




Gotham S3EP13

Cole:Appreciate you boys seeing me so late.
Alfred:Doesn't seem like we had much of a choice, Mr. Clemens, does it?
Cole:Please, call me Cole.
Bruce:You want money.
Cole:That bitch, Maria Kyle, she owes me 200 grand.
Bruce:I heard 100.
Cole:Well, you got to figure gas money coming out here and, uh...
Well...think you can afford it?
Alfred:And what exactly is the nature of this debt?
Cole:Call it lost income due to a broken contract.
She said she'd do something.
She didn't.
Ergo, she owes me the money I would've made, plus interest.
Alfred:Or what?
Cole:Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
I would never hurt a woman.
However, I would feel justified in giving the police enough evidence so that your little girlfriend could only talk to her mama every other Thursday through a screen for the next 40 years.
So, you give Maria the money, she gives it to me...
I'm out of your lives.
Cash, obviously.



Maria:Are you sure about this?
Bruce:Of course.
You saved our lives.
And other reasons.
Selina:This is so stupid.
Cole is a weasel.
Just call the cops and get his ass arrested.
Alfred:And what about your mom?
I mean, a weasel he most definitely is, but if what he says is true, she could go to jail.
Selina:And isn't that why you have lawyers?
You pay a guy like Cole, all that happens is he comes back again.
And again.
Bruce:Look, worst case scenario, this buys us time to get your mom's record cleared so he doesn't have a hold over her.
Seline:Right, 'cause it's just money.
Maria:Or another choice is I could leave.
I don't want to, but... it is an option.
Selina:You know what?
If he doesn't mind paying, why not, right?
But I'd start keeping a lot of cash around.

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