




Gotham S4EP5 The Blade's Path

Alfred:Master Bruce.
No sleep?
Once more, about that boy's death...
Bruce:Don't say it's not my fault.
It is my fault.
Alex is dead because I hesitated.
Alfred:Well, perhaps you did, but that doesn't make you his murder, does it?
Ra's killed that innocent little boy, and he's gonna pay for it.
Bruce:You really think locking him up in Blackgate will stop him?
He still wants this dagger.
Alfred:Stop going on about the bloody dagger, will you?
Just so we can just get some breakfast.
Bruce:I think I finally found something in Dr.Winthrop's notes.
There's a description on the handle that Dr.Winthrop was able to decipher.
Says the Knife is intended for the one who has bathed in the healing waters.
Well, assuming that's not me, that must be our boy Ra's.
Bruce:But that doesn't have to mean it's for him to use.
Perhaps it's to be used against him.
Alfred:I see.
You clearly don't.
Alfred:What you're suggesting is that Knife and that Knife alone is the only thing capable of doing him in.
Bruce:If Ra's al Ghul believes this Knife will kill him, that could explain why he wants it so badly.
Alfred:So he can destroy it.
Bruce:Before someone fulfills the prophecy.
Alfred:Master Bruce, I know that you feel bad about Alex.
We all do.
But at this point, you must remember your vow.
Bruce:No killing.
Alfred:No killing.
Taking a life, never mind how justified, will lead you down a darker path than you could ever possibly imagine.
I know.
I've been down it.
You understand me, Master Bruce?
Bruce:I understand.
Let's get yourself ready.
Chop, chop.



Alfred:I'll just be a moment, Master Bruce.
Diplomatic immunity?
You are joking, aren't you?
Jim:The Nanda Parbat embassy filed papers to have him extradited.
Could happen this week.
Alfred:That monster killed a child.
Jim:I know.
I was there.
I am telling you this as a courtesy.
Jim:But the news will get out.
When it does, I need you to watch Bruce.
I'm worried about him.
Alfred:And you blame me?
Jim:You're his guardian, aren't you?
You're supposed to protect him, and instead you've been placing him in harm's way.
Alfred:Oh, I see.
So that's what rankles, is it?
Keeping you in the dark.
Well, if I was you, I'd focus on your own job, Detective, which is keeping Ra's al Ghul behind bars, tucked up.
Jim:Just keep the news away from Bruce as long as you can.
Alfred:On that, we agree, Detective.
The boy's been through enough.



Bruce is gone.
Alfred:You've got to get me into Blackgate.
Jim:What are you talking about?
Alfred:When we got back from the wake, he said he was gonna go straight to bed, but he must've snuck out between then and now.
My concern is that he's taken the Knife...
and he's gonna try and kill Ra's al Ghul.
Jim:You're serious?
Alfred:Yes, I'm bloody serious.
We've got to go to Blackgate now.
And then you can tell me the many ways I've failed the child, all right?
Jim:Oh, I will.
Alfred:Listen to me.
The boy is on the verge of doing something that there's no coming back from.
He needs our help.
Let's go.



Man:We got your call, but...
I checked the logs...
Bruce Wayne hasn't been here.
Alfred:With all due respect, I don't think he'd come as a regular visitor.
He's a billionaire, after all.
Jim:I think what Mr.Pennyworth is trying to say is Bruce Wayne could have paid someone to get him in here.
No offense.
We just want to look around.
Whatever you want.
But you came all the way here for nothing.
And we're gonna need your weapon.
Standard procedure.
Jim:Of course.
Alfred:That's absolutely it.
Unless you want to check my undercrackers.
Man:This way.



Jim:How long have you worked here?
Man:Two years, thereabouts.
jim:I was in Blackgate for a time.
We must not have overlapped.
As a guard?
Jim:As a prisoner.
Man:Oh, yeah.
Heard about that.
Jim:Is there a reason why you're not taking us through maximum security?
Man:Prisoners are in the yard this time of day.
Been some changes since you were here.
Jim:"McCloskey." That's funny.
I know another J.McCloskey who works here.
Man2:My cousin.
Gets confusing sometimes.
Jim:All right, let's go.
Through this door.
Alfred:I got to say, mate, I really love what you've done with the old place.
However, I've got a question for you.
Alfred:Where are the real guards?
Where is Bruce Wayne?
Man:Ra's al Ghul has plans for the boy.
Alfred:Where is he?!
Man:You'll never find him.
Alfred:Oh, you underestimate my resolve, pal.
Jim:Well, at least we know Bruce is here.
Alfred:Well, we've walked the floor.
Where could he be?
Jim:There's the yard, the tower...
but they're too public.
There's a sub-basement, accessible by the service elevator.
Alfred:Which way?



Alfred:What are you doing?
Bruce:You said it yourself.
It's over.
Can't let you do that, Master Bruce.
Alfred:Listen, we started this vigilante caper to prepare for Ra's' return, didn't we?
But it's become so much bigger than that.
I see that now.
I mean, I was wrong and you were right.
You can make a difference.
Bruce:I'm not the hero Gotham needs.
I made that decision the moment I killed Ra's al Ghul.
I took the dark path.
Alfred:Yes, you did.
And it's gonna be a long, bumpy journey back.
But I believe in you, Master Bruce.
I always have, and I...
I always will.
Now, I understand that you don't feel worthy now.
But when you do, this...
...this will be waiting for you.
As will I, sir.

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