




Gotham S2EP18

Alfred:You've been at it all night, Master Bruce.
I need to try and get some food down your neck.
Fox:Do I smell sausage?
Alfred:Chipolatas dear Mr. Fox.
I've prepared a full English upstairs.
Fox:I have no idea if that's a yes, but I'm starving.
Let's eat.
Bruce:I think I found something.
Fox:Your father's files are still running through the decryption program.
It could take weeks before we know what we have.
Bruce:Yes, but his calendar was only password protected.
It was "Bruce," just like the lock.
Here-- the week of his murder, he was supposed to meet a woman named Karen Jennings about something called "Pinewood Farms."
Alfred:Oh, Pinewood Farms.
That sounds, uh, rather quaint.
Fox:Or not.
Most of Wayne Enterprises black op programs had code names like that.
Running Brook. Windy Ridge.
A bland name covering up nasty business.
Bruce:This could be what my father was investigating when he was killed.
Alfred:I think we might be getting a tad ahead of ourselves here, Master Bruce. I mean, how covert could it possibly be if it's on your old man's calendar?
Fox:I'll run Karen's name through HR when I get into work, see if there's even a connection.
Bruce:My father had her address.
She lives somewhere right outside the city.
Alfred:I think we should just wait and see what Mr. Fox comes up with first, Master Bruce.
Bruce:I'm done waiting, Alfred.
I'm going up there. With or without you.
Alfred:Imagine my surprise.
You are going to eat something on the way.



Alfred: Nope.
No joy. Never mind.
Still kind of nice to get out of the manor, have a little drive in the country.
Ah, that's terrific, isn't it?
She's made a bloody tea leaf out of you.
Street smarts? Street smarts, my eye.
Bruce:Shush, Alfred.
These are merely technical skills.
Bruce:Morally neutral.
What is it?
Alfred:Careful, Master Bruce.
She's got some kind of weird hunting Knife.
Bruce:We don't want to hurt you.
Alfred: Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?
Raise your gun. Raise your gun.
Bruce:My name is Bruce Wayne.
I just wanna talk to you.
Karen: Bruce Wayne?
You're Bruce Wayne?
Alfred:That's far enough.
Drop the Knife.
Karen:It's not a Knife.
Alfred:Whatever it was you used to do this to me, just drop it. Right now.
Karen:I can't.
Listen to me...
Alfred:That's far enough.
Alfred:Well, look around you, Master Bruce.
Listen, I've no idea what you are, but whatever that thing is... it's bloody dangerous.
Bruce:Do you know who I am?
You seemed to recognize me.
Karen:How did you find me?
Bruce:My father, Thomas Wayne, came here the week before he died.
He had it in his calendar.
Karen:His calendar? Great.
Were you followed?
I don't know. By who?
Alfred:No. No, we... we weren't followed.
Then you can leave.
Bruce:Not until you answer my questions.
I know my father came to talk to you about something called Pinewood Farms. What is that?
Karen:God, you don't know anything, do you?
Bruce:So tell me.
Karen:Do you not understand that these people will kill you?
Alfred:Don't you think I've been trying to tell him that?
Bruce:I'm not afraid to die.
Not if it means doing the right thing.
How'd that work out for your dad?
You have to go.
It's not safe for you here.
Bruce:I don't care.
Whatever my father was investigating got him and my mom killed.
You're the first person I've found who might know why.
You have to tell me what he was doing.



Karen:Sorry about your hand.
I don't get many visitors.
You, uh, spooked me.
Alfred:Wait, what, we-we-we spooked you?
Bruce:How long have you lived here?
Karen:Ten years.
Ever since Pinewood.
Bruce:Is that where you... got that?
Karen:Pinewood Farms was a bioengineering program at Wayne Enterprises.
The kind that was kept off the books.
I was one of their first volunteers.
Alfred:What, you volunteered for that, did you?
Karen:I didn't have many options at the time.
I was at Blackgate.
I take it you weren't a guard, then.
Karen:I was born with a crippled arm.
Growing up, my father liked two things: booze and beating his deformed daughter.
One night, I fought back.
He fell down the stairs and broke his neck.
I went to Blackgate for murder.
Bruce:But that's self-defense.
Karen:Well, people are scared of different.
Jury sent me away.
One day, these men show up.
Tell me they're gonna fix my arm.
Not only fix it, make it better.
Instead, they turned me into the monster everybody thought I was.
Bruce:Did my father know what was going on at Pinewood Farms?
Karen:No. No.
When he found out what was going on, when he saw what they were doing to us, he shut it down.
Paid to put us into hiding.
Alfred:So how many were there of you?
Karen:I'm not sure.
I know most didn't survive the experiments.
Bruce:It started up again, didn't it?
That's why my father came to see you after all those years.
Karen:He wasn't sure, but... he had his suspicions.
He came to warn me.
Bruce:Whoever was running Pinewood, whoever started it up again, I know that's who killed my parents.
Do you remember any names?
Karen:None of them ever used their names around us.
But the man who was in charge...
I can still see his face.
Every time I close my eyes.
Bruce:Then you need to take us there.
You need to take us to Pinewood Farms.
My father risked his life to save you.
I'm asking you to repay that favor.
I promise... nothing will happen to you.




