




Gotham S4EP4 The Demon's Head

Niles: Mmm...
And you bought this at auction?
Bruce:Supposedly, it was the embalming Knife of the first century Mesopotamian king.
And what is it that you want of me, Mr.Wayne?
Bruce:Anything you can tell me, Dr.Winthrop.
I want to know exactly what it is I bought.
Alfred:Perhaps you should have considered that before you dropped $2 million on it, shouldn't you?
Niles:Leave it with me overnight.
Alex:I'm back.
Man, you really need to clean that room.
Niles:My delightful grandson.
I have access to the very clean historical records room at Gotham Central Library, and he uses it for his homework.
Oh, Alex, let me introduce you.
Mr.Bruce Wayne and his guardian, Alfred Pennyworth.
Alex: What's up?
Where'd that come from?
That cuneiform is definitely pre-Phoenician.
Niles:Alex is an avid student of history, and sometimes assists me.
Alfred:A word, Master Bruce.
Now, it's all very well involving that old geezer, but a young man?
Just you remember who's after that Knife.
Bruce: What's so important about it that Ra's al Ghul wants it so badly?
We need to know.
I have to ask you to keep this matter between us.
Niles:Of course.
I mean...
yes, Mr.Wayne.
Bruce:I'll check back tomorrow.
Until then.



Alfred:Where the bloody hell is Gordon!
Harper: Gordon.
Where the hell is Bruce?
Alfred:Wait, wait, wait!
Jim:Back off!
Alfred:Take your hands off of me.
You don't know what you got in there!
Jim:I'm starting to, but you are not helping.
I need you to calm down.
Let me finish talking to him.
Harper: Gordon.
Jim:Not now.
Alfred:He's bloody vanished.
Jim:He knows we don't have the Knife.
We have to find Bruce.



Jim:The Nanda Parbat consulate's giving us the runaround, and we can't get in there without a warrant.
Bruce still hasn't called you?
And what the bloody hell were you doing letting him tag along with some murder investigation in the first place, eh?
You do not get to lecture me about a lack of honesty and openness.
You and Bruce have been up to something for weeks.
What have you two gotten yourselves into?
Damn it, Alfred.
I'm on your side.
Alfred:Well, that may be, mate, but whatever Master Bruce decides to tell you is his decision, isn't it?
Jim:You are his guardian.
You are allowed to violate his privacy if it is gonna keep him out of danger.
Alfred:Stick to the point.
What are you doing to find my boy?
Jim:What can I do?
I have every cop in the city on alert, but as long as Ra's al Ghul thinks he has that Knife, his life is in danger.
Alfred:Yeah, right, and what about the other boy?
Did he tell you where he put the Knife?
But I have to assume Bruce is taking him to get it.
Well, there's got to be a clue or something inside here.
Jim:You stay here.
Jim:The access I gave you depended on trust.
If you can't be honest with me, there's nothing I can do.
If Mr.Pennyworth tries to leave, arrest him.
Alfred:On what charge?
Jim:She'll think of something.



Jim:Ra's al Ghul is on his way to Blackgate.
And we made contact with Alex's parents.
It's gonna take them a couple days to get home.
Ra's is a psychopath.
You're not responsible for his actions.
I want to help.
But everything you've said so far...
Alfred dying and coming back to life, magical waters...
Give me something I can believe.
Alfred:Perhaps now you understand why we held back.
Bruce:It doesn't matter what you say, Detective.
This is all my fault.
Alex is dead because of me.
I killed him.

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