




Gotham S3EP2

Alfred:Master Bruce, wake up.
Come on.
Wake up, Master B.
Master B, wake up.
Here you go, sunshine.
You all right?
Bruce:How did I get back here?
Alfred:I don't know; I got the foggiest.
I mean, I just came in here to call the police and then I found you.
Alfred:You all right.
You all right, mate.
You know, I reckon it was that same masked bastard that knocked me spark out.
I mean, he came in and out without so much as a peep.
Bruce:I saw them, Alfred.
I spoke to them.
Bruce:It worked.
They agreed.
Alfred:What, just-just like that?
I mean, you talked about the stuff that we talked about, right?
But I had to promise not to investigate them anymore.
Not Indian Hill, not the corruption within my company, not my parents' murder.
Alfred:I see.
It was the only way.
Alfred:You weren't the only one they threatened, were you?
Alfred:Do you intend on keeping your word?
I do.
Alfred:And how do you know... they will keep theirs?



Alfred:Well, I for one, am personally very glad not to be staring at those bloody box files and that flaming bulletin board, tramping down those stairs to that dank cave.
It does leave one question unanswered though, doesn't it, Master Bruce?
Bruce:What's that?
Alfred:Well, you know, with all this spare time on your hands, how are you gonna fill it?
Bruce:Well, I imagine you have some ideas.
Alfred:I do.
Dancing lessons.
Bruce:Dancing lessons?
Alfred:That's right. I mean, a man of your station should be able to guide gracefully a beautiful young girl across a dance floor, don't you think?
Bruce:And I suppose that you're gonna be teaching me these lessons?
Alfred:Why, I certainly could. You know, I was quite well regarded as a... bit of a dancer in my day, actually.
Bruce:Were you?
Alfred:But I think I'll leave that particular ordeal to someone more qualified.

Step out.
Bruce:Who are you?
Alfred:Oh, my word.
Kid:Please don't hurt me.

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