




Gotham S4EP3 They Who Hide Behind Masks

Bruce:Alfred, you read?
Alfred:Loud and clear, Master Bruce.
Bruce:Looks like the rumors around town are true.
Penguin's bringing in a big shipment.
Whatever it is, it must be valuable.
He's got four armed men loading it onto a truck.
I'm gonna go down for a closer look.
Alfred:How did I know you were gonna say that, then?
Bruce:I'm wearing bulletproof armor, remember?
Lucius Fox's armor was bulletproof.
My mask...
is not.
Bruce:Don't get shot in the face?
Got it.
Alfred:Do I detect a note of sarcasm, Master Bruce?
Bruce:Hold on.
I just picked up a thief heading toward the truck.
Alfred:Thieves stealing from thieves is a victimless crime, Master Bruce.
You just walk away now.
Bruce:They're walking into a trap.
Alfred:Master Bruce, I'm all for you protecting the innocent, but I won't have you risking your life over a thief.
Now walk away.
Master Bruce?
Master Bruce?



Bruce:You sure you know what you're doing?
You're mad because I didn't listen to you, Alfred.
Alfred:You're damn bloody right I am, yeah.
Bruce:You're right.
I let my guard down.
It won't happen again.
Alfred:All right, there we go.
Might leave a little bit of a scar.
Bruce:Thanks, Alfred.
Alfred:All right.
Oh, no, wh-where do you think you're going?
Bruce:To the docks.
I'm sure there's a manifest on the freighter.
Whatever's in that crate must be important if the thief was willing to steal it from the Penguin.
I want to know what it is.
Alfred:Right, so being shot wasn't enough, was it?
You got to let this slide, Master B.
Bruce:There's more to this, Alfred.
I can feel it.
This is my chance to investigate a real crime, stop it before it becomes something bigger.
But just don't go charging around in broad daylight with that bloody mask on.
It'd be like having a socking great bull's-eye on your back, all right?
Bruce:So how do you suggest I get onto the ship?
Alfred:There are other kinds of masks you can wear, Master Bruce.



Man:Here's a little advice.
If you're gonna play the part of a street kid, learn how to talk like one.
Alfred:Hey, Andy!
Get over here.
What did I tell you about bothering me at work?
Sorry, fellas.
You're right, though.
The boy's acting does need some work, doesn't it?
You see, improvisation, Master Bruce, is a very important weapon in any actor's tool kit.
Should we go?



Bruce:The Knife was used to embalm King Balahsi.
According to this, he ruled ancient Mesopotamia for the first century.
Alfred:And what thief in Gotham would want a Knife like that?
Bruce:That's a good question.
According to the manifest, the shipment was full of jewels and expensive art, yet our thief went for the item with the least intrinsic value.
Alfred:Well, that tells me she was a gun for hire.
But who hired her?
Bruce:I think I just found the answer.
Alfred, look.
This drawing depicts a man being healed by water.
Look at his eyes.
His face.
Who does that remind you of?
Alfred:That's impossible.
I mean, this-this drawing is 2,000 years old, Master...
Bruce:I know.
That's him.
That's Ra's al Ghul.
He wants the Knife.



Alfred:All right, Master Bruce, let's go over the plan again.
Bruce:It's simple.
I show up at the auction and buy the Knife.
Should be easy enough; I am a billionaire.
Alfred:And a very public one at that.
Turning up at the Penguin's black market auction's certainly going to raise a few eyebrows, isn't it?
Bruce:You're the one that said that bidding on it was the smarter play.
Alfred:That I did, but I didn't mean as going as yourself, did I?
What do think the idea was of going down to the docks, pretending to be someone else?
I was trying to teach you a lesson.
Now, if you're going to continue down this vigilante path, Master Bruce, you've got to learn how to assume...
other roles.
Play the role that you were born to play.
That of a privileged, somewhat...
pedantic teenager with deeper pockets than anybody else in this city.
Bruce:You mean behave like a spoiled brat.
Alfred:It goes against everything that your beautiful parents tried to ingrain in you.
But yes...
Bruce:Bruce Wayne...
billionaire brat.



Man:$250,000 going once, twice...
sold to Mr.Bruce Wayne.
That's what I'm talkin' about.
I love art.
I love it, yeah!
I'm gonna put it in my, uh, in my bathroom.
Alfred:Steady on, Master Bruce.
Let's not overplay our hand, shall we?
Bruce:I must admit, this is fun.
Alfred:And try to exercise a modicum of financial restraint.
Technically, you are the richest man in the room, but let's not try and buy absolutely everything, shall we?
Bruce:True, but if I only bid on the Knife everyone's been trying to steal from Penguin, it might draw his suspicion.
If I go on a spending spree, recklessly throwing my money around, he won't think twice.
When'd you think of that?
Bruce:Improvisation, Alfred.
It's a weapon in any actor's tool kit.
Alfred:Oh, heads up.
Here we go.
Bruce:Oswald, my friend!
Oswald:Bruce Wayne, what a lovely surprise.
You certainly are getting out quite a lot these days, aren't you?
Bruce:The way I see it, everyone else in this town is having fun.
Why shouldn't I?
Oswald:I agree!
You and your insanely large bank account are more than welcome here.
Bruce:Barbara Kean.
I thought she died.
Oswald:Unfortunately, nobody stays dead in this town.
Excuse me.
Alfred:You do realize, don't you, Master Bruce, that if you actually win, Ra's al Ghul will come after the Knife.
Bruce:Let him.
Man:The next item up for auction is an embalming Knife from the tomb of King Balahsi of Sumeria.
Opening bid will begin at $50,000.
Barbara:A hundred thousand dollars.
Bruce:What does she want with it?
Alfred:I have no idea.
Stay focused.
Man:$100,000 to Ms.Kean.
Do I hear one...
Bruce:One hundred thousand and one dollar.
Man:Actually, Mr.Wayne, the bidding amounts are in $50,000...
We have $200,000.
Bruce:Two hundred thousand and one dollar.
How about you let someone else have some fun?
No problem.
I'm sorry about that.
Man:Very well.
Three hundred...
Bruce:$300,000 and one cent.
Now back off, you little brat.
Bruce:Wow, Ms.Kean.
That's a lot of money.
For someone like you.
$2 million!
Oswald:Sold to Mr.Bruce Wayne.
Barbara:Congratulations, Bruce.
Bruce:Thank you.
Oswald:I do love seeing that woman lose.
But a little piece of friendly advice.
Barbara Kean does not give up easily.
She'll be coming for that Knife.
I would just, uh, keep a close eye on it if I were you.
Alfred:Well, there's a new wrinkle, isn't it?


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