Alfred:It doesn't exactly scream "top secret bioengineering lab," does it?
Karen:This is it.
Alfred:All right. You two sit tight.
I'll have a shifty.
Man: She's here.
Alfred:I'd wager nothing's been touched in here for a decade.
Bruce:Are you okay?
Karen:Seeing all this, it feels like yesterday that I was here.
I'm sorry.
Uh,i t looks like your father was wrong.
Maybe it's for the best.
You can move on now.
Bruce:You knew this place was shut down, didn't you?
Is that why you brought me here, hoping I'd give up?
Alfred:Steady on, Master Bruce.
Bruce:No, she's hiding something.
I can see it in her eyes.
I don't understand. What won't you tell me?
Man: Hey! Hey, this is private property!
I'm gonna call the cops!
Man 2:The girl comes with us, and no one gets hurt.
Alfred: Run, Master Bruce.
Bruce:Come on.

Cop:Drop the gun, now!



Alfred:About bloody time, mate.
Bullock: Not my call, pal.
How about you stop getting arrested so much?
Jim:Where's Bruce?
Bullock:In with Barnes.
Barnes: Bullock!
Prep Karen Jennings to travel.
I want her at Blackgate today.
No contact.
You, you're free to go.
I suggest you do so before I change my mind.
Jim:What did you tell him?
Bruce:The truth.
He didn't seem to like it.
Jim:All right, how about you tell me?
So your father found out about this program, where Karen Jennings was a subject, and shut it down.
Bruce:When it was restarted, he tried to stop it... and they had him killed.
Jim:And you think Karen can identify the men involved?
Alfred:Doesn't know their names.
Says she can remember their faces, though.
Jim:The man who contracted Matches Malone to kill your parents called himself The Philosopher.
Alfred:Hold on, how do you know this?
Jim:I've been conducting my own investigation.
I found out today.
And I'd be willing to bet that this is the man who is behind Pinewood.
Bruce:What do we do?
Jim:Have Lucius Fox put together the files of all the scientists who've worked for Wayne Enterprises over the past 15 years.
If Karen can pick this man out, if he is The Philosopher, we can tie him to your parents' murder.
Alfred:Well, that's assuming, of course, that Karen Jennings is still alive.
I mean, it's obvious these guys mean business.
She's gonna be dead the minute she hits Blackgate Prison.
Jim:That's why we're gonna break her out.
How much money can you put together quickly?
Bruce:How much do you need?



Jim:You have a decision to make!
You can keep the money, toss us your gun and tell your supervisor you were disarmed, or be a hero, and wake up like your friend here with nothing to show for it but a massive headache.
Alfred:I'd say it's a bit of a no-brainer, wouldn't you, sweetheart?
Give me your tool.

You can go.


Bruce:My father risked his life to protect her.
He cared for her.
And now she's dead.
Because of me.
Alfred: Not because of you, Master Bruce.
Because of what you're pursuing.
Bruce:Is there a difference?
And if you can't make your peace with that, then you're not ready.
There will be others, Master Bruce.
Bruce:Karen was the only one who knew what The Philosopher looked like.
How are we going to find him now?
Jim:You need to have faith, Bruce.
Bruce:I know what you risked today.
If Barnes finds out you were involved...
Jim:He will.
If he hasn't already.
Pretty sure my days at the GCPD are over.
But I knew that going in.
Bruce:Then why'd you do it?
Jim:You're not the only one who made a promise.
Alfred:Ah, Mr. Fox.
Fox:I let myself in.
I think I might have something.
When I was compiling the personnel files on scientists, I also ran a cross-reference search on Pinewood Farms and The Philosopher and found this.
It's from a company newsletter taken 12 years ago.
The photo lists team nicknames.
Look at the man next to your father.
Bruce:Hugo Strange.
The Philosopher.
Jim:He runs Arkham now.
Bruce:A friend.
Someone he... he trusted.
That's not fair.

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