruce:And a stoic. I think I remember he was a stoic, like my father.
Lucius Fox called my father a stoic.
Alfred:Lots of people are called stoic.
Basically means a hardnut. Doesn't say much.
Bruce:Doesn't mean it's a bloody clue, does it?
It's a philosophy, Alfred. It's a way of life.
Alfred:Maybe... Maybe that as well, I suppose, but...
Bruce:What is it, do you think?
Alfred:I don't know and I don't care, and don't you dare press that bloody button.
Bruce:Why not?

Alfred:It could be a bomb.
Bruce:Alfred, that seems improbable.
Alfred:It's a stereo.

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