




Gotham S2EP20

Bruce: Alfred, pull over.
Alfred:Master Bruce, are you out of your tiny, bloody mind?
There's a madman loose on the streets.
Now is not the time to go running around on your own, is it?
Bruce:I don't plan on being on my own.
Alfred:With all due respect, sir, what good will a 15-year-old little girl do even if Galavan does turn up?
Bruce:Strange lied to the police.
I know and so do you.
I can't stay at home and do nothing.
Alfred:We need to trust Jim Gordon.
Bruce:I'm tired of trusting Jim Gordon, aren't you?
Alfred:I am your guardian, Master Bruce, and it is my job to protect you.
Bruce:Is it your job to watch me sit on my hands and do nothing?
Alfred, please.

Let me go.
Man: Hey, buddy, move your car!
Alfred:Just... just be careful, all right?
Bruce:I will.
Man: Hey, let's go!
Alfred:Yeah, all right, mate, keep... just keep your bloody hair on!



Alfred:Master Bruce?
Jim:No, it's me. Where's Bruce?
Alfred:I don't know. He was in the city.
Jim:Where in the city?
Alfred:Well, to be perfectly honest, I haven't got the foggiest.

He's got a mind of his own at the moment, that one, ain't he?
Jim:All right, well, we need to find him.
Galavan could be coming after him.
Alfred:Well, you're having a laugh, ain't you?
I thought he was after you.
Jim:He was. Tabitha must have jogged his memory.
Reminded him of his original mission to kill Bruce Wayne.
Alfred:Right. Well, I'll-I'll get the motor.
Jim:No, no, no. You stay there in case he comes back.
Where was the last place you saw him in the city?
Alfred:Uh, Collins and Delaney.
Last I saw of him, he was headed for the roof to see that Selina, I reckon.
Jim:All right, I'll head over there.
Till then, be safe.
Alfred:Right so.
Will do.
Oh, for Pete's sake, Master Bruce.
Creeping up on someone like that, I could have filleted you.
What's wrong?
Alfred:Galavan, Master Bruce.
Theo bloody Galavan is what's wrong.



Alfred: He's here, and he's safe.
Jim:Thank God.
I'm coming.
Bruce:You're more to me than just a guardian, Alfred.
You're my friend.
Alfred:Your timing really is quite... impeccable, Master Bruce.
But we haven't got time for... sentimental nonsense right now.
We have to make sure that all the doors are locked, all the windows are closed, and the lights are off to make it as hard as possible for Galavan to find us, do you get me?
Bruce:Detective Gordon's sure he's coming here?
Alfred:Nothing's certain, is it?
So we need to be ready.
It's a big house. We should split up.
But just you be quick.
So, you take the upstairs. I will take the downstairs. You make sure the windows are closed. You make sure the doors are locked. You make sure the skylights are closed. And then you meet me down here as quick as you can in the study, all right? Now go.
Bruce:Alfred! Alfred!
Theo: Ingenious.
You, you will show me to the boy.
Alfred:Over my dead body.
Theo:As you wish.


Alfred:Take one more step, mate, and I will put a bullet right between your bloody eyes.
Theo:You think that'll stop me, manservant?
Alfred:I'd like to give it a go, if you don't mind.
You think I'm flesh and blood? I am immortal and I have grown tired of you!
Alfred:Run, Bruce!
Immortal? Let's see, shall we?



Jim:You okay?
Sorry I couldn't get here sooner.
Alfred:Seems like I missed all the fun.
Jim:Where have you been?
Alfred:I slowed him down for you, didn't I?
Jim: I'll call Bullock.
Alfred:It's time I taught you how to drive, Master Bruce.

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