




Gotham S3EP15

Alfred:So, you shift your weight to your front foot as you swing your arm forward, just like chopping down a branch.
Easy as pie.
Right, so, weight on the back foot.
Blade comes back evenly, and, well...
Precision under pressure is everything, Master Bruce.
And a clear conscience.
Were you aiming for the window, Master Bruce?
Bruce:You keep distracting me.
Alfred:Well, you should be able to hit the target regardless, shouldn't you?
I mean, we had rules about training.
Rules which will be impossible to stand by if you remain unfocused.
Now, I sense there's something weighing on your mind.
Miss Kyle, perhaps?
Bruce:I'm not unfocused because of Selina.
Right, I see.
So, it wouldn't trouble you to know that she dropped a note off for you in the mailbox, then.
She asked to see you tomorrow.
Selina's been avoiding me for weeks.
It's gonna take more than a note to have me running.



Bruce:What are you making?
Alfred:Shepherd's pie.
Alfred:Well, you're more than welcome to take over the menu, Master Bruce.
Did I ever tell you how I copped this recipe from an old lady friend of mine?
A memorable fling.
Ended badly, though.
Can't remember what we rowed about.
Something idiotic.
It left me reeling, Master Bruce.
I couldn't concentrate on my studies.
You think telling me a transparent anecdote will make me run to Selina?
Alfred:No, I don't.
You see, Sylvia and I, we got closure.
Now, it seems that Miss Kyle has offered you the same opportunity, and I suggest that you...
You take it.
If it'll get you to stop, I'll go.
Alfred:I'll keep the pie warm for you, Master Bruce.



Five:Good evening, Alfred.
Alfred:And to you, Master Bruce.
Well, you seem remarkably chipper.
Things went well with Ms.Kyle, I take it?
Five:Selina's Selina.
Alfred:Well, say no more.
You spoke, that's all that matters, innit?
You up for some shepherd's pie, then?
Bruce:Sounds delicious.
Alfred:Right, jolly good.Wont't be a moment.

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