




Gotham S3EP21

Alfred:Detective Gordon.
Has he said anything?
Alfred:No, no, he just sits there staring.
I need to talk to him, Harvey.
Bullock:We're sure that's not the clone?
Alfred:No, that's Bruce.
God knows what those bastards done to him, but he's utterly brainwashed.
Bullock:Are you really the best person to talk to him?
I mean, from what you said, you killed his mentor or something.
He might be a bit peeved.
Alfred:Listen, whatever they did to him, that is Bruce Wayne in there.
That boy is stronger than you can possibly imagine.
I just need to make him remember who he is.
Bullock:As long as he doesn't leave the precinct.



Alfred:There we go, Master Bruce.
Two lumps just how you like it.
You hungry, mate?
Can I whip you up a sandwich?
Anyway, if all goes well, we should be able to head back to Wayne Manor tomorrow.
Although I was thinking that we could go abroad.
We could go to Switzerland.
I mean, we used to go with your mum and dad this time of year...
Bruce:Stop it.
Your attempts to elicit an emotional response by reminding me of shared memories is clumsy and pathetic.
Bruce:The last memory I have is of you killing the best friend and teacher I ever had.
Alfred:You mean that old geezer that kidnapped you, poisoned your mind, and tried to turn you into a mass murderer?
Let me tell you something, Master Bruce, that man lied to you.
Him and his bloody Court of Owls, they tried to use you, they tried to manipulate you.
Bruce:You say he was a liar.
By taking away the pain I've carried for years?
By giving me revenge against the people who killed my mother and father?
That's more than you ever did.
Anyway, the Court of Owls does not matter.
They merely paved the way for the one who is to come.
Alfred:What do you mean?
Who's coming?
Bruce:You'll see.



Alfred:So, I will ask you again.
Who's coming?
I mean, I thought the man that I dispatched at Wayne Enterprises was the leader of the Court of Owls?
Bruce:I want you to leave.
Alfred:Yeah, well, that ain't gonna happen, is it, mate?
You can't rid of me that easy.
You have to remember who you are.
Bruce:I know who I am.
I have a destiny!
Alfred:Now, you listen to me.
That man that wanted you to detonate that bomb, whatever he promised you, freedom from pain, power, none of it, none of it was real.
I want you to remember what is real.
Bruce:I know what's real!
I got vengeance for my parents' murder.
That's real!
No, that's not real.
What's real is every time that you were sick when you were a kid, your mum used to sit up with you all night and read to you till you fell asleep.
That's real.
Or when you were seven and you took your silly rowing boat out and you got lost in that storm and me and your dad were out shouting and screaming, losing our minds, and when your dad found you, how he cried.
That's real.
Yes, your parents died in that alley three years ago, and maybe that man took away the pain of that night, but there is no life, there is no love, without pain.
He could not touch the love that your mum and dad gave you, that you still have in you.
You still have in here.
Same love that I have for you.
I love you, Master Bruce.
I would do anything for you.
I would die for you.
You must find that love again.
Come back to me, Master Bruce.
Thank you very much.
Fox:No problem.
Alfred:Excuse me.
Oh, bloody hell.



Fox:He's following directions or something.
Alfred:Gotta find out who's controlling him.
Who's brainwashed him.
Fox:And then what?
Alfred:I'm gonna kill the bastard.



Find Bullock.
Let him know where we are.
I'm gonna follow Bruce.



Alfred:Oh, don't look so surprised, Master Bruce.
I told you, you couldn't get rid of me that easy.
I just got a bit sloppy.
Got a bit of ring rust.
Let these little ninja monkeys get one over on me.
You all right, mate?
What are you come as?
Ra's al Ghul:Enough.
This man is your past, Bruce.
Now, embrace your future.
kill him.
Join me.
Fulfill your destiny.
Alfred:He's wrong, Master Bruce.
There's no other way to put it.
He's wrong.
Your destiny is to be Bruce Wayne.
And one day you're gonna remember that.
And you're gonna remember how much I love you.
I remember the first time your mum and dad brought you home.
They were so exhausted.
And they gave you to me.
This tiny defenseless little creature.
And they said, "Look after him." And I said, "Sure," and I scooped you up in my arms, and I held you, and you opened your eyes, and you looked at me.
And at that moment, I decided that I would do anything for you.
So if this is what you need to do, Master Bruce, you crack on.
You do it.


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