




Gotham S3EP1

Alfred:Well, that should be the last of it.
I'll put the kettle on.
There's nothing like a sweet cup of tea to make home feel like home after a long trip away.
Hey, Master Bruce?
You all right?
Bruce:Were we right to leave, Alfred?
Stay away all this time?
Alfred:Well, considering the appalling sight of the topiary, I should say absolutely bloody not.
Bruce:Alfred, you know what I mean.
Alfred:I know you know why we left.
Bruce:We had to leave.
Alfred:You're nervous about tomorrow, aren't ya?
Alfed:Well, you wouldn't be human if you weren't.
So, why don't you go through there, take a pew.
Help your feet up, and I'll see about that lovely cup of tea.
All right?



Alfred:Did you hear them rats last night?
Scurrying around in the attic, drove me bloody bonkers.
Now may I ask you, what's the point of having a caretaker, if they can't take care of nothing, eh?
You all right, Master B?
I should've eaten.
Woman: Excuse me, gentlemen.
Bruce:I do this, there's no turning back.
You say your piece.
We'll see about getting you a proper breakfast, all right?

Bruce:I'd like to thank the board for giving me this time.
It will come as no surprise I'd like to talk about Indian Hill.
I know preliminary investigations have concluded Hugo Strange acted alone.
I reject this conclusion.
While trapped in Indian Hill, I was led to believe an unnamed group had taken control of my company, and it was they who hired Hugo Strange.
I left Gotham both for my own safety and so that I might have the time to discover hard evidence of their existence.
Man:A conspiracy theory? That's why we're all here?
Alfred:Excuse me, Master Bruce.
Pardon me, sir, might I have your name, please?
Alfred:Your name... please, sir.
Alfred:Mr. Crowley, did your parents never teach you any manners?
Man:I don't have to listen to this.
Alfred:Oh, but you do, sir!
That is precisely the point that I am making.
Bruce: I know how it sounds.
But I now have proof they exist.
And I can tell you that they're here.
In this room.
I want to talk face to face.
You have 24 hours to contact me, or the information that I've gathered will be sent to every newspaper and television station in Gotham.
Thank you for your time.



Alfred:Right, once this alarm is set, Master Bruce, no coming downstairs till the morning, is that clear?
Bruce:Yes, but was a new alarm system really necessary?
Alfred:I don't know. Was it really necessary offering a challenge to a shadowy cabal?
Yes, it was necessary, Master Bruce.

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