




Gotham S2EP22

Alfred: Gordon, you're back. What happened?
Where's Master Bruce? Where's Lucius?
Where are they?! Have you seen them?
Bullock:Hey, Alfred, take it easy.
Alfred:Where are they?
Alfred... relax.
Master Bruce and Lucius are, uh, headed back to Wayne Manor.
Alfred:Yeah, well, that's a load of hot tosh for starters, innit?
I've just come back from there.
Jim:What can I tell you?
Maybe they... stopped to get a snack.
Alfred:So, what about Strange?
Jim:It's complicated.
Alfred:Well, go on, then! What?!
Jim:Complicated police business!
Bullock:He's got a touch of the flu.



Alfred:I tried calling about a thousand times.
Still no answer.
Strange has them, I'm positive.
Jim:Holy crap, are you still here? I told you a thousand times Strange is clean.
Alfred:You in charge of that, are you?
Bullock:That's strange, though, isn't it?
I mean, strange they're MIA.
Jim:Ah, that's funny.
Bullock:You know, maybe I should send the strike force back into Arkham, to have a little look see.
Jim:No, no, no.
You don't wanna do that. Bad idea. Trust me.
That's a terrible idea.
How long you known me?
Bullock:All right, if you're good, I guess I'm good.
Alfred:I don't know what's got to you, Gordon, but you're just, just...
... weird.
Barbara:Hey, Alfred.
Alfred:Miss Kean.
Barbara:How's the butling business?




③"Oh, bloody hell."

Bruce:Where are you going?
Jim:I have to find Lee.
Alfred:Right move, mate.
Jim:Do me a favor.
Say good-bye to Bullock for me.
I don't really want the whole Celtic farewell.
He's gonna have his hands full, but I think he can handle it.
Bruce:Will do.
Selina: Chocolates.
Girls like chocolates.
Jim:I'll keep that in mind.
Alfred:Well, there's a man who's got his priorities straight.
The love of a good woman and all that.
Well, I hope you learned your lesson, Master Bruce.
And that's the end of your adventures with the police, eh?
Bruce:There's a secret council, Alfred.
A secret council that runs everything in Gotham.
Alfred:Oh, bloody hell.
Bruce:It's them that wanted me dead.
We're so close, Alfred, we're so close to the ultimate truth.
Alfred:Oh, bloody hell.
Selina:Hey, don't look at me.

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