




Gotham S4EP2 The Fear Reaper

Alfred:Right, thank you very much, Officer.
Bruce:Alfred, you need to explain this was just a misunderstanding.
Worry not, Master Bruce, we have Wayne Enterprises' most talented and expensive lawyer on the case.
He'll have you out in a jiffy.
How'd they nick you, anyway?
Bruce:I fell through the skylight.
These thieves must have triggered an alarm.
The police were so quick to respond.
I wasn't expecting that, Alfred.
Alfred:Yeah, well, you could have broke your bloody neck.
Bruce:I had them red-handed.
If I could've only...
Alfred:Only what?
Only taken on an entire crew twice your size?
Bruce:Perhaps, yes.
Jim:Well, here's something you don't see every day.
Bruce Wayne behind bars.
Bruce:There's been a terrible mistake, Detective Gordon.
You see, I fell in from the roof into a robbery in progress.
I wasn't breaking in.
Jim:Is that so?
Why were you up on the roof?
Bruce:I was looking for Selina Kyle.
Jim:I see.
Uh, we will, of course, have our lawyer post bail, Detective Gordon.
Jim:I hardly think that's necessary.
We'll talk more about this, Bruce.
But not tonight.
Bruce:Thank you, Detective.
Alfred:Thank you.



Fox:Rough night, Bruce?
Get into a fight?
Alferd:No, he fell through a skylight.
He was on the rooftops, looking for Selina Kyle.
Bloody teenagers, eh?
But your clothes...
looks more like concrete and stone residue, though.
What were you doing before that?
Alfred:Rock climbing.
Fox:Rock climbing.
Alfred:Yes, we were rock climbing.
Bruce:Alfred's been teaching me.
At the rock faces in...
the south gardens.
Alfred:Taken to it like a duck to water, he has.
But we've got to plod on, Mr.Fox.
Fox:Of course.
Sorry to have kept you.
Be careful on those rocks, Bruce.
It's a dangerous sport.
Alfred:We will, Mr.Fox.
We will.



Bruce:I don't want to hear it, Alfred.
I'm going back out there.
I'm not gonna let this trail go cold.
Alfred:Far be it from me to stop you, Master Bruce.
Bruce:You're not coming?
Alfred:No, sir.
Bruce:And why not?
Alfred:Because, as last night proved, you...
are simply not ready.
Yeah, you can chuck a punch, you can block one.
You're quick on your toes, I'll give you that.
What if they got gun, Master Bruce?
Bruce:Out there, Alfred, I feel more alive than I've ever felt before.
Do you understand that?
Alfred:And that is precisely why I am not stopping you, sir.
But you'll excuse me if I don't want to stand by and watch you get shot.



Alfred:Now, I hate to tell you I told you so, Master Bruce.
Up you get.
You got to leave.



Alfred:You could have been killed!
Bruce:But I wasn't.
Alfred:That's 'cause I followed you.
Bruce:I had it under control.
Alfred:How am I supposed to support you if you refuse to accept the realities of the situation?
Bruce:Alfred, the realities of the situation...
Fox:Bad time?
Not at all.
Please come in.
Fox:Forgive me.
I should have called, but...
Well, I just couldn't stop thinking about our last chat.
Wayne Enterprises were developing a durable material for millitary uniforms when I worked there.
It is a thin Kevlar weave with reinforced forearm protection.
The gloves have a faceted grip design to help you cling to any surface.
The whole uniform is extremely lightweight, and actually, bulletproof to impacts from 10 feet or more.
You know, for rock climbing.
Oh, and long distance radio communicators.
In case you two wish to talk to each other whilst climbing rock.
Well, I will not keep you.
I just didn't want to see you get hurt again, Mr.Wayne.
Bruce:Thank you, Mr.Fox.
I feel safer already.



Alfred:Ooh, that's a lovely leap, Master Bruce; positively gazelle-like.
Bruce:It's so lightweight, it's like I'm wearing nothing at all.
Alfred:Yeah, well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Remember to keep your face covered at all times.
Try wearing that mask I made you.

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