




Gotham S3EP14

Bruce:I'll light these candles.

Alfred:Good lad.
I'll go downstairs to see if there's any life left in that old generator.
Who's calling at this hour?
Jerome:Ohh! My, my.
Look how big you've gotten.



Bruce:Are you okay?
Alfred:I'll be fine, Master Bruce.
I'll be fine.
Jerome:Nice place you got here.
You rent?
Bruce:What do you want?
Teenagers. Am I right?
Oh, I remember those days.
So many exciting new emotions floating through you.
Wanting to kill everyone you saw. Aw.
You. Give me.
You know, I will never understand rich people's tastes.
Bruce:It's worthless.
My father found it at a flea market.
I keep it for sentimental reasons.
Jerome:Nice try. Oh, it's got some heft to it.
Expensive, I'm guessing.
Be such a shame if I...
Bruce:Oh! No, don't.
Tougher than I figured.
Alfred:Aah! Bloody hell!

Bruce:I asked you what you want.
Jerome:Right. Sorry.
The old noodle's still a little al dente post-thaw.
The reason I'm here is I'm gonna kill you.
Jerome:Well, it's the last thing I remember wanting to do.
It's been nagging at me since I woke up.
The idea of slitting that pretty, pink throat of yours.
Figure that'd clear the decks.
What do you think, huh?

Alfred:Don't you...
Bruce:I remember that night...
When you took over the benefit.
You were quite the showman.
Jerome:Thank you.
Always nice to be appreciated.
Bruce:And you're just going to kill me here?
That's kind of disappointing.
Jerome:What do you mean?
Bruce:After all the buildup...
You coming back to life, turning off the lights in Gotham...
killing me here just doesn't show a lot of...
Jerome:Flair? Hmm? Style?

Panache? Hmm?
Go on, boy. Spit it out.
I can take it.
Bruce:I'm Bruce Wayne.
Jerome:I'm aware.
Bruce:I am the ruling elite.
My company is the machine that keeps the cogs of Gotham running.
Bruce:killing me should mean something!
And you're telling me no one's going to see it?
Jerome:You're saying I need an audience?
Oh. Look, I know you're just trying to buy time so you can escape.
But your point is still valid.
Saddle up, boys!
We're taking this show on the road!
And I know just the spot.
Come on. Uh-uh-uh.
Not you, old chap.
The prince of Gotham deserves a public death. His butler, not so much. kill him.
This is what you've been training for.
You're gonna be all right on your own.
Bruce:I will see you again.
Alfred:You carry on, son. You carry on.
Jerome:Strangely intimate.
Come on.
Try not to get any blood on the couch. I might come back for that.



Alfred:Fine! Come on then. What are you waiting for?
Man:You in a rush to die, old man?
Man 2:Who's gonna kill him?
Who's gonna do it?
I want to do it.
I'll do it.
What, you three?
You three left here to take out the rubbish, were you?
You, Mr. Machine gun, by the suit of armor, I want you to shoot me in the grill, are you?
How about you with the crowbar, by the sofa?
Gonna cave in my skull?!
And how 'bout you, Mr. Machete?
Come on in, sunshine. Don't be shy.
Your mother wasn't. Chop-chop.
Man:Who are you talking to, old man?
Jim: Me!
Where's Bruce?
Alfred:That lunatic Jerome took him.



Jim:Bullock's pulling messages from the tip line.
You said Bruce was able to convince Jerome to kill him in front of an audience?
Alfred:Yeah, he was trying to buy himself some more time.
And I'd be proud if I wasn't so bloody terrified.
City's given way to bedlam again.
Jim:Jerome's acolytes have occupied places all over town.
So finding an audience won't be the issue.
Question is where.

Bullock:We got 'em.
They're in Anders Park, the cathedral, the zoo.
They've taken over the Hillside Conservatory, the courthouse, and the Boardwalk Circus.
Jim:Jerome was raised in a circus.
Have a strike force and all available units meet us there.
Bullock:I'll put out the call on the way. Let's roll.



Jim:Where the hell is our backup?
Bullock:Still two minutes out.
Most were waylaid by another riot on the west side.
Alfred:Yeah, but we can't wait, mate.
Jim:All right, so... we go in, find Bruce, get him to safety, then we go after Jerome.
Bullock:Not really.



Alfred:Oh, good Lord.
Bullock:Strike force just arrived.
They're coming in.



Bruce:I thought you were dead.
Alfred:You can't get rid of me that easily, can you, mate?
Oh, come here



Alfred:Well, got to say... the clown makeup was way more terrifying than the damage underneath, Master Bruce.
Did I ever tell you that I don't like clowns?
Well... in a couple of days, you'll be back to your old self.
I guarantee it.
You ready to tell me what happened?
Bruce:When Jerome took me away...
I thought they were going to kill you.
Alfred:Shold I tell you what I thought?
I thought how proud I was of you.
Of the man that you've become.
Bruce:I almost killed him, Alfred.
Alfred:Ah, but you didn't, now, did you?
You controlled your anger.
Bruce:It wasn't just anger.
After everything Jerome had done, after all the pain he caused, the idea of killing him felt...
Alfred:It felt right.
It felt like justice.
Alfred:There's a very fine line, Master Bruce, between justice... and vengeance.
Bruce:I know.
But that doesn't mean there isn't one.
Alfred:No, it doesn't.
Bruce:I knew where the line was tonight, Alfred.
I didn't cross it.
Alfred:Well, that's the first rule.
Bruce:What do you mean?
Alfred:Now, I started training you so you could defend yourself.
Well, we're well past that, aren't we?
But what's all this training for?
What are you gonna do with it?
Bruce:I don't know.
Alfred:Nor do I.
But if you keep going, you're gonna need rules.
Rules that you cannot and you will not break, never mind what the reason, never mind what the circumstance.
Bruce:I will not kill.
Alfred:Say it again.
Bruce:I will not kill.
Alfred:Then let's get to work..

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