




Gotham S2EP21

Alfred: How could you do this, Master Bruce?
I strictly forbid you from involving that little girl, didn't I?
Bruce:I know... but Selina's always handled herself.I was sure.

Alfred:But you were wrong, weren't you?
Well, it's different if you choose to be involved in something like this, but you actively involved Selina Kyle.
You put your own concerns in front of that girl's safety.
You're bang out of order.

I'm really disappointed in you, Master Bruce.
Jim:You're sure she's still there?
She wouldn't have missed our meeting otherwise.
Strange must be holding her prisoner in Arkham.
Fox:Only I doubt she's in Arkham.
I wager Strange has her in the secret lab where he created Azrael.
Jim:But Strange runs Arkham. He's seen there every day.
The lab must be accessed through Arkham.
Fox:You're thinking it's underground.
Jim:It has to be.
There must be stairs, an elevator, ventilation shafts.
I just don't know how to find them.
Fox:I may have a solution.
The technology Strange is using to create these monsters must be very advanced.
My guess is, he's using plutonium isotopes to mutate cell structure.
If so, there'll be trace radiation.
At Wayne Enterprises, I developed a miniature Geiger counter for battlefield use.
Get me into Arkham and I'll find the entrance to that lab.
Bruce:Wayne Foundation gives the asylum money every year.
I'll ask for a tour.
Alfred:From the man that ordered the assassination of your father.
Bruce:He'll want to find out what we know.
And he won't see me and Lucius as a threat.
Absolutely bloody not.
You're not to walk straight into a lion's den.
I can't even go to back you up with a leg like this, can I?
Bruce:Alfred, you said yourself, that it's my fault what happened to Selina Kyle.
That means it's my responsibility to make it right.
Fox:And I may not be the man you'd choose as second in a street fight, but anything I can do to protect Bruce, I will.
Alfred:Still, it's half a plan, isn't it?
I mean, just say that Lucius can get you in there, and you find the entrance to the laboratory, then what?
Jim: They tell me.
I call Bullock, he comes busting in with a hundred cops, keeps Strange busy.
I find Selina.
Alfred:I see.
And how, exactly, do you plan on getting in? I mean, these two possibly, but you... I mean, Strange won't let you within a bloody mile of the place.
Fox:If I can get you inside the gate, can you manage the rest of the way?
Jim:Yeah. I think I can.



Alfred:Mr. Fox is pulling up out front.
I've told Gordon if I don't hear from you within an hour, I'm gonna go straight to Bullock.
Bruce:I have to do this, Alfred.
I don't have a choice.
Alfred:Of course you got a choice.
In the same way I can choose to let you go with my blessing and tell you to bring that little girl home safe, or I can take you right now, I can stick you on an airplane and fly you somewhere very far away.
Bruce:You can't.
Alfred:Don't be such a plonker.
Of course I can.
But I won't.
You see, for the past two years, Master Bruce, all I've tried to do is protect you and keep you safe.
Thinking that's what your father wanted.
But you're not the same boy he left behind, are you?
So I have to ask myself... what would Thomas Wayne do, if he were here?
Your father took responsibility for his actions.
He fought very hard for what he believed in.
And I will not stop you from doing the same thing.
So... off you go.
Gordon and Mr. Fox be waiting for you.



Alfred: Bullock.
Gordon, Master Bruce and Fox are still in Arkham.
They should be out by now. They're in trouble.
Bullock:That son of a bitch!
Jim Gordon, I mean, he's forcing my hand.
Alfred:Are you listening to me?
Grab your gun, your badge, and your bits and your bobs, and let's go.
Bullock:Hold on a second, okay?
You're talking about a place that's built like a fortress.
Chockablock with armed guards.
Now, while we could send in an assault force of a pudgy, middle-aged Irish detective and a recently stabbed Englishman, I think the acting captain of the GCPD could do a little better.

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