




Gotham S4EP9 Let Them Eat Pie

Bruce:Where's breakfast?
Alfred:Breakfast was produced and consumed by yours truly at breakfast time.
It is now fast approaching luncheon, Master Bruce.
Bruce:Whatever, just give me a coffee.
Alfred:Enjoying the benefits of another night out on the tiles with Tommy Elliot and his band of miscreants, are we?
How absolutely delightful.
I know what you're going through, you know, Master Bruce.
I went out with my friends.
I'm hungover.
Doesn't take a genius to figure it out.
Alfred:You're lost is what you are.
I've seen that countless times...
young men, going off to war with a clear purpose, only to return home to a normal life, unable to assimilate.
Confused, angry.
And they make a complete tosh of it.
Bruce:I don't really care.
Alfred:You killed Ra's al Ghul.
Vengeance for your parents' death has been your driving force for so long.
You are completely lost without it.
Bruce:I need to call Tommy.
Alfred:Have you forgotten what day it is today?
Bruce:Give me my phone.
Alfred:You have, ain't you?
Bruce:Today is the day my father took me camping and we put a rock on top of Mount Bristol.
We did it every year.
Now give me my phone.
Alfred:You are Bruce Wayne, son of Thomas Wayne.
And the sooner you start remembering that, the better.
So, you drink your coffee.
You go upstairs, you put your kit on, 'cause you and I...
...are going for a walk.


Alfred:Right, well, it's a lovely day for it.
Best foot forward.



Alfred:I've made us a delicious brown English stew with herb dumplings, Master Bruce.
Your father used to love it when I made stew.
Did I ever tell you how I met your old man?
Bruce:In London.
He was doing postgrad work there.
He told me.
Alfred:Yeah, but no details.
Well, I was just out the army, two months.
Don't remember any of it.
All a bit of a blur, really...
booze, drugs, brawling.
A sucking great black cloud.
One day, I wake up and I'm lying in this alley, and I'm covered in blood...
don't know how.
So I picked myself up, I took myself straight down to the police station, turned myself in, hoping that they would chuck me into the big house and throw away the key.
And they told me to shut up, sit down and wait.
And there was this really annoying Yank wandering about, dressed like he was ready for a game of tennis, and it was your dad.
Anyway, he bowls up to me, asks me what I done.
Asking me questions.
Eventually, you know, I found myself telling him stuff that I was too frightened even to think about.
But I guess it'd just been building.
Anyway, that point, the desk sergeant called him over, and your dad turned around to me and he said, "Alfred, last night, I was being attacked in that alley, "And you started fighting this geezer.
I headed on my toes, and I ran away." And I said, "Yeah, but that's not what happened, is it, Thomas?" And he says, "It is now." Your father saved my life.
His friendship saved me.
You see, I know what it's all like, being lonely.
Hoping that the world will punish you.
I can help you.
Bruce:Alfred, I hear you.
I just don't want to talk about this right now.
Alfred:All right.
Well, this looks lovely.
Bruce:The rocks are gone.
They must've fell out in the car.
Alfred:Oh, the keys are in the bag, just there.



Bruce:Hey, Alfred!
How was your walk?
Alfred:Everybody out now.
Bruce:Nobody move.
This is not your house.
If I want my friends to stay, they're staying.
Alfred:Like hell they are.
Tommy:Dude, your butler is a little out of line.
Have you been hitting the sherry, Jeeves?
Alfred:You have no idea what extreme danger you are now in, son.
If I was you, I would walk away.
Tommy:Yeah, whatever.
Meet us at the club.
Come on.
Driver will take us.
‭...you've certainly shown a new side of yourself today, - haven't you, Master Bruce?
Bruce:Save it, Alfred.
You tell me a story about you and my dad, and I'm supposed to get all weepy?
You don't know what I'm going through.
You and I are nothing alike.
Alfred:Then talk to me.
Let me know how I can help you.
Bruce:You can't.
Like you said, I did what I did.
I killed Ra's.
I avenged my parents' death, and guess what.
Nothing changed.
It made no difference.
So then what did I do it for?
How can you help that?
Alfred:I can help with the way that you're feeling.
But you need to talk to me.
You have to face up to who you really are.
Bruce:Stop telling me who I am.
I know who I am.
And if you really want to help me, you can stop trying to be my father, and you can be my butler.
Clean this place up.

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