




Gotham S2EP9

Silver:I wasn't sure you'd ever want to see me again.
When you called...
You don't believe what they're saying about my uncle... do you?
Bruce:No. Of course not.
Silver, I asked you here because I need your help.
Bruce:Before he was arrested, your uncle made me an offer.
I want...
Alfred:Right, Master Bruce!
On your feet. Bought us a lovely couple of rakes from the ironmongers.
I suggest we get outside and get...
Hello, Ms. St. Cloud.
Did not expect to see you here.
Silver:Hello, Alfred.
Alfred:That must have been your car I saw, idling on the main road.
Now, in light of recent events, I suggest you get in it and you leave.
Bruce:I invited her, and I want her to stay.
Alfred:And I'm ordering her to leave.
Bruce:And it's my house, and I give the orders.
Alfred:Oh, is that so?
Silver:It's okay.
I don't want to cause any trouble.
Alfred:Smart girl. Off you pop.
Silver: I'm at the Kane Hotel.
Bruce:You had no right to do that.
Alfred:I had every right.
What were you thinking, asking her up here?
Oh, wait, you... think she was gonna tell you something.
Bruce:If Galavan really has the name of my parents' killer in that envelope, it's worth a shot.
Alfred:Well, my guess is there was absolutely nothing in that envelope.
It was just a ruse to get you to sign away the company.
Bruce:Galavan is smart.
He wouldn't enter a multibillion-dollar offer without his end of the bargain.
He has the name.
Alfred:And you think that little minx is gonna tell you something, do you?
Bruce:We're friends.
Alfred:No, you're not.
Getting information out of a girl like that requires a level of deception that you do not yet possess, Master Bruce.
It is too dangerous.
Bruce:It's worth the risk.
You will not see Ms. St. Cloud again or pursue Galavan's wild claims.
Bruce:You have no right to make that decision for me.
Alfred:Well, someone has to.
If you force me to be your jailer... then that is who I will be.



I thought about what you said.
And you're right.
Pursuing Galavan on my own is too risky.
Alfred:Well, you don't say.
Bruce:Best course of action is call Detective Gordon in the morning.
Enlist his help.
Alfred:At last, some sense.
You're thinking of retiring, are you, sir?
Bruce:Yeah, yeah. I'm very tired.
Alfred:Right, can I get you anything to eat before you go to bed?
Bruce:No. No, thank you, Alfred.
Alfred:Right, well, sleep well.
Oh, and, uh, Master Bruce?
I sent that car off that's parked at the end of the lane.
You know, the taxi.
Don't worry, I gave him a right good tip.
I mean, after all, he did drive all the way up here, didn't he?
Bruce:I didn't call a taxi.
Alfred:You really are the most... terrible liar, aren't you, Master Bruce?
Bruce:I will not stop pursuing this, Alfred.
I'm never going to give up.
Alfred:And nor will I.
Good night, sir.

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