




Gotham S2EP10

Alfred: Bruce?
Bruce, you in here?
Master Bruce?
Master B, you here?
Tabitha:You're trespassing.
Alfred:I'm looking for Bruce Wayne.
Now, he's not answering his phone.
He's not home, he's not at school.
My guess, he's with that snotty little niece of yours.
Now, I suggest you leave while you still can.
Alfred:I see you're a bit of a player, are you?
How does it work then, Tabby?
Big bad Galavan barks the orders, and you scamper around, bringing home dead rabbits, so you might get a little pat on the head? I wonder what he'd do if I just disappeared you.
Tabitha:Honestly, I don't think he'd care.
Alfred:If I learn anything's happened to that little boy, we'll find out, won't we?
Hurts,don't it?
Tabitha:For the record, I was telling the truth.
I have no idea where Bruce Wayne is.
But I'll tell him you were asking.

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