




Gotham S2EP2

Bruce:It's hard to believe.
My father's been sneaking down here for years, and I never even knew about it.
Alfred:That makes two of us, doesn't it?
Let's just think about this.
Are you certain you want to turn that bloody thing on?
Bruce:Of course I'm certain.
Alfred:Have you thought it through, Master Bruce?
Bruce:This computer could contain all my father's research into Wayne Enterprises.
All this time, I've been looking for a smoking gun, and here it is.
Alfred:Exactly. A smoking gun.
Now, guns are for grown-ups, aren't they?
Bruce:That's a metaphor, Alfred, not an argument.
Here it is.
It's working!
What are you... What are you doing?!
Alfred, stop! What are you doing?!
No, what are you doing, Alfred?!
Alfred, stop it!
It's ruined!
It's ruined! What's wrong with you?!
Why would you do that?! Answer me!
Alfred:It had to be done, Master Bruce!
Bruce:This was the key to exposing Wayne Enterprises.
Everything that I've worked for, everything my... everything my dad worked for is now gone!
Because of you!
Alfred:If I'd known what was down here, I would have never helped get you in.
I mean, look around you. Look, look. Liters of blood.
A bulletproof vest with two slugs in it!
gun, weapon!
I mean, whatever's on that computer probably killed your father, and I'll be damned if I see you suffer the same fate, Master Bruce.
I'm trying to protect you.
I'm trying to keep you safe.
Bruce:I want you to go.
Alfred:Look, I know that you're...

Alfred:Upset, and it's been...
I want you to go and never come back, do you understand me?
You're fired.
Alfred:Very well, Master Bruce.
As you wish.



Alfred:I'd just like to say it's been an honor and a privilege to serve you and your family, sir.
Bruce:Thank you.
If you need any references, I'll be happy to provide them.
Is that all you're taking with you?
Alfred:It's all I have, sir.
Right. Well, um...
Oh, dear, yes. I best be off.
I've got a train to catch.
Good-bye, sir.
Bruce:Good-bye, Alfred.
Alfred:Beg your pardon, sir?
Bruce:I said good-bye.
Good-bye, sir.


Bruce:I understand you were just trying to protect me.
But there's nothing... nothing that you can do to stop me from carrying out my father's work.
Alfred:I know that now.
Bruce:I don't want you to go, Alfred.
But you're either with me or you're against me.
And if you're against me, I don't have a choice.
Alfred:I'm with you, Master Bruce.
I've always been with you.
But what you're doing is tantamount to suicide.
This is big boy stuff.
You're too young; you're not ready.
Bruce:Then make me ready.
You-You've lived a dangerous life, and you survived.
So teach me.
Teach me how to do the same.
I'll do whatever it takes.
I'll train every day.
Alfred:Yeah, but you said that before, didn't you?
Bruce:That was before.
Now I know the truth.
And I know what I have to do.
I'll even go back to school if you want.
Alfred:School, even?
If I agree to help you, to make you ready, you must do exactly as I say and when I say it with no exceptions, is that understood?
But, in return, you must fix that computer.
Alfred:Fix it?
How on earth am I gonna do that?
Bruce:That's not my problem.
I'm not the one who broke it.



Alfred:Gin and tonic, please, uh, governor.
Ice and a slice.
Nice place.
Fox:It is.
Alfred:Been here before, then, have you?
Fox:It's my regular spot.
Alfred:Oh, right, you're a local.
Don't I know you?
Fox:Do you?
You're that Mr. Fox, that scientific chap from Wayne Enterprises, isn't ya?
Fox:That is me.
Alfred:Alfred Pennyworth.
Young Master Bruce Wayne's guardian.
Fox:Ah, yes.
Alfred:It's a funny old game though, isn't it?
Coincidence, I mean, me bumping into you like this.
I mean...
I was just thinking about you.
Okay, Mr. Pennyworth, I'll bite.
What were you thinking about me?
Alfred:Oh, no. "Alfred," please.
Fox:Please, "Lucius."
Alfred:Lucius. Lucius.
You know... I once knew this geezer called Onslow in the Isle of Dogs in the East End of London.
Lairy little scallywag, he was.
He was too smiley by half; never trusted him.
Anyway, one day, Lucius, he comes bowling up to me, and he asks me to do him this right iffy favor.
Oh, it doesn't matter what it was.
The point being, against my better judgment, I agreed to do it.
But, Lucius, I told him, I told him straight, I said, "You let me down, Onslow, I'll tuck you up, sunshine, like a kipper."
He swears blind, swears on his mother's grave he'd never do such a thing, but of course he did.
Couldn't help himself; he let me down.
So I tucked him up.
Like a kipper.
Fox:What is a kipper?
Alfred:It's a type of smoked fish.
Very nice with eggs and brown toast for breakfast.
But what I learned from Onslow is this.
There are two types of people on this planet, you see.
Them you can trust... and them you can't.
Fox:I cannot disagree.
Alfred:Which kind are you?
Fox:Both kinds of people would give you the same answer, wouldn't they?
Exactly right.
There lieth the problem, Lucius.
You see, I need to confide in you.
But I need to know that you're trustworthy.
Fox:Perhaps I should decline your confidence.
I don't like the sound of these kippers.
Alfred:Yeah, well, it's a bit late for that, unfortunately.
I mean, it's you, after all, Lucius, that created this mess when you told young Master Bruce that his dear old dead dad... was a stoic.
Alfred:"Ah," exactly.
You see, there's a problem.
I got no one else to turn to.
I have to confide in you.
Fox:I see.
Alfred:Do you?
Let me just be crystal clear about this.
If it turns out... that I can't trust you, I swear on my mother's grave, you, my old sausage... are a dead man.
Fox:I have only the best intentions for Bruce Wayne.
Alfred:Well, another gin and tonic please, uh, governor.
And whatever this young man is drinking, one for yourself.
How are you at fixing computers?

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