




Gotham S4EP1 Pax Penguina

Alfred:Bloody Penguin.
Bruce:There must be some way we can turn this against him.
Alfred:Oh, just-just stop.
Stop right there.
How does this fit into what we're doing?
What was the initial reason that you popped on that mask and you went out there?
Bruce:We agreed that I have to be ready for when Ra's al Ghul returns.
You yourself said there's no substitute for real-world encounters.
Alfred:But my point is if that is our mission, we must hold to it.
Bruce:My finger was on the button that released the virus.

Alfred:Oh, I see.
Bruce:I know I didn't press it, but I feel responsible for what happened.
And more than that, I can make a difference in Gotham, Alfred.
I know I can.
Alfred:And that is what we call "mission creep," Master Bruce.
You're trying to achieve not one but two objectives.
So, go on, then.
Which one is your priority?
It's messy, sir.
It's dangerous.
Bruce:I hear you, Alfred.
But I can prepare myself for Ra's and make Gotham safer.
You have to trust me.


Oswald:Mr.Wayne, Mr.Pennyworth.
I am so glad you could make it.
Bruce:It's our pleasure.
Alfred:We were just admiring your frozen mate.
Is he still alive in there?
Oswald:I fear we may never know.
Bruce:Well, you'll know when you finally thaw him out.
When they discover a cure for his disease.
Oswald:Oh, yes.
Then, of course.
Bruce:I wanted to personally thank you for everything you've done for this city.
Oswald:Thank you, Mr. Wayne.
can I ask about the licenses?
Alfred:Uh, a little discretion, if you would, Master Bruce.
Bruce:Everybody's talking about it, Alfred.
I just want to know how it works.
So, does someone come to you and say "I want to rob a bank"?
Oswald:Now, Bruce, if I didn't know any better, I would think that you wanted me to implicate myself.
Bruce:Anything you say stays between us.
Oswald:First, let me ask...
you would be agreeable to the idea of licensed crime?
Bruce:If crime had been licensed and controlled three years ago, my parents would still be alive.
Oswald:Exactly so.
Well, between us, I have nothing to do with the licenses directly.
I provide the guidelines while Mr.Penn handles all of the details.
would you excuse me?
Alfred:Well done, sir.
Bruce:Thank you.
Now we know who has the list.
The next step is...



Alfred:Honestly, you two.
Why can't you just go to the cinema like normal teenagers?
Uh, Master Bruce, we got a bit of a...
bit of a situation downstairs.
Bruce:What sort of situation?
Alfred:Miss Kyle.



Oswald:For the past three months, I have given this city a tranquility it has never known.
Now I would like to ensure that peace for the future.
In the weeks to come, you will hear whispers about what's happening in the streets of Gotham.
All you need to know is without me...
this is what you get.
Men who want to bring fear back to our city, who promise a return to the old days.
tell your families, tell your friends, it is Oswald Cobblepot who keeps them safe, not the GCPD.
You're welcome!
Bruce:I have my things in the car.
We can stop them in the parking garage.
Alfred:Absolutely not, Master Bruce.
Bruce:Alfred, Penguin is gonna take those men out and kill them.
Alfred:Undoubtedly so...
but as you said before, you can make a difference.
There is a time for masks, and there is a time for Bruce Wayne.
Oswald:What's going to be done to you...
I want to know what you're going to do with those men.
Oswald:You need not concern yourself with that.
Bruce:Are those men going to be turned over to the police?
Oswald:Earlier tonight, you thanked me for making the city safer.
Now, how do you think that happened?
I do the dirty work no one else will.
Bruce:I understand.
But I'm asking you, turn those men over to the police.
Oswald:You're young.
You have a good heart.


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