




Gotham S3EP11

Bruce:Volk is dead?
Jacob:We found his and Dmitry's bodies early this morning.
They were killed by Talon, the Court's assassin.
Alfred:I'll say that certainly changes things a bit, doesn't it?
Jacob:How? You possess the key. The key opens the safe.
Inside the safe is an object that can bring down the Court of Owls.
None of this has changed.
Bruce:If this assassin saw us with Volk...
Alfred:That means the Court already knows that you're breaking your deal, Master Bruce.
Bruce:I wish we knew for certain.
Alfred:Yeah, well, I wish we knew for certain what was in that blinking safe or how far we can trust this little Whisper gang front.
Now ask yourself this. Is bringing down the Court really worth the risk?
Bruce:The Court of Owls has taken over my company, threatened people I care about, and is likely responsible for my parents' deaths.
What's our next step?



Jacob:The Court of Owls maintains a number of buildings in Gotham.
This one is rarely occupied and always well guarded, and there are two alarms.
The first covers points of entry.
Last week, we managed to disarm one of the windows.
Once inside, the front door can be opened using a code that we possess.
The second alarm is in the basement.
In the room with the safe.
The floor is fitted with infrared sensors.
You must cross it on a rope.
I have trained for this.
You will give me the key you found, and I will retrieve the object.
Alfred:But you still don't know what the object is, right?
Jacob:Only that the Court protects it, fears it.
And that with Talon hunting us, we have no time.
Alfred:Right, so... let's go through this again.
Seline:What'd you decide?
Bruce:We're gonna break in today.
We can't wait any longer.
You okay?
Just hungry.



Alfred:I take it you're off?
Seline:When we were casing that place, I got a feeling we were being watched.
And if this Court of Owls is all you say, they're not gonna be too cool with Bruce breaking their deal.
Alfred:That's very true.
And Master Bruce knows the Court will catch up with him sooner or later.
And if he has the opportunity to take them out, then he'll take them out.
Seline:That's a big if.
Especially when your stupid job is supposed to be protecting him.
Alfred:My stupid job, miss, is to make sure that he grows up to be the man he's meant to be.
Seline:Still... kind of a punk move for him to make a deal with the people who killed his parents.
Alfred:Yeah, well, you understand this, then.
He only did what he did to protect the people he cares about.
For you.
And it cost him dearly.



Bruce:But she didn't say anything?
Alfred:She said she thought we were being watched.
Personally, I think she's just got the jitters.
Bruce:She can't still be mad I told Ivy she was my girlfriend.
Bruce:It just slipped out.
She can call herself whatever she wants.
Alfred:Fascinating as I find this tale of young unrequited love is, Master Bruce, please can we just concentrate on the task at hand?
Do you have the key?
Bruce:Alfred, you know when we get this thing, whatever it is... the Whispers are gonna try to take it from us.
Alfred:Well, to be honest, Master Bruce, it's not the Whispers I'm worried about.



Alfred:Well, I think it's safe to admit that our foreign friends are a no-show, Master Bruce.
It was a right dodgy plan, anyway.
Bruce:Where are you going?
Alfred:That would be home.
Bruce:Alfred, this is our only shot to take down the Court.
Alfred:You don't know that, do you?
I mean, it was a moot point, anyway.
I mean, walking across the entire length of a room on a bloody tightrope?
Bruce:I can do it. I did it.
Alfred:Yeah, three times out of 20. I counted.
No, thank you very much.
Seline:I can do it.
Alfred:Oh, that's bloody marvelous, isn't it?
The deal is this. You stay on comms at all times.
If I order abort, you abort. Is that clear?
I need my head examined.
Really do.
Bruce:Just wondering.
Does this mean you are my girlfriend?
Seline:Shut up.



Alfred:All right, straight to the safe room.
I'm gonna check the rest of the house.
Go on.

Bruce:This way.



Alfred:Out the way you came!
Seline:Let's go!
Maria:We have to leave.
Alfred:And who exactly are you?
Selina: You're the one who's been following us.
Bruce:You know her?
Seline:That's my mom.
Maria:Now can we get out of here?
Alfred:You're bloody right.

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