




Gotham S3EP10

Alfred:Eh, euh, voila.
Thank you very much, Master Bruce.
Seline:What is this?
Alfred:That is a Pennyworth signature frittata.
It's a crustless quiche.
It's eggs, miss. 
Just eat it, will you?
Where's your mate, anyway?
Girl loves it there.
Alfred:Well, she's hardly what you call a girl, is she?
Well, thanks for the crustless egg thing, but I got errands to run.
Alfred:Uh no, sorry, miss. No one is to leave the house, until we find exactly who is following you.
Seline:It's been days, I can't take it anymore.
Alfred:I'm sorry, what is it exactly that you object to?
Is it the gourmet food or the king-sized, double bed with the Egyptian linen?
Seline:Would you tell the help here that I can come and go as I please, please?
Bruce:Alfred's right.
It's not safe for you to be in Gotham alone.
Seline:I've been in Gotham, alone, my whole life.
I can take care of myself. Nothing's changed.
Bruce:Yeah. You've made that clear.
Seline:What's that supposed to mean?
Those men were willing to kill for this key.
We need to know why. I'll be in the study.
There's more books I haven't gone through.
There has to be a reference to the key somewhere.
Seline:And have you stopped to consider that maybe it's just an old key?



Alfred:I'll get you some breakfast, miss.
Ivy:You know, some of these plants would do much better in direct sunlight.
Could you turn off the alarm so I can put them outside?
Alfred:Well, maybe later.
I'd rather not you be walking around the grounds on your own.
Ivy:Can you smell this?
Alfred:Beg your pardon?
Ivy:Right here.
Alfred:Oh, what is that?
Ivy:Just a mix of clove, fenugreek and yarrow root oils.
Alfred:It's lovely.
Ivy:It is, isn't it?
Ivy:Now, I need you to tell me something, okay?
Ivy:How do you turn off the alarm?



Alfred:If you're right, merely possessing this key could be seen as breaking your agreement with the people that the woman in the owl mask represents.
Bruce:Which is why we need to contact them.
They have to understand Ivy didn't know what she was stealing.
Seline:Wait, where is she anyhow?
Alfred:Oh, bloody hell. She's gone.
Bruce:How did she disable the alarm?
Alfred:Don't worry about that now, all right?
Seline:What's the big deal? She'll be back when she's hungry.
Alfred:Wayne Manor.
Volk:You have the necklace.
We have your friend.
We'll make exchange, no?
Alfred:Where and when?



Bruce:We're supposed to go down the manhole?
Alfred:That's what they said.
All right, give me the key.
I'll sort it out.
I need to speak with them personally.
Make sure they understand this was a mistake.
Alfred:Very well, Master Bruce.
Bruce:There's no way of asking you to stay here that doesn't end with you yelling at me, is there?
Bruce:Over there.
Selina: Ivy?
Ivy:It's about time!
Bruce:My name is Bruce Wayne.
I need to speak with Kathryn.
She needs to understand I've honored our deal.
Volk:Hand over the necklace and you get your friend back.
That's the deal.
Bruce:You mean the key, don't you?
You're not getting it back until I talk to the people you work for.
Volk:Maybe we just kill you and take it?
Seline:You think we're stupid enough to bring it with us?
You really want it back?
I'd listen to him.
Alfred:Put the tools down, all right?, eh?
Bruce:I need reassurances my friends are no longer in any danger.
I need to speak to the woman in the mask.
Volk:Any assurances that woman gives you are lies.
Bruce:How do you know?
Volk:Because the people you are talking about have no honor.
And they will betray you as they betrayed us.
Bruce:Wait. You... you don't work for them?
Volk:No, we work to destroy them.
Bruce:Who are they?
Volk:They call themselves the Court of Owls.



Volk:My name is Volk.
My brother, Jacob, and that's Dmitry.
Seline:What's with the stupid mask?
Volk:I like you.
You remind me of my sister in Kiev.
Dmitry is an initiate.
The mask ensures his silence until he proves himself and becomes a full member.
Bruce:Of what?
Who are you?
Volk:We are called the Whisper gang.
Gotham's most notorious smugglers.
We used to number in the hundreds until the Court saw our growing strength, and they offered us a partnership, only to betray us.
Many escaped back to Ukraine but a few of us stayed back, hoping to find a way to enact revenge.
And we did.
Bruce:The key.
Well, what does it open?
Volk:A safe.
Is is in one of the Court's buildings... here.
Inside, there is a... a device, that we believe can destroy them.
Alfred:What, like, some kind of... weapon?
Volk:Well, honestly, we don't know.
We captured a member, but even he didn't know what's inside the safe, only that the Court fears it falling into the hands of their enemies.
Selina:Wait, Wouldn't they know you stole it?
They're probably waiting for you to show up there.
Because originally, the safe had two keys.
The Court still has one of them, and the second was thought lost.
Until I found it.
Bruce:You mean we did.
The Court of Owls killed my parents.
I stood down because I thought there was no way to defeat them.
Volk:What are you proposing?
Bruce:If what you're saying is true, and there is something in that safe, then that's no longer the case.

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