




Gotham S2EP14

Alfred:Oh, Master Bruce.
You ready?
Alfred:I'm gonna need more than that.
We're on the hunt of an extremely dangerous man.
This is life-and-death stuff.
I need you to tell me that you are sure.
Now, are you sure?
Bruce:Yes, Alfred, I'm sure.
And when we're on the street, you follow my every lead.
No faffing about, is that understood?
Alfred:Good lad.
Our quarry is an East Side boy.
This misspent youth, Patrick "Matches" Malone was arrested several times with a geezer called Cupcake.
I suspect there's irony at play there.
They were partners in crime until Matches's testimony put Mr. Cupcake in a Blackgate pen for ten.
Says here that Cupcake's out now, and he runs this strong-arm little firm called the Mutants.
So I guess we'll have to start there then.



Alfred:Remember, let me do the talking.
I know how to handle this type, all right?
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!
Hope we find you well.
We're hoping to have a little chat with a gentleman called Cupcake.
Cupcake: You found me, sweetheart.
What's up?
Alfred:Mr. Cupcake, pleasure to meet you.
My name's Alfred Pennyworth.
Now, we're on the hunt for a guy called Matches Malone.
Now, we know he snitched you up a few years ago.
So I'm sure you wouldn't mind returning the favor, if you know what I mean.
Cupcake:Who's your friend?
Alfred:Never mind who he is.
Bruce:I'm Bruce Wayne.
Cupcake:Boy billionaire Bruce Wayne?
Bruce:That one.
I'm willing to pay you a lot of money if you can tell us where to find Malone.
Cupcake:Oh, really? Why?
Alfred:Master Bruce, please let me...
Bruce:I think he killed my parents.
Cupcake:That's a good answer.
How much money?
Bruce:How much will make you talk?
Cupcake:Million dollars.

Bruce:That's too much.
Cupcake:The boy's cheap.
Alfred:Mr. Cupcake, if I may be so bold as to just...
Cupcake:Yo, I'm talking to the shot caller.
Tell you what, son, I'll make you a deal.
Give me $50,000, you won't get Matches, but you get to leave here with your fingers and toes.
Alfred:Steady on, pal.
Cupcake:I'm just messing with you.
I wouldn't hurt the little boy. I like little boys.
You, on the other hand, I'm not sure about you.
Tell you what, I'll give you that rat Matches for 50 grand.
But first... you must fight me.

Alfred:I beg your pardon, excuse me?
Cupcake:Fight me, baby.
Alfred:No, you see, I'm not really a, uh...
I'm not really a fighter.
Cupcake:Oh shh, I saw you step up just now.
"Steady on, pal."
Alfred:Mr. Cupcake, I really can't foresee anything positive coming out of this altercation.
Cupcake:You're in my house!
Fight is what we do here!
Bruce:I'll pay you $100,000 for the name and no fighting.
Cupcake:I'm not about money, little boy.
I'm about respect.
No fight, no deal, no Matches, no exit.
Alfred:All right, well, I suppose, you know, Mr. Cupcake, if you put it like that.
If you wouldn't mind, sir.
Bruce:Will you be all right?
Alfred:We'll have to wait and see, won't we?
Bruce:Are you acting like this is my fault?
Alfred:It's not for me to say, is it, sir?
Bruce:How is it my fault?
Alfred:I told you to let me do the talking, did I not?
And did you do the talking? Yes.
I think you'll find, yes, you did do the talking.
Bruce:To be fair, I think the result would have been similar in any case.
Alfred:If, Master Bruce, we are lucky enough to walk away from this alive, let this be a lesson to you.
And another thing.
Pick your battles.
Don't let them pick you.
On your honor, I win... we walk.
Cupcake:Sure thing, mister.
On my honor.
They'll understand.
Woman: But the fight doesn't stop till somebody says uncle or goes to sleep.
Now get it on.
Alfred:The other thing, of course, Master Bruce, to remember is that timing is everything.
See, there's other factors at play here, Master Bruce.
There's footwork and leverage.
Cupcake:Stop talking!
Alfred:What?! What, you want some?!
Uncle! Uncle!
He's slowing!
See, Master Bruce, big muscles require lots of blood.
Strength costs wind.
Now, if you gotta beat a big man, all you have to do...
... is outlast him.
Cupcake:Uncle, uncle.
Man:Uncle! And the butler wins.
Bruce:Are you okay?

Alfred:I'm absolutely flippin' peachy, mate.
Cupcake: You're a tough old cat.
Alfred:Not too shabby yourself, Mr. Cupcake.
Cupcake:50 grand.
Bruce:Will-will a check be all right?
Cupcake:Yeah, yeah, sure, a check'll be fine.
Make it out to cash.
Go see Jeri down at Celestial Gardens it's on the East Side.
She'll know where to find Matches.
Alfred:Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Cupcake.



Bruce:How do you feel?
Alfred:A couple of hours' kip and I'll come up lovely.
Alfred:You stay here.
You ain't going nowhere... till I'm up and about. all right?
Bruce:Yes, I hear you.
Alfred:Promise me, Master B.
Bruce:Say again?




Alfred:Well, that took you long enough.
Bullick:For a butler, you sure do get beat up a lot.
Jim:What happened?
Alfred:We got his name, Jim.
The name of the man that killed Bruce's parents.
Matches Malone.
Bullock: Dude, we're the cops.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
When were you gonna tell us?
Alfred:I haven't got time to explain now.
We got a good, solid lead from the same place that I got seven bells knocked out of me.
Now Bruce, he won't answer his phone, so my guess is he's gone after this Malone... solo.
Jim:"Gone after"?
To do what, exactly?
Bullock: What can he do?
He's a kid.
Alfred:Only reason to go alone... he's gonna kill the man.
I mean, I-I told him not to.
I said, "You're too young for killing."
Said I'd do it for him.
Bullock:Again, we're the cops. Do not tell us stuff like this.
Alfred:You've got to understand, both of you... this is not a game.
Jim:I understand.
Tell me where he is.



Alfred: Master Bruce!
Bruce: "Alfred, I have left home for a while to live on the streets with Selina. Please, wait and listen before you react. You need not worry that I'm in danger or that I've lost my mind. I've thought long and hard about this decision and I know it's the right one. Malone's death made me realize a couple of things. You can't kill murder. You can't get revenge on evil. You can only begin to fight such things by not doing them. And you can only fight them where they live, not just at Wayne Enterprises. In the streets, in the slums, in the bad parts of town. So that's where I'm going."
Alfred:He's lost his mind.
Bruce: "I'm not going to start battling muggers or anything. But one day, I am going to do something to help the people of Gotham.
"I don't know what yet, but I will. Meantime, I need to learn stuff. Number one: I need to learn how to live in the same world other people have to live in. Selina's giving me a place to sleep and will show me the ropes, so, like I say, there's no need to worry. I'll be in touch soon and I'll come home eventually. Please, Alfred, trust me and honor my wishes. Don't try to bring me back. I need to do this. Sincerely, your good friend Bruce."

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