




Gotham S2EP3

Bruce:This is a waste of time.
Alfred:We had a deal, didn't we, Master Bruce.
Part of which was you resuming a normal lifestyle.
Your parents were both patrons to the Children's Hospital.
Therefore, it makes you a patron.
Besides... there's gonna be a magician.
And you like magicians, don't you?
Bruce:No, I don't.
I hate magicians.
Alfred:You know what I said about being normal?
Lee:Excuse me.
I'm Lee Thompkins.
I work with James Gordon.
He's mentioned you, and I saw you and thought...
Bruce:Of course. It's very nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you. This is my guardian, Alfred Pennyworth.
Alfred:It's an absolute pleasure.
Lee:Thank you.

Bruce:How is Detective Gordon doing since the attack on the precinct?
I was thinking I should call him.
Lee:He'd appreciate that.
Bruce:Can I get you something to drink?
Lee:Uh, just water. Thank you.


I hear there's gonna be a magician.



Lee:So, uh, how do you go from being in the Royal Marines to a butler?
Alfred:Well, it's a bit tedious, really, after a while.
You know, parachuting into one global hot spot after another.
Warlords putting ridiculous bounties on your head.
Gets a bit boring, really.
Lee:You have amazing stories.
Alfred:Yeah, well, you know, one or two.
You know, I don't really get nights off, but if ever you'd like to pop by Wayne Manor for dinner one evening, I...
Lee:Oh, that's very kind of you Mr. Pennyworth, but...
"Alfred." Please. "Alfred."
Lee:Alfred. That's very kind of you, but...
Alfred:Now, having said that, I don't see why I can't take a night off, and I... I happen to know the head chef at Chez Parnasse.
Lee:Well, I'm afraid I...
Did you say Chez Parnasse?
I've been trying to eat there for quite some time.
Alfred:You have the most beautiful eyes.
Lee:Oh, wow.
Okay, look, thank you, but, uh...
Bruce:Alfred, I'd like to leave.
Alfred:Yeah, um...
What about Dr. Thompkins' water?
And, of course, you're gonna miss the magician.
Bruce:Sorry, I must have forgotten your water.
Alfred, I still want to leave.
Lee:Are you not feeling well?
Alfred:Oh, no, he's-he's absolutely fine. He's fine.
Why don't you just pop off to the bar, Master Bruce, and...
Man:Show's about to start, Miss Thompkins.
Lee:Is it time?
I've roped myself into emcee duties for the night.
I hope you'll stay for the show.
I wouldn't miss it for the world.



Alfred:Go on, Master Bruce.
Be a sport.
Don't keep the lady waiting.
Jerome:Hello, young man.
Does this handsome gentleman have a name?
Well, Bruce, this won't hurt a bit.
Is there a doctor in the house?
Alfred:No, Just excuse- just wait! Wait!
Wait one second!


Alfred:Very good, Master Bruce.




Alfred:All right,Master Bruce, time to leave.






Alfred:What the bloody hell are you doing, Bruce?
Bruce:There's a gun in my jacket.
Detective Gordon's behind the curtains.
Jerome:Let gets this started, huh?
You, check behind the curtain; make sure no one's playing silly buggers. 
Jim:Drop the Knife!
I don't have a clean shot!
Alfred:Stay calm, Bruce.
Jerome: it seems like we've got ourselves a pickle.
What do you say, Brucey boy?
Wanna  boost our ratings, huh?



Jim:You were very brave.
You helped save the lives of everyone in here.
Your parents, they would've been proud.
Alfred: That they would've been.
They also would've given me the the sack for letting you do something so idiotic.
Bruce:It was all of us.
We were a team.
Jim:Yeah. I guess we were.
Is he okay?
Lee:Fine. Though I'd still like him to get checked out at the hospital.
Barbara gave him quite a knock.
Any word on her?
Jim:I don't know, she went through a trapdoor in the stage.
They must have always been planning to use that as their exit.
Don't worry. We'll find her.
Alfred:Uh, Mr. Galavan, sir.
Alfred Pennyworth.
I'd just like to thank you for saving young Master Wayne's life.
Alfred:If there's anything I can ever do for you, sir...
Bruce:Or I.
Theo:I really just did what any citizen of Gotham would have done.
Jim:I wish that were true.
Jim Gordon.
Well, if you ever need anything, please, call.
We're all in this together, right?
Alfred:Thank you, sir.
Right, well, I suppose I better be getting this young man home.
It's been much more of an exciting evening than originally planned.
I never did like magicians.
Bruce:Good night.
It was very nice meeting you, Dr. Thompkins.
Lee:And you, Bruce.
Alfred:Good night's sleep, you'll be right as roses.
I do hope we get to see you again soon.
Lee:Thank you.
Jim:Sure you're okay?
Lee:I'm fine.
Jim:Kiss me?
Jim:Kiss me.
Alfred:Oh, bugger.
Alfred:You knew, didn't you?
Bruce:I didn't know, Alfred.
Alfred:You did. You let me make a right mug of me-self.
Bruce: Alfred, I had no idea.
Alfred: You did.
Bruce:I didn't know.
Alfred: Well, I didn't know.



Oswald:See, someone like that has no interest in building things.
He's not part of a tradition.
Chaos sake.
Perhaps I could use a new laugh.
Bullock: Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!
Color me impressed.
You know, if I close my eyes, still see you holding Fish's umbrella.
"Yes, Ms. Mooney. No, Ms. Mooney. Whatever you say, Ms. Mooney. That wig looks great on you, Ms. Mooney."
Seriously, the worm has turned.
Oswald:Detective Bullock.
I heard you rejoined the force.
I am so happy.
But aren't you missing all of the excitement?
Bullock:Yeah, I got the word too late.
Besides, I want to talk to you.
Oswald:Of course.
Always happy to help.
Bullock:See, there's talk on the street that Jim Gordon did a favor for you, collected a debt and the guy ended up dead.
Bullock:: Rumors.
Oswald:Well, then again, where there's smoke...
Jim shouldn't worry about that.
He and I are friends.
Bullock:Well, see, that's the problem, Oswald; I think he is worried.
Because something happened today, and you were the obvious person to come to.
And I sensed Jim was a little reluctant to come down here.
Oswald:Like I said, he shouldn't worry.
Bullock:As long as you two remain friends.
I got half a mind to take you outside and beat you senseless with a garbage can.
Maybe some other time.
Call yourself whatever you want, man!
The King of Gotham.
But, to me, you'll always that little umbrella boy.
And if you come after Jim Gordon, you got to come after me.
And I still owe you for Fish.
But, seriously, this place is amazing.

Oswald:Get me another drink!

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