




Gotham S3EP3

Five:This is weird for me, too.
Bruce:What's-what's your name?
Well, 514A, but they call me Five.
Bruce:At Indian Hill?
Alfred:And how about before that?
Five:I don't remember... I don't remember anything before that.
Alfred:That's convenient, isn't it?
I mean, nothing?
I mean, you must've had a home, family, friends, parents?
Five:If I did, I can't remember.
I woke up in that lab over a year ago.
I was locked up the whole time I was there.
They gave me books, did tests on me.
Many tests.
I heard the other inmates in the halls, but I never saw them.
Not until Ms. Mooney broke us out.
I'm sorry I surprised you by coming here.
But when I saw you...
I had to meet you.
Bruce:You saw me?
Five:On the rooftop.
With that girl.
Selina. She gave me money.
I followed her.
Bruce:You're welcome to stay here as long as you need.
Alfred:Or perhaps we should contact someone with more expertise in these matters, Master Bruce.
Bruce:It's late. That can wait until tomorrow.
We'll make up one of the guest rooms.
Alfred:Master Bruce, we have to get rid of that thing as quick as possible.
Bruce:He's a human being, Alfred. He's in need of help.
Alfred:Look, I understand you feel sorry for the boy, but have a butcher's at him, will you, huh?
I mean, he's you. Hugo Strange made another you.
I reckon this was got something to do with that secret society or something.
Bruce:So what do we do?
Throw him back on the street? I want to know who and what and why as much as you do, Alfred.
Better he stays here until we find out.
Alfred:Fine, but tomorrow we call Lucius Fox.
Maybe he'll know what to do with it. I mean, him.



Alfred:Good, good, good.
One more time, one more time.
And again.
Good boy.
One more time.
Five:Good morning.
Bruce:Did you sleep well?
Bruce:Would you like to try?
Alfred:Uh, I don't think that's a particularly good idea, do you Master Bruce?
Bruce:Come now, Alfred, I think a little exercise before breakfast might be just what he needs.
I'll go easy on you. Pop these on.
Put your. And the other one.
Good lad. All right, step up.
Now, just remember...
Let's see what you got, now, keep your gloves up.
And protect the chin at all times, all right?
Ready? Here we go. Bosh.
Come on.
Five:Sorry. Sorry...
Alfred:No, absolutely fine.
Let's see if you can do that again.
Here I come.
Bloody hell.
Who taught you how to do that then?
Five:No one.
If they did, I... I don't remember.
Alfred:Right, well, let's see what you got, sunshine.
Here we go again. Here we go.
Oh, dear. I'm frightfully sorry.
Five:What for?
Bruce:Your nose.
Alfred:Didn't you feel it?
Should I?
Alfred:Right, well, I think that's, uh... quite enough for today, don't you, Master Bruce?
Here you are.
Press that hard against your nose.
All right? Here you go.
Stem the flow.
Good lad.
Well, that's a very nasty scar.
Where'd you get that? Or can't you remember?
Bruce:What did they do to you in there?



Alfred: He's gone.
He's taken some of your clothes and the keys to the Roller.
Bruce:Cut his hair, too.
Alfred:To look more like you.
Bruce:We have to go after him.

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