




Gotham S2EP11

Alfred:Oh, bloody hell!



Alfred:Excuse me.
Stop, stop, stop!
Stop, sir! Stop, sir! Stop, stop, stop!
Excuse me, sir.
Man:Oh, what, are you crazy or something?
Alfred:Stop! Hey, come on!
Come on, I got to get to work!
Look,I am most terribly sorry, sir.
I'm in the most frightful hurry.
Officer: Freeze!
Alfred:Oh, Officers! I'm just the...



Alfred:Where's Master Bruce?
Fox:We were hoping you knew.
Alfred:I was in the process of commandeering a vehicle when two of your... idiotic cozzers shot me straight in the bloody face with a stun gun.
Here I am.
Fox:And there's your warrant, Captain.
Fox:He was asaault on Galavan's property by known associates of Galavan.
Barnes:While trespassing in Galavan's Tower.
He was lawfully pursued off the property by the rightful occupants.
You got nothing there.
Bullock:Galavan's got Bruce Wayne, boss, sure as eggs.
Barnes:Give me real proof.
We already jumped the gun once with Galavan and we got screwed.
Without solid proof, no judge is gonna sign a warrant... eggs or no eggs.
Fox:So what do you propose we do?
Barnes:You hang tight.
We'll dig up some... health and safety issue.
Get a backdoor warrant for Galavan Tower.
Alfred: Right, how long's that gonna take, then?
Barnes: Probably till tomorrow morning.
Barnes:That's the best we can do.
Oh, uh... you're free to go. We'll drop your charges.
Alfred:Right, well, you know, thank you very much indeed.
Look, Bullock, I'm gonna need some clean bandages, I'm gonna need a car... and a couple of gun.
Bullock:You got it.
Fox:What are you going to do?
Alfred:I've got no choice. No time.
I've got to go visiting.
Bullock:I'll come with you.
Fox: Are two men enough?
It wouldn't seem so, but violence is not my métier.
Bullock:No. Two men are not enough.
Fox:I would gladly join you, but I imagine an amateur is no asset.
A hindrance, perhaps.
Alfred:That's very true.
We need Jim Gordon.
He's perfect for this kind of thing.
Where is he?
Bullock:Yeah, where is Jim Gordon?
It's a long story, but nobody knows.
Something funny, Ed?
Alfred:Do you know where Gordon is?
Bullock:Do you?
Alfred:Start speaking, with us.
Ed:Um, uh... A diamond plate, a glowing grate, a place you never leave. Where am I?
Fox:Home. Whose home? Your home?
Gordon's at your home?
Ed:No. Yes.
Who are you?



Jim:All right, everybody set? Let's go.
Bullock:Whoa, whoa. What's the plan?
Jim:We get into that building, find Galavan, put a gun in his mouth until he gives up Bruce.
Oswald:Then I kill him slowly.
Jim:No. Then we arrest him.
Oswald:Yeah, no.
Are you nuts?
After all that he has done?
Jim:He's going to stand trial.
Gotham needs to know who he really is.
Oswald:Gotham needs him dead!
Alfred: Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.
Can we just stop the bunny and just first get in there, please, chaps?
Jim:Yes. Let's go.
Fox: Seriously, that's it? You have no plan?
How are you even going to get into the building?
Seline:I know a way.
Fox:Who is she?
Bullock:Fox, that's Cat.
Cat, Fox.
Jim:You know a way in?
I know a way in, Gordon.
Alfred: How do we know you won't stitch us up?
I mean, you switch sides often enough. How do we know that you're not working with Galavan now?
Seline:How do I know you're not a Martian in a rubber suit?
Jim:I trust her.
You're in, Cat.
Thanks for your help.
Grab a vest and let's go.

Fox:People, surely we should have a backup strategy, given the strong possibilities of failure.
Oswald:Au contraire, Mr. Fox.
Failure is not an option!
Jim:What he said.
Fox:As you like.



Alfred:Are you all right?



Alfred:I do believe, Master Bruce, this falls very firmly into the category of "I told you so".
Seline:I told him so, too, Alfred.
Bruce:Yes, well, thank you both for your help, but I had a perfectly feasible escape plan.

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