




Gotham S3EP20

Bullock:Keep me informed.
Any word for Bruce?
Bullock:Alvarez said he wasn't at that location, but they're checking out the next black site on the map.
Jim:All right.
Everybody knows the score.
The Court of Owls is planning an attack on the city.
They've kidnapped Bruce Wayne.
And now they know we're coming for them.
So be ready for anything.
Let's go.
This is the Ruling Council.
Who could have done this?
Bullock:Straight-up execution.
We've got a breather.
Jim:Yeah, I'm a traitor.
Where's Bruce Wayne?
Where's the bomb?
Man:We were betrayed...
The leader, Bruce Wayne, they killed us.
Alfred:That geezer's lying.
If Master Bruce was in that room, he's being held prisoner or something.
I mean, it's absurd to think he had anything to do with that carnage.
Bullock:I still don't get why the leader would whack his own ruling council.
I mean, does this mean the virus bomb plan thing's off?
Jim:Until we have the bomb in our possession, we have to assume the plan's still on.
Maybe the leader was cleaning house.
Bullock:So what's the next step?
Because we hit every spot on that crystal owl and all we got were dead people wearing owl masks.
Jim:We run their identities, we track their holdings.
We see where it leads us.
It worked with Kathryn.
And how long's that gonna take then, mate?
Jim:We're all trying to find Bruce, Alfred.
We're doing everything we can.
If only that were enough, eh?



Alfred:Harvey, I found something.
This is a mock-up of the map that Lucius made of all The Court's black sites, right?
One problem.
The place where Bruce and I found the original crystal owl should be here.
But it's not.
Bullock:Or maybe it's an old owl that hasn't been updated.
Alfred:No, mate, no.
You're missing the point.
No, look.
The Court hasn't marked all the hideouts.
Bullock:So how did you find the house when you stole the Owl?
Alfred:Well, there was this little Ukrainian smuggling firm called the Whisper gang.
Bullock:And you're thinking that maybe they know of other locations.
You know where we can find these clowns?
Alfred:I do.
If there's any left alive.



Bullock:Jim, me and Alfred got a possible location on Bruce from a bunch of Ukrainian yucks wearing muzzles if you can believe it.
Give me a call when you can.
Alfred:Where the hell is Gordon, anyway?
Bullock:He had to do something.
We're gonna have to give you a badge or something one of these days.
Strange:Please, be very careful with this.
Go get Bruce.
Don't move a muscle.
Strange:Obviously, I surrender.
Sensei:You know where to take it.
Oh, thank God.
So you're the top boy, are you?
The leader Step away from Bruce or I swear to God, I will shoot you straight in the face.
Sensei:You had best put down the weapon, Mr.Pennyworth.
Alfred:Not bloody likely, mate.
Bruce, get out of the line.
Bruce:No, Alfred.
I will not let you hurt him.
Alfred:What's he done to you?
Bruce:He has lifted the burden of my past.
Revealed my true destiny.
Gotham must fall by my hand.



Bullock:Alfred, hey.
You Okay?
Alfred:Far from it.
I mean, the leader of The Court has turned Bruce into some kind of weird zombie zealot.
I mean, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.
I think he wants Bruce to detonate the bomb.
Alfred:Bruce said something about it being his destiny.
How Gotham must fall by his hand.
Bullock:This is bad.
We gotta find that frigging bomb.
Let's go see baldy-locks and see what he can tell us.



I know he's your mate.
But with everything else that's going on, with Bruce missing, the bomb...
You certain searching for Jim is the best use of your time?
Bullock:If the situation were reversed, he'd do the same for me.
Besides, I got you.
Alfred:What do you mean?
Bullock:I want you to squeeze Strange.
Find out everything he knows.
I saw how you dealt with that Kathryn bird.
You like to get your hands dirty.
Alfred:You sure about this, mate?
Bullock:I want you to get your hands really dirty.
I want you to find out where the leader is taking Bruce.
Find the bomb.
And however much or little is left of Strange after that, even if it's just a pinky, we will throw in jail.

Alfred:Get off.
I find this shouting and screaming deeply upsetting.
It affects my concentration.
And my grip.
Don't let me fall.
We can discuss this in a civilized manner.
Alfred:That's rich coming from the likes of you that's about to poison thousands of people and turn them into raving lunatics.
Now, where is Bruce Wayne?
And where is the bomb?
Strange:If I tell you, you drop me.
I end up dead, either way.
Alfred:Self-preservation, is it?
That's your game.
All right then, Humpty.
I got a swapsy for you.
Down you pop.
Your freedom for Bruce Wayne.
Strange:You don't have the authority to let me go.
Alfred:I didn't have the authority to just hang you off the side of a bloody building, did I?
Hey, see that fire escape over there?
That leads directly to the street and to your freedom.
Now, I won't stop you.
I just wanna know where my boy is.
Strange:All right.
The leader has taken Bruce to Wayne Enterprises.
They'll have a view of the street below as it fills with people infected by the virus.
But you're too late.
What time is the bomb going off?
Strange:5:00 p.m.
But that's not what I mean.
The Bruce Wayne you know is gone.
His mind is no longer his own.
Alfred:Oh, you're so wrong.
You have got no idea how strong that boy is.
Now, I'm a man of my word.
You can walk, just as soon as you wake up.
Strange:I don't know what you mean.



Alfred:Strange said the bomb is due to detonate at 5:00 p.m.
That's in, like, 20 minutes.
Alfred:He never said, mate, but he did say that the leader and Bruce are heading directly to Wayne Enterprises to watch the fallout.
Now, the rooftop looks directly on to Union Station.
The bomb is due to go off slap-bang in the middle of rush hour.



Sensei:It's time.
Press the button.
Claim your destiny.
Let Gotham fall so you may rise.
Whatever destiny he's sold you, Bruce, he's lying.
Sensei:Press it, Bruce.
Alfred:Don't Bruce, don't.
I won't have him turn you into a murderer.


Bruce:Are you going to shoot me, Alfred?
Alfred:I wanna help you.
We'll reverse what he's done to you.
Bruce, if you press that detonator, there's no coming back.
Sensei:He won't shoot you.
He's weak, Bruce, but you are not.
Alfred:Bruce, please.
Give me the detonator, son.
Sensei:No, you will press it.


Sensei:Seek out the Yuyan building.
Find the demon's head.
Fulfill your destiny.

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