




Gotham S2EP8

Alfred:Ah, there you are, Master Bruce.
Been looking all over the gaff for you.
Bit dreary down here, isn't it?
Fancy something to eat?
What's up?
Bruce:I need to ask you a question.
And I need your word that you're gonna be honest with me.
Alfred:I always am.
All right, you have my word.
Bruce:My training... the skills that I need to take down the corruption at Wayne Enterprises.
How long will it take?
Alfred:Well, there's no set timeline.
It doesn't really work like that, does it?
Bruce:Alfred. A year?
Two years?
Alfred:Well, a lot longer than that, for you to be the man that you need to be.
But you will get there, I promise you that.
Bruce:Yeah, well, how many will suffer in the meantime?
How many will die because of the crimes committed by my family's company?
Where's all this coming from, Master Bruce?
Bruce:I spoke to... Mayor Galavan this morning.
Bruce:He wants me to sell him my shares of Wayne Enterprises so he can... fix the company.
Clean up Gotham.
Alfred:I see.
And what aren't you telling me?
Bruce:He says... that he knows the identity of the man who killed my parents.
Alfred:Which he's offering in return for the company, right?
Alfred:Yeah, well, that's... not an offer, is it?
That's bloody extortion.
Bruce:Yeah, well, I can't help but consider it, Alfred.
Alfred:Well, you shouldn't.
Bruce:There's a fine line between extortion and negotiation.
Alfred:Yes, there is, Master Bruce, but there's still a line.
Bruce:My parents were killed because of the corruption that my father was trying to stop.
As of now, their... their deaths have been in vain, but if Mayor Galavan can truly... if he can truly fix Wayne Enterprises, isn't it my moral... duty to allow him to do so?
For my father's legacy?
Alfred:Wayne Enterprises isn't Thomas and Martha Wayne's legacy.
That legacy is standing right here.
With me.
Bruce:Alfred, am I wrong if I just want it all to be over?
I just want... I just want it to be over.
Alfred:No, no. No, you're not wrong.
Come here.
You're not wrong.

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