




Gotham S3EP19

Selina:I came here to do one thing and it ain't answering questions.
Five:Strange as it sounds, I'm glad you're alive.
Selina:That is strange.
'Cause you pushed me out a four-story window.
Five:What choice did I have?
You were gonna tell Alfred about me.
Selina:You mean how you're a freak?
How you're just a cheap knock-off who kidnapped the real Bruce Wayne.
Selina, stop, stop!
Selina:He's not Bruce!
He's not Bruce!
Alfred:Oh, dear God.
Five:She attacked me, Alfred.
She's out of her mind.
Alfred:She needs a doctor.
Five:You saw her.
She was crazy.
Alfred:Put the iron down, Bruce.
I said put the iron down!
Alfred:You can't...
You don't feel a thing, do you?
Do you?
Now I'm gonna ask you nicely.
Or I swear to God you're gonna feel a whole lot of pain.
Where is Bruce?
Five:Bruce is serving a greater purpose than himself.
As am l.
Alfred:Last time!
Where is Bruce?
Five:You were always kind to me, Alfred.
Even when you thought I wasn't Bruce.
Just tell me where Bruce is.



Alfred:No, I said Gordon.
No, Detective Jim Gordon.
Have him call me the minute he gets this message, all right, you nancy?
You should see a doctor.
Alfred:Fine, whatever.
Listen, think.
Can you remember anything else?
Selina:Only what I already told you, Alfred.
The clone came to me, talking about how Gotham's gonna be judged and...
A lot of people are gonna die.
Alfred:It's bloody Court of Owls, isn't it?
I warned you.
Warned you what would happen if you poked the tiger.
Alfred:Why, do you want a medal, do ya?
All that matters is they've got Bruce.
Selina:Wait, you think he's still alive?
Alfred:My boy is still alive!
And you...
You're gonna help me find him.
Selina:No, I'm not.
Alfred:Oh, don't...
Don't do that.
Then what, you're still angry with Bruce 'cause he never told you your mum was a wonky con artist?
That boy has been loyal to you.
He's been good.
He's been a friend, and now he's in trouble, you're not even going to lift a finger?
Selina:I don't know what good it'll do me.
Alfred:You're a disgrace.
You're like your mum.
Go on then.
Run away.
And don't you ever come back here.



Where the bloody hell have you been?
I've been trying to call you all day.
What's happened?
Alfred:It's Bruce.
He's been abducted.
Bullock:Oh, why?
Why can't anything be easy?
Alfred:Don't know how, but he's definitely gone.
And you're not gonna believe this, but the people responsible are this shadowy organization that run the whole of Gotham.
Jim:The Court of Owls.
We've been investigating The Court and a woman named Kathryn Monroe for months now.
Until this morning, I was working undercover inside the organization.
Alfred:Did they ever mention Bruce?
Why would they wanna kidnap him?
Alfred:Well, I might have had a bit of a run-in early on in the year.
Bullock:How long has he been gone?
Alfred:I don't know.
Could be several days, several weeks.
How can that kid be missing for weeks?
That's your one friggin' job.
Alfred:Don't you think I know that?
They've replaced him, all right?
With a...
With an exact clone created in Indian Hill.
Bullock:Well, hold on a second.
Wait, backup.
I thought I heard you say, "Clone."

Alfred:That's 'cause I did.
Bullock:I gotta sit down.
Jim:All right.
Let's think this through.
Alfred, is there anything you and Bruce could've done that would have drawn attention from The Court?
Alfred:Oh, well, we did break in to one of their houses, to try and find something to give us leverage against The Court.
But all we found was this ridiculous crystal owl thingamajig which I managed to break.
Jim:Crystal owl?
Is there any way it could be reassembled?
Jim:We found another owl this morning.
When you shine a light through it, a map of Gotham appears.
We think this map indicates the secret hideouts of The Court.
Alfred:So Bruce could be in one of those hideouts, right?
So where's your bloody owl?
Bullock:Uh, well, due to circumstances totally beyond our control, the owl went kaboom.
Jim:But we could reassemble the owl that you stole, maybe we could find Bruce and the bomb.
Do you still have the pieces?
Alfred:You're having a laugh, ain't ya?
After all the bloody trouble I went through to get it, of course I do.
I'll be back in a minute.


④親の顔よりよく見た "I'm a butler."

Here you go.
Bullock:Wait, this is the owl?
What the hell happened to it?
Alfred:Jerome Valeska smashed it to bits when he broke into the manor, didn't he?
Can you put it back together again?
Bullock:I can't even do a jigsaw puzzle.
I just smash the pieces in with my fist till they fit.
But wait a second.
We have a guy here who makes molds of murder victims' faces out of clay.
I'll give him a call.
Alfred:All right.
Where's Gordon?
Bullock:He's interrogating Kathryn Monroe.
Alfred:What, the woman from The Court of Owls?
Bullock:I mean, no.
No, not the woman from The Court of Owls.
Oh, God, no.
Not her.
Tell me where Bruce Wayne is or I guarantee you'll regret it.
I've got this.
Kathryn:Good cop, bad cop?
That routine's a bit tired.
Isn't it, gentlemen?
Alfred:Yeah, but I'm not a cop.
Am I?
I'm a butler.



Alfred, that's enough.
Bullock:Is he out of his freakin' mind?
Jim:It's his play.
Alfred:Now, you tell me where Bruce Wayne is, you evil old trout, or I will gut you!
Or maybe I should try the other hand.
Bullock:What the hell's going on?
Alfred:I'm all right.
Bullock:Hey, hey, you two.
Stop it right now.
We got a bigger problem.
Barnes is out there.
He tore up the precinct, used some kind of knockout gas.
I gotta get you and her out of here right now.
Let's go.
Jim:Take her.
Alfred:Get up.


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