




Gotham S2EP17

Bruce: He's still sleeping.
Alfred:Best thing for him.
Bruce:Thank you for coming when I called, Alfred.
Alfred:Of course I came.
No question.
You're looking thin.
Bruce:I'm getting plenty to eat.
Alfred:That I very much doubt, Master Bruce.
But there're things that we must discuss.
Bruce:I'm not coming back.
Alfred:I understand that, but...
Bruce:Not yet. Alfred...
Alfred:We need to talk.
Jim:Good morning.
Bruce:Detective Gordon, should you be up?
Jim:I'm fine. You stitched me up.
Alfred:Actually, it was Master Bruce. He called from Selina Kyle's when you passed out, so I thought I'd bring you here. Safest place for you.
Master Bruce, I'm wonder if you might go and get the detective his clothes from the laundry room. Please.
Bruce:I'm glad you're okay.
Alfred:So I'll make you some breakfast. Take a seat.
Like some coffee?
Jim:Yes, please.
Alfred:There we go.
Jim:How long has Bruce been living with Selina Kyle?
Alfred:Ever since the Matches Malone debacle.
Turns out staring into the cold, dead eyes of the man that killed your parents doesn't bring the right amount of closure.
Jim:Bruce never should've been in that room.
I should've gotten to Malone first.
Alfred:Yes, you should have done.
But you didn't, did you?
You can't unfry an egg, as my dear old mum used to say.
So why don't we leave Master Bruce's situation alone and why don't we discuss yours.
Jim:It's a long story.
Alfred:Right, so you were framed for the murder of that other police officer.
You escaped from prison, you then tracked down the man that framed you and you were promptly shot in the leg.
Right, so, answer me this, Detective.
Do you have any idea how you're gonna get out of this awful pickle?
Jim:Yes, I do.



Jim:Nygma was right about one thing.
I can't just go to the cops.
They'll never believe me.
I need hard proof.
Seline:Cops, right? Jerks.
Jim:Nygma said he met Penguin for the first time in the woods.
That's right around the same time his girlfriend went missing.
I think he was burying her.
Just like he was going to bury me.
Alfred:What, you want to find her body?
Touch of the old needle in a haystack, isn't it?
Jim:Nygma knows where she is.
Alfred:What, and you think he's gonna, what, straight tell you?
Jim:That's exactly what he's gonna do.
But I need help.
Bruce:Whatever we can do.
But I need someone Barnes knows will betray me.



Bruce:It was nothing that you did or didn't do, Alfred.
Why I went away.
I want you to know that.
Alfred:I do.
Thank you very much.
Bruce:I'll be going back to the city as soon as Selina's ready.
She's just taking a hot shower.
You do know that Mr. Lucius Fox fixed your old man's computer a couple of days ago, don't you?
Bruce:And when were you going to tell me, Alfred?
Alfred:Well, I tried telling you this morning.
I'm telling you again now, aren't I?
Bruce:What are you doing?
Alfred:She could walk in here. Have a word?
Bruce:I trust her.
Alfred:It's not about trust, is it?
Whatever your father was doing, he did it in secret for a reason, to protect those he loved.
And it's got- it doesn't matter about my personal opinion about that young girl, but she has been a bloody good friend to you, and she's been loyal.
So, I'm gonna let you go ahead, continue your father's work. I can't stop you.
I mean I've tried, haven't I?
But I will not have you put that little girl's life in danger.
It's either the work, or it's her.
You can't have both, do you understand?
Selina: Ugh! Man!
Rich people have great water pressure.
So, Jeeves, any chance we can get a ride back to the city?
Alfred:Right. Well, I'll be in the... in the kitchen, Master Bruce.
Seline:What's with him?

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