




Gotham S2EP4

Alfred:Are you waiting for someone?
That's your job.
Alfred:That's for Reggie.
I know you killed him.
Now, I don't know what you want with Master Bruce, but I'm certain that his life's gonna be a damn sight better without you in it.
So you do yourself a favor, treacle, and jog on.
Seline:All good.
Alfred:Oh, Master Bruce.
You know, I could always pull out front, if you want.
Bruce:No, I, Alfred, I don't want the other kids to see...
Alfred:To see that you've got a butler.
Yeah, I completely understand that.
I made dinner reservations, as requested, for tomorrow night.
Mr. Galavan suggested the Regal Hotel.
It's very posh. You're gonna be forking out serious dosh for that, I'll tell you.
Bruce:He saved my life.
Dinner's the least I can do to repay him.
Alfred:Uh, Master Bruce, where are you going?
Now, I clocked Wayne Manor at exactly six and a half miles.
It should take 90 minutes to two hours, depending on how many times you stop, of course.
I know you said you wanted to train.
To prepare.
Well, this is it.
Bruce:Wait, you... you expect me to walk?
Alfred:No, Master Bruce.
I expect you to run.



Bruce:Ah, Mr. Galavan.
Thank you for meeting me.
Theo:It's an honor. The pleasure's all mine.
Alfred:I'll meet you in the lobby, Master Bruce.
Theo:Oh, why not dine with us?
Alfred:That's very kind of you, sir, but I don't think it's appropriate.
And I know that Master Bruce wants to speak to you on his own.
Bruce:Thanks, Alfred.

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